Beispiel #1
  * ReadLink event triggered by FUSE.
  * @param pid PID of the triggering process.
  * @param iotime IO time of the operation.
  * @param path Path indicating target file.
 public void readlink(int pid, int iotime, String path) {
   path = sanitizePath(path);
   // Create the file artifact and populate the annotations with file information.
   long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
   File linkFile = createLinkVertex(path);
   Used edge = new Used((Program) localCache.get(Integer.toString(pid)), linkFile);
   edge.addAnnotation("endtime", Long.toString(now));
   edge.addAnnotation("operation", "readlink");
   // If the given path represents a link, then perform the same operation on the
   // artifact to which the link points.
   if (links.containsKey(path)) {
     read(pid, iotime, links.get(path), 0);
Beispiel #2
  * Rename event triggered by FUSE.
  * @param pid PID of the triggering process.
  * @param iotime IO time of the operation.
  * @param pathfrom The source path.
  * @param pathto The destination path.
  * @param link An integer used to indicate whether the target was a link or not.
  * @param done An intiger used to indicate whether this event was triggered before or after the
  *     rename operation.
 public void rename(int pid, int iotime, String pathfrom, String pathto, int link, int done) {
   pathfrom = sanitizePath(pathfrom);
   pathto = sanitizePath(pathto);
   long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
   // 'done' is used to indicate whether this is a pre-rename or a post-rename
   // call. In pre-rename, a Used edge is created from the process to the old
   // file. In post-rename, a WasGeneratedBy edge is created from the process
   // to the new file and a WasDerivedEdge created between the two file
   // artifacts.
   if (done == 0) {
     // Create file artifact depending on whether this is a link or not.
     // Link artifacts are created differently to avoid recursion that may
     // cause FUSE to crash.
     File fileVertex = (link == 1) ? createLinkVertex(pathfrom) : createFileVertex(pathfrom);
     // Put the file artifact in the localCache to be removed on post-rename.
     localCache.put(pathfrom, fileVertex);
     Used edge = new Used((Program) localCache.get(Integer.toString(pid)), fileVertex);
     edge.addAnnotation("endtime", Long.toString(now));
   } else {
     // Create file artifact depending on whether this is a link or not.
     // Link artifacts are created differently to avoid recursion that may
     // cause FUSE to crash.
     File fileVertex = (link == 1 ? createLinkVertex(pathto) : createFileVertex(pathto));
     WasGeneratedBy writeEdge =
         new WasGeneratedBy(fileVertex, (Program) localCache.get(Integer.toString(pid)));
     writeEdge.addAnnotation("endtime", Long.toString(now));
     WasDerivedFrom renameEdge =
         new WasDerivedFrom(fileVertex, (File) localCache.remove(pathfrom));
     renameEdge.addAnnotation("iotime", Integer.toString(iotime));
     renameEdge.addAnnotation("endtime", Long.toString(now));
     renameEdge.addAnnotation("operation", "rename");
     if (links.containsKey(pathfrom)) {
       // If the rename is on a link then update the link name.
       String linkedLocation = links.get(pathfrom);
       links.put(pathto, linkedLocation);
Beispiel #3
  * Read event triggered by FUSE.
  * @param pid PID of the triggering process.
  * @param iotime IO time of the operation.
  * @param path Path indicating target file.
  * @param link An integer used to indicate whether the target was a link or not.
 public void read(int pid, int iotime, String path, int link) {
   path = sanitizePath(path);
   long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
   // Create file artifact depending on whether this is a link or not.
   // Link artifacts are created differently to avoid recursion that may
   // cause FUSE to crash.
   File fileVertex = (link == 1) ? createLinkVertex(path) : createFileVertex(path);
   Used edge = new Used((Program) localCache.get(Integer.toString(pid)), fileVertex);
   edge.addAnnotation("iotime", Integer.toString(iotime));
   edge.addAnnotation("endtime", Long.toString(now));
   // If the given path represents a link, then perform the same operation on the
   // artifact to which the link points.
   if (link == 1 && links.containsKey(path)) {
     read(pid, iotime, links.get(path), 0);