   * @param garFile GAR file.
   * @param hasDescr Whether GAR file has descriptor.
   * @throws IOException If GAR file is not found.
   * @return Whether GAR file structure is correct.
  private boolean checkStructure(File garFile, boolean hasDescr) throws IOException {
    ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(garFile);

    String descr = "META-INF/ignite.xml";

    ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(descr);

    if (entry == null && !hasDescr) {
      if (log().isInfoEnabled()) {
                "Process deployment without descriptor file [path="
                    + descr
                    + ", file="
                    + garFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + ']');

      return true;
    } else if (entry != null && hasDescr) {
      InputStream in = null;

      try {
        in = new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(entry));

        return true;
      } finally {
        U.close(in, log());
    } else return false;
   * Read block from file.
   * @param file - File to read.
   * @param off - Marker position in file to start read from if {@code -1} read last blockSz bytes.
   * @param blockSz - Maximum number of chars to read.
   * @param lastModified - File last modification time.
   * @return Read file block.
   * @throws IOException In case of error.
  public static VisorFileBlock readBlock(File file, long off, int blockSz, long lastModified)
      throws IOException {
    RandomAccessFile raf = null;

    try {
      long fSz = file.length();
      long fLastModified = file.lastModified();

      long pos = off >= 0 ? off : Math.max(fSz - blockSz, 0);

      // Try read more that file length.
      if (fLastModified == lastModified && fSz != 0 && pos >= fSz)
        throw new IOException(
            "Trying to read file block with wrong offset: " + pos + " while file size: " + fSz);

      if (fSz == 0)
        return new VisorFileBlock(file.getPath(), pos, fLastModified, 0, false, EMPTY_FILE_BUF);
      else {
        int toRead = Math.min(blockSz, (int) (fSz - pos));

        byte[] buf = new byte[toRead];

        raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");


        int cntRead = raf.read(buf, 0, toRead);

        if (cntRead != toRead)
          throw new IOException(
              "Count of requested and actually read bytes does not match [cntRead="
                  + cntRead
                  + ", toRead="
                  + toRead
                  + ']');

        boolean zipped = buf.length > 512;

        return new VisorFileBlock(
            file.getPath(), pos, fSz, fLastModified, zipped, zipped ? zipBytes(buf) : buf);
    } finally {
      U.close(raf, null);
   * Converts given input stream expecting XML inside to {@link GridUriDeploymentSpringDocument}.
   * <p>This is a workaround for the {@link InputStreamResource} which does not work properly.
   * @param in Input stream with XML.
   * @param log Logger
   * @return Grid wrapper for the input stream.
   * @throws GridSpiException Thrown if incoming input stream could not be read or parsed by {@code
   *     Spring} {@link XmlBeanFactory}.
   * @see XmlBeanFactory
  static GridUriDeploymentSpringDocument parseTasksDocument(InputStream in, GridLogger log)
      throws GridSpiException {
    assert in != null;

    // Note: use ByteArrayResource instead of InputStreamResource because InputStreamResource
    // doesn't work.
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    try {
      U.copy(in, out);

      XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new ByteArrayResource(out.toByteArray()));

      return new GridUriDeploymentSpringDocument(factory);
    } catch (BeansException e) {
      throw new GridSpiException("Failed to parse spring XML file.", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new GridSpiException("Failed to parse spring XML file.", e);
    } finally {
      U.close(out, log);
   * Checks availability of a classpath resource.
   * @param name Resource name.
   * @return {@code true} if resource is available and ready for read, {@code false} otherwise.
  private boolean resourceAvailable(String name) {
    InputStream cfgStream =

    if (cfgStream == null) {
      log.error("Classpath resource not found: " + name);

      return false;

    try {
      // Read a single byte to force actual content access by JVM.

      return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failed to read classpath resource: " + name, e);

      return false;
    } finally {
      U.close(cfgStream, log);
  /** Clears values for this partition. */
  private void clearAll() {
    GridCacheVersion clearVer = cctx.versions().next();

    boolean swap = cctx.isSwapOrOffheapEnabled();

    boolean rec = cctx.events().isRecordable(EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_OBJECT_UNLOADED);

    Iterator<GridDhtCacheEntry> it = map.values().iterator();

    GridCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<byte[], GridCacheSwapEntry>> swapIt = null;

    if (swap
        && GridQueryProcessor.isEnabled(cctx.config())) { // Indexing needs to unswap cache values.
      Iterator<GridDhtCacheEntry> unswapIt = null;

      try {
        swapIt = cctx.swap().iterator(id);
        unswapIt = unswapIterator(swapIt);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        U.error(log, "Failed to clear swap for evicted partition: " + this, e);

      if (unswapIt != null) it = F.concat(it, unswapIt);

    try {
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        GridDhtCacheEntry cached = it.next();

        try {
          if (cached.clearInternal(clearVer, swap)) {
            map.remove(cached.key(), cached);

            if (!cached.isInternal()) {

              if (rec)
                        (IgniteUuid) null,
        } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
          U.error(log, "Failed to clear cache entry for evicted partition: " + cached, e);
    } finally {
      U.close(swapIt, log);