 public void checkCompatibility(MappedFieldType other, List<String> conflicts, boolean strict) {
   super.checkCompatibility(other, conflicts, strict);
   TypeFieldType otherType = (TypeFieldType) other;
   if (strict) {
     if (fielddata() != otherType.fielddata()) {
           "mapper ["
               + name()
               + "] is used by multiple types. Set update_all_types to true to update [fielddata] "
               + "across all types.");
 private static MappedFieldType defaultFieldType(Settings indexSettings) {
   MappedFieldType defaultFieldType = Defaults.FIELD_TYPE.clone();
   Version indexCreated = Version.indexCreated(indexSettings);
   if (indexCreated.before(Version.V_2_1_0)) {
     // enables fielddata loading, doc values was disabled on _type between 2.0 and 2.1.
     ((TypeFieldType) defaultFieldType).setFielddata(true);
   } else {
   return defaultFieldType;