Beispiel #1
 static TransportProvider getProvider() {
   String providerStr = System.getProperty("fhb.http.provider", "apache3").toUpperCase();
   for (TransportProvider provider : TransportProvider.values()) {
     if ( return provider;
   // Default is APACHE3
   return APACHE3;
Beispiel #2
    private String createDefinition(Object runConfigNode) throws Exception {
      Element benchDefNode =
          (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:benchmarkDefinition", runConfigNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

      if (benchDefNode == null) {
        return null;

      String definingClassName = xp.evaluate("fd:driverConfig/@name", runConfigNode);

      // Get the cycleTime annotation
      Element driverConfigNode =
          (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:driverConfig", runConfigNode, XPathConstants.NODE);
      String requestLagTime = getRequestLagTime(driverConfigNode);

       * Load the template from file Template file is small, but is there a better way to read this?
      String line = null;
      BufferedReader br = null;
      InputStream is = null;

      try {
        ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
        is = cl.getResourceAsStream("driver_template");
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // what to do?
        throw new ConfigurationException(ex);

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        if (!line.equals("\n")) {

      String template = sb.toString();


      // Obtain the provider.
      TransportProvider provider = TransportProvider.getProvider();

       * Get the operation token out of the template. Use this to create multiple
       * operations/functions that will replace the token in the java file
      String opTemplate =
          template.substring((template.indexOf("#operation") + 10), template.indexOf("operation#"));
      StringBuilder operations = new StringBuilder();

      Element operationNode = null;
      int i = 1;

      while ((operationNode =
                      ("fd:driverConfig/fd:operation[" + i + "]"),
          != null) {

         * There are many different options here. First, the operation
         * is either POST or GET. In either case, the subst element
         * indicates whether or not random strings are present in the
         * payload data (for backward compatibility, it is assumed
         * that random data is present).
         * For POST, we can read the data from a file, and we can
         * encode the data as form-encoded or binary (octet-stream)
        boolean isPost = false;
        boolean isBinary = false;
        boolean isFile = false;
        boolean doSubst = true;

        String requestLagTimeOverride = getRequestLagTime(operationNode);
        String operationName = xp.evaluate("fd:name", operationNode);
        String url = xp.evaluate("fd:url", operationNode);
        String max90th = xp.evaluate("fd:max90th", operationNode);
        String kbps = xp.evaluate("fd:kbps", operationNode);
        String accept = xp.evaluate("fd:accept", operationNode);

        String requestString = "";

        Element requestNode = (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:get", operationNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

        if (requestNode == null) {
          // Can't have both post & get either, but if both are there,
          // will assume you meant GET.

          requestNode = (Element) xp.evaluate("fd:post", operationNode, XPathConstants.NODE);

          if (requestNode != null) {
            isPost = true;
            if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "file"))) {
              isFile = true;
            if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "binary"))) {
              isBinary = true;
          } else {
            throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> " + "must have a either a get/post");
          // Can't have both post & get either, but if there,
          // will assume you meant GET.
        if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(requestNode.getAttributeNS(null, "subst"))) {
          doSubst = false;
        if (isBinary && doSubst) {
          throw new ConfigurationException(
              "<operation> " + "cannot be both binary and perform substitution");
        requestString = requestNode.getNodeValue();
        if (requestString == null) {
          CDATASection cDataNode = (CDATASection) requestNode.getFirstChild();
          if (cDataNode != null) {
            requestString = cDataNode.getNodeValue();
        if (requestString == null) {
          requestString = "";

        if (requestLagTimeOverride == null) {
          requestLagTimeOverride = "";
        if (operationName == null) {
          throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> must have a <name> ");
        if (url == null) {
          throw new ConfigurationException("<operation> must have a <url>");

        RunInfoDefinition rid;
        if (isPost) {
          if (isFile) {
            rid = new RunInfoPostFileDefinition();
          } else {
            rid = new RunInfoPostDataDefinition();
        } else {
          rid = new RunInfoGetDefinition();
        rid.init(doSubst, isBinary, url, requestString, kbps, accept);

        // Create the benchmark Operation annotation
        StringBuilder bmop =
            new StringBuilder("@BenchmarkOperation(name = \"").append(operationName);
        bmop.append("\", percentileLimits={ ")
            .append(", ")
            .append(", ")
            .append("}, ");
        if (provider == TransportProvider.SUN && url.startsWith("https"))
          bmop.append("timing = com.sun.faban.driver.Timing.MANUAL");
        else bmop.append("timing = com.sun.faban.driver.Timing.AUTO");

        String opTemplateClone = new String(opTemplate);
        // replace tokens with actual content
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@RequestLagTime@", requestLagTimeOverride);
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@Operations@", bmop.toString());
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@operationName@", operationName);
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@url@", rid.getURL(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@postRequest@", rid.getPostRequest(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@Statics@", rid.getStatics(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doKbps@", rid.getKbps(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doHeaders@", rid.getHeaders(i));
        opTemplateClone = opTemplateClone.replaceAll("@doTiming@", rid.doTiming(i, provider));



      String benchmarkDef = getBenchmarkDefinition(benchDefNode);

      // replace tokens in template
      template = template.replaceFirst("#operation(.*\\n*)*operation#", operations.toString());
      template = template.replaceFirst("@RequestLagTime@", requestLagTime);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@BenchmarkDefinition@", benchmarkDef);
      template = template.replaceAll("@DriverClassName@", definingClassName);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@ProviderClass@", provider.providerClass);
      template = template.replaceFirst("@BenchmarkDriverName@", definingClassName);

      String tmpDir = System.getProperty("faban.tmpdir");

      if (tmpDir == null) {
        tmpDir = System.getProperty("");

      if (!tmpDir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
        tmpDir = tmpDir + File.separator;

      String className =
          new StringBuilder(tmpDir).append(definingClassName).append(".java").toString();

      try {
        // convert class name to filename?
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(className)));
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(ex);

      String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");

      String arg[] = new String[] {"-classpath", classpath, className};
      int errorCode =;

      if (errorCode != 0) {
        throw new ConfigurationException(
            "unable to compile generated driver file. " + "check output for errors");

      return definingClassName;