private RobotModel( String name, double heig, double widt, double ener, double g_co, double g_hd, double g_ht, double r_he, // radar heading double head, double velo, double x, double y) { // Some unchanging features of the robot = name; height = heig; width = widt; gun_cooling_rate = g_co; parent = null; // Initialize TimeCapsule and start tracking state = new TimeCapsule(this); tc.update(0, ener, g_hd, g_ht, head, velo, x, y); // Set up auxilary features = new MotionModel(this, new CircularMotion(current_history())); = new TargettingModel(this); // Generate random color for paint purposes Random r = new Random(); c = new Color((name.hashCode() + r.nextInt(16777215)) % (16777215)); }
public Object get(O obj, K key) { lock.readLock().lock(); try { // Checking if we have this object hashed HashMap<K, TimeCapsule> tMap = map.get(obj); if (tMap == null) { return null; } // Checking if that object has the given key TimeCapsule tc = tMap.get(key); if (tc == null) { return null; } // Checking if the entry has aged beyond its time if (timeout > 0 && tc.agedPast(timeout)) { return null; } return tc.obj; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } }
/** * This method will remove all entries that aged beyond the assigned timeout. As this method has a * linear complexity, don't call it <i>too</i> often. * * <p>This method is a O(1) no-op if no timeout is defined for this method. */ public void cull() { // Only do something if we actually have a timeout if (timeout <= 0) { return; } lock.writeLock().lock(); for (HashMap<K, TimeCapsule> tMap : map.values()) { if (tMap == null) { continue; } Iterator<TimeCapsule> iter = tMap.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { TimeCapsule tc =; if (tc == null) { continue; } if (tc.agedPast(timeout)) { iter.remove(); } } } lock.writeLock().unlock(); }
public void update(AdvancedRobot self) { if (self.getName().equals(name)) { tc.update( self.getTime(), self.getEnergy(), tm.predict_gun_heading(self, tc), tm.predict_gun_heat(self, tc), correct_angle(self.getHeadingRadians()), self.getVelocity(), self.getX(), self.getY()); mm.update(self); } }
public void update(ScannedRobotEvent sre, double self_h, double self_x, double self_y) { if (sre.getName().equals(name)) { tc.update( sre.getTime(), sre.getEnergy(), tm.predict_gun_heading(sre, tc), tm.predict_gun_heat(sre, tc), correct_angle(sre.getHeadingRadians()), sre.getVelocity(), getX(sre, self_h, self_x), getY(sre, self_h, self_y)); mm.update(sre); } }
public void update() { tc.update(); mm.update(); tm.update(); }