public synchronized void clearDebri(Room room, int taskCode) { Tick almostTock = null; TockClient C = null; ItemTicker I = null; Iterator<TockClient> roomSet; MOB mob = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; roomSet = almostTock.getLocalItems(taskCode, room); if (roomSet != null) for (; roomSet.hasNext(); ) { C = (TockClient); if (C.clientObject instanceof ItemTicker) { I = (ItemTicker) C.clientObject; almostTock.delTicker(C); I.setProperLocation(null); } else if (C.clientObject instanceof MOB) { mob = (MOB) C.clientObject; if ((mob.isMonster()) && (!room.isInhabitant(mob))) { mob.destroy(); almostTock.delTicker(C); } } } } }
public Tick getAvailTickThread(Tickable E, long TICK_TIME, int tickID) { Tick tock = null; Tick almostTock = null; ThreadGroup grp = null; char threadGroupNum = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getName().charAt(0); for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; if (almostTock != null) { if (almostTock.contains(E, tickID)) return null; if ((tock == null) && (almostTock.TICK_TIME == TICK_TIME) && (!almostTock.solitaryTicker) && (almostTock.numTickers() < TickableGroup.MAX_TICK_CLIENTS)) { grp = almostTock.getThreadGroup(); if ((grp != null) && (grp.getName().charAt(0) == threadGroupNum)) { tock = almostTock; } } } } if (tock != null) return tock; tock = new Tick(TICK_TIME); addTickGroup(tock); return tock; }
private final int add(long tick) { long[] ticks = _ticks; Buff[] buffs = _buffs; if (ticks == null || ticks.length == 0) { ticks = new long[OpenMap.CAPACITY]; buffs = new Buff[OpenMap.CAPACITY]; } else if (Debug.THREADS) Tick.checkSet(ticks); int hash = Tick.hashTick(tick); int index; while ((index = Tick.tryToAdd(ticks, tick, hash)) < 0) { long[] previousTicks = ticks; Buff[] previousBuffs = buffs; for (; ; ) { ticks = new long[ticks.length << OpenMap.TIMES_TWO_SHIFT]; buffs = new Buff[buffs.length << OpenMap.TIMES_TWO_SHIFT]; if (rehash(previousTicks, ticks, previousBuffs, buffs)) break; } } if (Debug.ENABLED) Tick.checkSet(ticks); _ticks = ticks; _buffs = buffs; return index; }
@Override void onKnown(URI uri, long[] ticks) { boolean all = false; long[] list = null; int count = 0; synchronized (this) { if (_ticks == null || _ticks.length == 0) all = true; else { for (int i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { if (!Tick.isNull(ticks[i])) { if (!Tick.contains(_ticks, ticks[i])) { if (list == null) list = new long[ticks.length]; list[count++] = ticks[i]; } } } } } if (all) { for (int i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) if (!Tick.isNull(ticks[i])) uri.getBlock(this, ticks[i]); } else if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) uri.getBlock(this, list[i]); } }
/** * fileReader builds a scene from a file * * @return sceneOfInput * @throws IOException */ public static Scene fileReader() throws IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // FileReader fr = new FileReader("file/LogManager-short.dat"); FileReader fr = new FileReader("file/LogManager-live-tool-2.dat"); // FileReader fr = new FileReader("file/LogManager-example.dat"); // FileReader fr = new FileReader("file/LogManager-long.dat"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = ""; List<Tick> tmpTickList = new ArrayList<Tick>(); /* * Read file, split lines into Type and Timestamp, generate Ticks */ while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split(";", -1); int tmpTimestamp = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); Tick tmpTick = new Tick(tmpTimestamp, parts[1], parts[2]); tmpTickList.add(tmpTick); } br.close(); /* * filtering out special hashmarks and adding their content to mark before */ int lastHashMark = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tmpTickList.size(); i++) { Tick currentTick = tmpTickList.get(i); if (currentTick.getType().compareTo("########") == 0) { lastHashMark = i; } else if (currentTick.getType().compareTo("#+#+#+#+") == 0) { if (lastHashMark == 0) { // if first mark is special hash tmpTickList.remove(i); // remove it } else { tmpTickList.remove(lastHashMark); // otherwise remove last normal hash currentTick.setType("########"); // and convert special to normal hash // thus adding special object to normal lastHashMark = i - 1; // set new hashmark } } } List<Sequence> sequenceList = structureCreator(tmpTickList); Sequence[] sequenceArray = new Sequence[sequenceList.size()]; sequenceArray = sequenceList.toArray(sequenceArray); Scene sceneFromInput = new Scene(sequenceArray); System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " milliseconds to read log"); return sceneFromInput; }
public String tickInfo(String which) { int grpstart = -1; for (int i = 0; i < which.length(); i++) if (Character.isDigit(which.charAt(i))) { grpstart = i; break; } if (which.equalsIgnoreCase("tickGroupSize")) return "" + ticks.size(); else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerssize")) { if (grpstart < 0) return ""; int group = CMath.s_int(which.substring(grpstart)); if ((group >= 0) && (group < ticks.size())) return "" + ((Tick) ticks.get(group)).numTickers(); return ""; } int group = -1; int client = -1; int clistart = which.indexOf("-"); if ((grpstart >= 0) && (clistart > grpstart)) { group = CMath.s_int(which.substring(grpstart, clistart)); client = CMath.s_int(which.substring(clistart + 1)); } if ((group < 0) || (client < 0) || (group >= ticks.size())) return ""; Tick almostTock = (Tick) ticks.get(group); if (client >= almostTock.numTickers()) return ""; TockClient C = almostTock.fetchTickerByIndex(client); if (C == null) return ""; if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickername")) { Tickable E = C.clientObject; if ((E instanceof Ability) && (E.ID().equals("ItemRejuv"))) E = ((Ability) E).affecting(); if (E instanceof Room) return E); if (E != null) return; return "!NULL!"; } else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerid")) return "" + C.tickID; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerstatus")) return ((C.clientObject == null) ? "" : ("" + C.clientObject.getTickStatus())); else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickercodeword")) return getTickStatusSummary(C.clientObject); else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickertickdown")) return "" + C.tickDown; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerretickdown")) return "" + C.reTickDown; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickermillitotal")) return "" + C.milliTotal; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickermilliavg")) { if (C.tickTotal == 0) return "0"; return "" + (C.milliTotal / C.tickTotal); } else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerlaststartmillis")) return "" + C.lastStart; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerlaststopmillis")) return "" + C.lastStop; else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerlaststartdate")) return CMLib.time().date2String(C.lastStart); else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerlaststopdate")) return CMLib.time().date2String(C.lastStop); else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickerlastduration")) { if (C.lastStop >= C.lastStart) return CMLib.english().returnTime(C.lastStop - C.lastStart, 0); return CMLib.english().returnTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - C.lastStart, 0); } else if (which.toLowerCase().startsWith("tickersuspended")) return "" + C.suspended; return ""; }
public void startTickDown(Tickable E, int tickID, long TICK_TIME, int numTicks) { Tick tock = getAvailTickThread(E, TICK_TIME, tickID); if (tock == null) return; TockClient client = new TockClient(E, numTicks, tickID); if ((tickID & 65536) == 65536) tock.solitaryTicker = true; tock.addTicker(client); }
public boolean isSuspended(Tickable E, int tickID) { Tick almostTock = null; Iterator set = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; set = almostTock.getTickSet(E, tickID); if (set.hasNext()) return ((TockClient); } return false; }
public boolean isTicking(Tickable E, int tickID) { Tick almostTock = null; Iterator set; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; set = almostTock.getTickSet(E, tickID); if (set.hasNext()) return true; } return false; }
public boolean deleteTick(Tickable E, int tickID) { Tick almostTock = null; Iterator set = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; set = almostTock.getTickSet(E, tickID); for (; set.hasNext(); ) almostTock.delTicker((TockClient); } return false; }
protected boolean suspendResumeTicking(Tickable E, int tickID, boolean suspend) { Tick almostTock = null; Iterator set = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; set = almostTock.getTickSet(E, tickID); for (; set.hasNext(); ) ((TockClient) = suspend; } return false; }
private final boolean rehash( long[] previousTicks, long[] ticks, Buff[] previousBuffs, Buff[] buffs) { for (int i = previousTicks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!Tick.isNull(previousTicks[i])) { int index = Tick.tryToAdd(ticks, previousTicks[i], Tick.hashTick(previousTicks[i])); if (index < 0) return false; buffs[index] = previousBuffs[i]; } } return true; }
public int compareTo(Object otherTick) { if (!(otherTick instanceof Tick)) { throw new ClassCastException("Not a valid Tick object!"); } Tick tempTick = (Tick) otherTick; if (this.getTimeStamp() > tempTick.getTimeStamp()) { return 1; } else if (this.getTimeStamp() < tempTick.getTimeStamp()) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }
public Vector getNamedTickingObjects(String name) { Vector V = new Vector(); Tick almostTock = null; TockClient C = null; name = name.toUpperCase().trim(); for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; for (Iterator i = almostTock.tickers(); i.hasNext(); ) { C = (TockClient); if ((C.clientObject != null) && ( >= 0) && (!V.contains(C.clientObject))) V.addElement(C.clientObject); } } return V; }
// displays the timeline box and the ticks. public void display() { noStroke(); fill(204); // timeline rect(xpos, ypos, swidth, sheight); if (over || locked) { fill(0, 0, 0); } else { fill(102, 102, 102); } // scrubber // println(spos); rect(spos - sheight / 2, ypos, sheight, sheight); for (int i = 0; i < tickArr.size(); i++) { tickArr.get(i).displayTick(); } prevTick = null; nextTick = null; for (int i = 0; i < tickArr.size(); i++) { if (tickArr.get(i).getXPos() < spos) { prevTick = tickArr.get(i); } else { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < tickArr.size(); i++) { if (tickArr.get(i).getXPos() > spos) { nextTick = tickArr.get(i); break; } } if (prevTick != null) { prevTick.changeCamColorPrev(); } if (nextTick != null) { nextTick.changeCamColorNext(); } }
public void rejuv(Room here, int tickID) { Tick almostTock = null; TockClient C = null; Tickable E2 = null; boolean doItems = ((tickID == 0) || (tickID == Tickable.TICKID_ROOM_ITEM_REJUV)); boolean doMobs = ((tickID == 0) || (tickID == Tickable.TICKID_MOB)); for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; try { for (Iterator i = almostTock.tickers(); i.hasNext(); ) { C = (TockClient); E2 = C.clientObject; if ((doItems) && (E2 instanceof ItemTicker) && ((here == null) || (((ItemTicker) E2).properLocation() == here))) { C.tickDown = 0; if (Tick.tickTicker(C, false)) almostTock.delTicker(C); } else if ((doMobs) && (E2 instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) E2).amDead()) && ((here == null) || (((MOB) E2).getStartRoom() == here)) && (((MOB) E2).baseEnvStats().rejuv() > 0) && (((MOB) E2).baseEnvStats().rejuv() < Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (((MOB) E2).envStats().rejuv() > 0)) { C.tickDown = 0; ((MOB) E2).envStats().setRejuv(0); if (Tick.tickTicker(C, false)) almostTock.delTicker(C); } } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } } }
public boolean shutdown() { // int numTicks=tickGroup.size(); int which = 0; while (ticks.size() > 0) { // Log.sysOut("ServiceEngine","Shutting down all tick "+which+"/"+numTicks+"..."); Tick tock = ticks.getFirst(); if (tock != null) { CMProps.setUpAllLowVar( CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDSTATUS, "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: killing Tick#" + tock.getCounter() + ": " + tock.getStatus()); tock.shutdown(); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } which++; } CMProps.setUpAllLowVar( CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDSTATUS, "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: " + ID() + ": thread shutdown"); thread.shutdown(); // force final time tick! Vector timeObjects = new Vector(); for (Enumeration e =; e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Area A = ((Area) e.nextElement()); if (!timeObjects.contains(A.getTimeObj())) timeObjects.addElement(A.getTimeObj()); } CMProps.setUpAllLowVar( CMProps.SYSTEM_MUDSTATUS, "Shutting down...shutting down Service Engine: " + ID() + ": saving time objects"); for (int t = 0; t < timeObjects.size(); t++) ((TimeClock) timeObjects.elementAt(t)).save(); Log.sysOut("ServiceEngine", "Shutdown complete."); return true; }
public void tickAllTickers(Room here) { Tick almostTock = null; TockClient C = null; Tickable E2 = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; try { for (Iterator<TockClient> i = almostTock.tickers(); i.hasNext(); ) { C =; E2 = C.clientObject; if (here == null) { if (Tick.tickTicker(C, false)) almostTock.delTicker(C); } else if (isHere(E2, here)) { if (Tick.tickTicker(C, isSuspended)) almostTock.delTicker(C); } else if ((E2 instanceof Ability) && (isHere(((Ability) E2).affecting(), here))) { if (Tick.tickTicker(C, isSuspended)) almostTock.delTicker(C); } } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } } }
private final long readTick() { byte[] uid = null; if (interrupted()) uid = (byte[]) resume(); if (uid == null) { uid = readBinary(); if (interrupted()) { interrupt(null); return 0; } } if (!canReadLong()) { interrupt(uid); return 0; } Peer peer = Peer.get(new UID(uid)); long tick = readLong(); return Tick.get(peer.index(), tick); }
@Override void getBlock(URI uri, long tick) { Buff duplicate = null; synchronized (this) { if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.resume(this, false); int index = Tick.indexOf(_ticks, tick); if (index >= 0) { Buff buff = _buffs[index]; if (buff != null) { duplicate = buff.duplicate(); if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(duplicate, duplicate); } } if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.suspend(this); } if (duplicate != null) { Buff[] duplicates = new Buff[] {duplicate}; if (Debug.THREADS) { ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(duplicate); ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(duplicates, duplicate); } uri.onBlock(this, tick, duplicates, null, true, null, false, null); if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(duplicates); duplicate.recycle(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") final void read(long tick) { for (; ; ) { byte code = -1; if (interrupted()) code = resumeByte(); if (code < 0) { if (!canReadByte()) { interruptByte(code); return; } code = readByte(Writer.DEBUG_TAG_CODE); if (Debug.COMMUNICATIONS_LOG) log("Command: " + Writer.getCommandString(code)); } switch (code) { case Writer.COMMAND_ROOT_WRITE: { readRootVersion(); if (interrupted()) { interruptByte(code); return; } break; } case Writer.COMMAND_ROOT_READ: { // TODO break; } case Writer.COMMAND_WRITE: { if (_versions == null) { TObject[] objects = readTObject(); if (interrupted()) { interruptByte(code); return; } _versions = new Version[objects.length]; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) _versions[i] = objects[i].createVersion_(); } _versions[0].visit(_visitor); if (interrupted()) { interruptByte(code); return; } for (int i = 0; i < _versions.length; i++) addWrite(i, _versions[i]); _versions = null; break; } case Writer.COMMAND_READ: { // TODO break; } case Writer.COMMAND_DEPENDENCY: { long dependency = readTick(); if (interrupted()) { interruptByte(code); return; } _dependencies = Tick.add(_dependencies, dependency); break; } case Writer.COMMAND_HAPPENED_BEFORE: { long happenedBefore = readTick(); if (interrupted()) { interruptByte(code); return; } if (Debug.ENABLED) Debug.assertion(Tick.peer(happenedBefore) != Tick.peer(tick)); _happenedBefore = Tick.putMax(_happenedBefore, happenedBefore, false); break; } case Writer.COMMAND_TICK: { for (int i = resources().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Version[] writes = _writes[i]; _writes[i] = null; for (int j = writes.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (writes[j] != null) writes[j].mergeReadOnlyFields(); resources().get(i).onBlock(new Block(tick, writes, _happenedBefore, _dependencies)); } _happenedBefore = null; _dependencies = null; // TODO add a checksum at end of each block return; } default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } }
public String systemReport(String itemCode) { long totalMOBMillis = 0; long totalMOBTicks = 0; long topMOBMillis = 0; long topMOBTicks = 0; MOB topMOBClient = null; for (int s = 0; s < CMLib.sessions().size(); s++) { Session S = CMLib.sessions().elementAt(s); totalMOBMillis += S.getTotalMillis(); totalMOBTicks += S.getTotalTicks(); if (S.getTotalMillis() > topMOBMillis) { topMOBMillis = S.getTotalMillis(); topMOBTicks = S.getTotalTicks(); topMOBClient = S.mob(); } } if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMOBMillis")) return "" + totalMOBMillis; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMOBMillisTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(totalMOBMillis, 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMOBMillisTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(totalMOBMillis, totalMOBTicks); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMOBTicks")) return "" + totalMOBTicks; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topMOBMillis")) return "" + topMOBMillis; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topMOBMillisTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topMOBMillis, 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topMOBMillisTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topMOBMillis, topMOBTicks); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topMOBTicks")) return "" + topMOBTicks; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topMOBClient")) { if (topMOBClient != null) return topMOBClient.Name(); return ""; } int totalTickers = 0; long totalMillis = 0; long totalTicks = 0; int topGroupNumber = -1; long topGroupMillis = -1; long topGroupTicks = 0; long topObjectMillis = -1; long topObjectTicks = 0; int topObjectGroup = 0; Tickable topObjectClient = null; int num = 0; Tick almostTock = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; totalTickers += almostTock.numTickers(); totalMillis += almostTock.milliTotal; totalTicks += almostTock.tickTotal; if (almostTock.milliTotal > topGroupMillis) { topGroupMillis = almostTock.milliTotal; topGroupTicks = almostTock.tickTotal; topGroupNumber = num; } try { for (Iterator et = almostTock.tickers(); et.hasNext(); ) { TockClient C = (TockClient); if (C.milliTotal > topObjectMillis) { topObjectMillis = C.milliTotal; topObjectTicks = C.tickTotal; topObjectClient = C.clientObject; topObjectGroup = num; } } } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } num++; } if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("freeMemory")) return "" + (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 1000); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMemory")) return "" + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1000); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalTime")) return "" + CMLib.english().returnTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - CMSecurity.getStartTime(), 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("startTime")) return CMLib.time().date2String(CMSecurity.getStartTime()); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("currentTime")) return CMLib.time().date2String(System.currentTimeMillis()); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalTickers")) return "" + totalTickers; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMillis")) return "" + totalMillis; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMillisTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(totalMillis, 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalMillisTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(totalMillis, totalTicks); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("totalTicks")) return "" + totalTicks; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("tickgroupsize")) return "" + ticks.size(); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topGroupNumber")) return "" + topGroupNumber; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topGroupMillis")) return "" + topGroupMillis; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topGroupMillisTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topGroupMillis, 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topGroupMillisTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topGroupMillis, topGroupTicks); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topGroupTicks")) return "" + topGroupTicks; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectMillis")) return "" + topObjectMillis; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectMillisTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topObjectMillis, 0); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectMillisTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(topObjectMillis, topObjectTicks); else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectTicks")) return "" + topObjectTicks; else if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectGroup")) return "" + topObjectGroup; else if (itemCode.toLowerCase().startsWith("thread")) { int xstart = "thread".length(); int xend = xstart; while ((xend < itemCode.length()) && (Character.isDigit(itemCode.charAt(xend)))) xend++; int threadNum = CMath.s_int(itemCode.substring(xstart, xend)); int curThreadNum = 0; for (Enumeration e = CMLib.libraries(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { CMLibrary lib = (CMLibrary) e.nextElement(); ThreadEngine.SupportThread thread = lib.getSupportThread(); if (thread != null) { if (curThreadNum == threadNum) { String instrCode = itemCode.substring(xend); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("miliTotal")) return "" + thread.milliTotal; if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("milliTotal")) return "" + thread.milliTotal; if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("status")) return "" + thread.status; if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) return "" + thread.getName(); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("MilliTotalTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(thread.milliTotal, 0); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("MiliTotalTime")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(thread.milliTotal, 0); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("MilliTotalTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(thread.milliTotal, thread.tickTotal); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("MiliTotalTimePlusAverage")) return CMLib.english().returnTime(thread.milliTotal, thread.tickTotal); if (instrCode.equalsIgnoreCase("TickTotal")) return "" + thread.tickTotal; break; } curThreadNum++; } } } if (itemCode.equalsIgnoreCase("topObjectClient")) { if (topObjectClient != null) return; return ""; } return ""; }
@Override void onBlock(URI uri, long tick, Buff[] buffs, long[] removals, boolean requested) { int capacity = 0; if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(buffs); for (int i = 0; i < buffs.length; i++) capacity += buffs[i].remaining(); Buff buff = Buff.createCustom(capacity, false); if (Stats.ENABLED) Stats.Instance.MemoryBlocksCreated.incrementAndGet(); for (int i = 0; i < buffs.length; i++) { buff.putImmutably(buffs[i]); if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(buffs, buffs[i]); } if (Debug.ENABLED) Debug.assertion(buff.remaining() == 0); buff.position(0); buff.mark(); List<Buff> recycle = null; if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(buff, buff); synchronized (this) { if (Debug.THREADS) { ThreadAssert.resume(this, false); ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(buff); } int index = Tick.indexOf(_ticks, tick); if (index < 0) { index = add(tick); _buffs[index] = buff; if (Stats.ENABLED) Stats.Instance.MemoryBlocksLive.incrementAndGet(); } else { if (Debug.ENABLED) Debug.assertion(_buffs[index] != null); recycle = new List<Buff>(); recycle.add(buff); } for (int i = 0; removals != null && i < removals.length; i++) { if (!Tick.isNull(removals[i])) { index = Tick.remove(_ticks, removals[i]); if (index >= 0) { if (recycle == null) recycle = new List<Buff>(); recycle.add(_buffs[index]); _buffs[index] = null; if (Stats.ENABLED) Stats.Instance.MemoryBlocksLive.decrementAndGet(); } } } if (Debug.THREADS) { for (int i = 0; recycle != null && i < recycle.size(); i++) ThreadAssert.exchangeGive(recycle, recycle.get(i)); ThreadAssert.suspend(this); } } if (!location().isCache()) { uri.onAck(this, tick); if (Stats.ENABLED) Stats.Instance.AckCreated.incrementAndGet(); } if (recycle != null) { if (Debug.THREADS) ThreadAssert.exchangeTake(recycle); for (int i = 0; i < recycle.size(); i++) recycle.get(i).recycle(); } }
/** @param tmpTickList */ private static List<Sequence> structureCreator(List<Tick> tmpTickList) { /* * transform List of Ticks to Frames */ List<Tick> tickList = new ArrayList<Tick>(); List<Frame> frameList = new ArrayList<Frame>(); List<Sequence> sequenceList = new ArrayList<Sequence>(); for (int i = 0; i < tmpTickList.size(); i++) { Tick currentTick = tmpTickList.get(i); if (currentTick.getType().compareTo("########") == 0) { // currentTick equal to ######## /* * add Frames to frameList */ Tick[] tickArray = new Tick[tickList.size()]; tickArray = tickList.toArray(tickArray); tickList.clear(); Frame tmpFrame = new Frame(tickArray); frameList.add(tmpFrame); } else { tickList.add(currentTick); } } /* * Arrange Frames into Sequences and create a Scene with them */ List<Frame> listOfFrames = new ArrayList<Frame>(); Frame stopFrame = new Frame(); listOfFrames.add(frameList.get(0)); // always start the listOfFrames with first frame for (int i = 0; i < frameList.size(); i++) { Frame frameA = frameList.get(i); Frame frameB; if (frameList.size() - 1 == i) { frameB = stopFrame; } else { frameB = frameList.get(i + 1); } if (frameA.equalTo(frameB)) { listOfFrames.add(frameB); // add duplicate frames to listOfFrames } else { int frameSize = frameA.getArrayLength(); int sequenceLength = listOfFrames.size(); int[][] timestampArray = new int[sequenceLength][frameSize]; String[] typeArray = frameA.getConcatenatedTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < sequenceLength; j++) { // for every Frame on the listOfFrames Frame tmpFrame = listOfFrames.get(j); // get the Frame timestampArray[j] = tmpFrame.getTimestamps(); // add every Timestamp in this Frame } Sequence prevSequence; if (sequenceList.isEmpty()) { prevSequence = new Sequence(); } else { prevSequence = sequenceList.get(sequenceList.size() - 1); } Sequence tmpSequence = new Sequence( typeArray, timestampArray, prevSequence); // create Sequence out of Types and Times sequenceList.add(tmpSequence); // add Sequence to List listOfFrames.clear(); // rinse and repeat listOfFrames.add(frameB); // but add FrameB as a startingpoint for the next iteration } } return sequenceList; }
public void checkHealth() { long lastDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (5 * TimeManager.MILI_MINUTE); long longerDateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (120 * TimeManager.MILI_MINUTE); thread.status("checking"); thread.status("checking tick groups."); DVector orderedDeaths = new DVector(3); try { Tick almostTock = null; for (Iterator<Tick> e = tickGroups(); e.hasNext(); ) { almostTock =; if ((almostTock.awake) && (almostTock.lastStop < lastDateTime)) { TockClient client = almostTock.lastClient; if (client == null) insertOrderDeathInOrder( orderedDeaths, 0, "LOCKED GROUP " + almostTock.getCounter() + "! No further information.", almostTock); else if ((!CMath.bset(client.tickID, Tickable.TICKID_LONGERMASK)) || (almostTock.lastStop < longerDateTime)) { if (client.clientObject == null) insertOrderDeathInOrder( orderedDeaths, 0, "LOCKED GROUP " + almostTock.getCounter() + ": NULL @" + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart) + ", tickID " + client.tickID, almostTock); else { StringBuffer str = null; Tickable obj = client.clientObject; long code = client.clientObject.getTickStatus(); String codeWord = CMLib.threads().getTickStatusSummary(client.clientObject); String msg = null; if (obj instanceof Environmental) str = new StringBuffer( "LOCKED GROUP " + almostTock.getCounter() + " : " + + " (" + ((Environmental) obj).ID() + ") @" + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart) + ", status(" + code + " (" + codeWord + "), tickID " + client.tickID); else str = new StringBuffer( "LOCKED GROUP " + almostTock.getCounter() + ": " + + ", status(" + code + " (" + codeWord + ") @" + CMLib.time().date2String(client.lastStart) + ", tickID " + client.tickID); if ((obj instanceof MOB) && (((MOB) obj).location() != null)) msg = str.toString() + " in " + ((MOB) obj).location().roomID(); else if ((obj instanceof Item) && (((Item) obj).owner() != null) && (((Item) obj).owner() instanceof Room)) msg = str.toString() + " in " + ((Room) ((Item) obj).owner()).roomID(); else if ((obj instanceof Item) && (((Item) obj).owner() != null) && (((Item) obj).owner() instanceof MOB)) msg = str.toString() + " owned by " + ((MOB) ((Item) obj).owner()).name(); else if (obj instanceof Room) msg = str.toString() + " is " + ((Room) obj).roomID(); else msg = str.toString(); insertOrderDeathInOrder(orderedDeaths, client.lastStart, msg, almostTock); } } // no isDEBUGGING check -- just always let her rip. thread.debugDumpStack(almostTock); } } } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) { } for (int i = 0; i < orderedDeaths.size(); i++) Log.errOut(thread.getName(), (String) orderedDeaths.elementAt(i, 2)); thread.status("killing tick groups."); for (int x = 0; x < orderedDeaths.size(); x++) { Tick almostTock = (Tick) orderedDeaths.elementAt(x, 3); Vector objs = new Vector(); try { for (Iterator e = almostTock.tickers(); e.hasNext(); ) objs.addElement(; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { } almostTock.shutdown(); if (CMLib.threads() instanceof ServiceEngine) ((ServiceEngine) CMLib.threads()).delTickGroup(almostTock); for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) { TockClient c = (TockClient) objs.elementAt(i); CMLib.threads().startTickDown(c.clientObject, c.tickID, c.reTickDown); } } thread.status("Checking mud threads"); for (int m = 0; m < CMLib.hosts().size(); m++) { Vector badThreads = ((MudHost) CMLib.hosts().elementAt(m)).getOverdueThreads(); if (badThreads.size() > 0) { for (int b = 0; b < badThreads.size(); b++) { Thread T = (Thread) badThreads.elementAt(b); String threadName = T.getName(); if (T instanceof Tickable) threadName = ((Tickable) T).name() + " (" + ((Tickable) T).ID() + "): " + ((Tickable) T).getTickStatus(); thread.status("Killing " + threadName); Log.errOut("Killing stray thread: " + threadName); CMLib.killThread(T, 100, 1); } } } thread.status("Done checking threads"); }