 public TabModel getModelForTabId(int id) {
   for (int i = 0; i < mTabModels.size(); i++) {
     TabModel model = mTabModels.get(i);
     if (TabModelUtils.getTabById(model, id) != null || model.isClosurePending(id)) {
       return model;
   return null;
 public boolean closeTab(Tab tab) {
   for (int i = 0; i < getModels().size(); i++) {
     TabModel model = getModelAt(i);
     if (model.indexOf(tab) >= 0) {
       return model.closeTab(tab);
   assert false : "Tried to close a tab that is not in any model!";
   return false;
   * Opens the specified URL into a tab, potentially reusing a tab. Typically if a user opens
   * several link from the same application, we reuse the same tab so as to not open too many tabs.
   * @param url the URL to open
   * @param referer The referer url if provided, null otherwise.
   * @param headers HTTP headers to send alongside the URL.
   * @param appId the ID of the application that triggered that URL navigation.
   * @param forceNewTab whether the URL should be opened in a new tab. If false, an existing tab
   *     already opened by the same app will be reused.
   * @param intent the source of url if it isn't null.
   * @param intentTimestamp the time the intent was received.
   * @return the tab the URL was opened in, could be a new tab or a reused one.
  public Tab launchUrlFromExternalApp(
      String url,
      String referer,
      String headers,
      String appId,
      boolean forceNewTab,
      Intent intent,
      long intentTimestamp) {
    assert !mIncognito;
    boolean isLaunchedFromChrome = TextUtils.equals(appId, mActivity.getPackageName());
    if (forceNewTab && !isLaunchedFromChrome) {
      // We don't associate the tab with that app ID, as it is assumed that if the
      // application wanted to open this tab as a new tab, it probably does not want it
      // reused either.
      LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams = new LoadUrlParams(url);
      if (referer != null) {
        loadUrlParams.setReferrer(new Referrer(referer, Referrer.REFERRER_POLICY_DEFAULT));
      return createNewTab(loadUrlParams, TabLaunchType.FROM_EXTERNAL_APP, null, intent);

    if (appId == null) {
      // If we have no application ID, we use a made-up one so that these tabs can be
      // reused.
      appId = TabModelImpl.UNKNOWN_APP_ID;
    // Let's try to find an existing tab that was started by that app.
    for (int i = 0; i < mTabModel.getCount(); i++) {
      Tab tab = mTabModel.getTabAt(i);
      if (appId.equals(tab.getAppAssociatedWith())) {
        // We don't reuse the tab, we create a new one at the same index instead.
        // Reusing a tab would require clearing the navigation history and clearing the
        // contents (we would not want the previous content to show).
        LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams = new LoadUrlParams(url);
        ChromeTab newTab =
            createNewTab(loadUrlParams, TabLaunchType.FROM_EXTERNAL_APP, null, i, intent);
        mTabModel.closeTab(tab, false, false, false);
        return newTab;

    // No tab for that app, we'll have to create a new one.
    Tab tab = launchUrl(url, TabLaunchType.FROM_EXTERNAL_APP, intent, intentTimestamp);
    return tab;
 public InspectorModel getInspectorModel() {
   if (tabModel != null) {
     return tabModel.getInspectorModel();
   } else {
     logger.warning("TabModel is null !");
     return null;
  * Creates a new tab and posts to UI.
  * @param loadUrlParams parameters of the url load.
  * @param type Information about how the tab was launched.
  * @param parent the parent tab, if present.
  * @param intent the source of the url if it isn't null.
  * @return The new tab.
 public ChromeTab createNewTab(
     LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams, TabModel.TabLaunchType type, Tab parent, Intent intent) {
   // If parent is in the same tab model, place the new tab next to it.
   int index = mTabModel.indexOf(parent);
   if (index != TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX) {
     return createNewTab(loadUrlParams, type, parent, index + 1, intent);
   return createNewTab(loadUrlParams, type, parent, TabModel.INVALID_TAB_INDEX, intent);
 public Tab createFrozenTab(TabState state, int id, int index) {
   ChromeTab tab =
           id, mActivity, state.isIncognito(), mNativeWindow, state.parentId, state);
   boolean selectTab =
       mOrderController.willOpenInForeground(TabLaunchType.FROM_RESTORE, state.isIncognito());
   tab.initialize(null, mTabContentManager, !selectTab);
   assert state.isIncognito() == mIncognito;
   mTabModel.addTab(tab, index, TabLaunchType.FROM_RESTORE);
   return tab;
  public void selectModel(boolean incognito) {
    TabModel oldModel = getCurrentModel();
    TabModel newModel = getCurrentModel();
    if (oldModel != newModel) {
      TabModelUtils.setIndex(newModel, newModel.index());

      // Make the call to notifyDataSetChanged() after any delayed events
      // have had a chance to fire. Otherwise, this may result in some
      // drawing to occur before animations have a chance to work.
      new Handler()
              new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
  public ChromeTab createTabWithWebContents(
      WebContents webContents, int parentId, TabLaunchType type, String url) {
    TabModel model = mTabModel;

    // The parent tab was already closed.  Do not open child tabs.
    if (model.isClosurePending(parentId)) return null;

    int index = TabModelUtils.getTabIndexById(model, parentId);

    // If we have a valid parent index increment by one so we add this tab directly after
    // the parent tab.
    if (index >= 0) index++;

    boolean selectTab = mOrderController.willOpenInForeground(type, mIncognito);
    ChromeTab tab =
            Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID, mActivity, mIncognito, mNativeWindow, type, parentId, !selectTab);
    tab.initialize(webContents, mTabContentManager, !selectTab);
    model.addTab(tab, index, type);
    return tab;
  protected final void initialize(boolean startIncognito, TabModel... models) {
    // Only normal and incognito supported for now.
    assert mTabModels.isEmpty();
    assert models.length > 0;
    if (startIncognito) {
      assert models.length > INCOGNITO_TAB_MODEL_INDEX;

    List<TabModel> tabModels = new ArrayList<TabModel>();
    for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
    mActiveModelIndex = startIncognito ? INCOGNITO_TAB_MODEL_INDEX : NORMAL_TAB_MODEL_INDEX;
    mTabModels = Collections.unmodifiableList(tabModels);

    TabModelObserver tabModelObserver =
        new EmptyTabModelObserver() {
          public void didAddTab(Tab tab, TabLaunchType type) {

          public void didSelectTab(Tab tab, TabSelectionType type, int lastId) {

          public void didMoveTab(Tab tab, int newIndex, int curIndex) {
    for (TabModel model : models) {
   * Creates a new tab and posts to UI.
   * @param loadUrlParams parameters of the url load.
   * @param type Information about how the tab was launched.
   * @param parent the parent tab, if present.
   * @param position the requested position (index in the tab model)
   * @param intent the source of the url if it isn't null.
   * @return The new tab.
  public ChromeTab createNewTab(
      LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams,
      TabModel.TabLaunchType type,
      Tab parent,
      int position,
      Intent intent) {
    try {
      int parentId = parent != null ? parent.getId() : Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID;
      WebContents webContents = IntentHandler.getWebContentsFromIntent(intent);
      boolean isWebContentsPaused = false;
      if (webContents != null) {
        // The WebContents comes with additional data, but it shouldn't be used if the
        // WebContents itself couldn't be parsed out.
        parentId =
                intent, IntentHandler.EXTRA_PARENT_TAB_ID, Tab.INVALID_TAB_ID);
        isWebContentsPaused =
            IntentUtils.safeGetBooleanExtra(intent, IntentHandler.EXTRA_WEB_CONTENTS_PAUSED, false);

      // Sanitize the url.

      boolean openInForeground =
          mOrderController.willOpenInForeground(type, mIncognito) || webContents != null;
      ChromeTab tab;
      if (webContents != null) {
        tab =
        tab.initialize(webContents, mTabContentManager, !openInForeground);

        if (isWebContentsPaused) webContents.resumeLoadingCreatedWebContents();
      } else if (!openInForeground && SysUtils.isLowEndDevice()) {
        // On low memory devices the tabs opened in background are not loaded automatically
        // to preserve resources (cpu, memory, strong renderer binding) for the foreground
        // tab.
        tab =
                mActivity, mIncognito, mNativeWindow, type, parentId, loadUrlParams);
        tab.initialize(null, mTabContentManager, !openInForeground);
      } else {
        tab =

        webContents =
                ? WarmupManager.getInstance().takePrerenderedWebContents()
                : null;
        tab.initialize(webContents, mTabContentManager, !openInForeground);

      if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(ServiceTabLauncher.LAUNCH_REQUEST_ID_EXTRA)) {
            intent.getIntExtra(ServiceTabLauncher.LAUNCH_REQUEST_ID_EXTRA, 0),

      mTabModel.addTab(tab, position, type);

      return tab;
    } finally {