  * This test demonstrates the known problem of creating streams from mutable structures.
  * <p>Some of the ways streams created in this way can fail is: - weak stream references getting
  * garbage collected - underlying mutable data structure changes - iterator gets updated (e.g.
  * iterator used to create 2 different streams).
 @Test(expected = ConcurrentModificationException.class)
 public void iterableStreamWithStructureUpdate() {
   java.util.List<Integer> list = List.list(1, 2, 3).toJavaList();
   Stream<Integer> s1 = Stream.fromIterable(list);
   int x = s1.head();
   Stream<Integer> s2 = s1.tail()._1();
   x = s2.head();
Beispiel #2
  * Calculates the minimum of this elements according to their natural order.
  * @return {@code Some(minimum)} of this elements or {@code None} if this is empty or this
  *     elements are not comparable
 default Option<T> min() {
   final Stream<T> stream = Stream.ofAll(iterator());
   if (isEmpty() || !(stream.head() instanceof Comparable)) {
     return None.instance();
   } else {
     return stream.minBy((o1, o2) -> ((Comparable<T>) o1).compareTo(o2));