@Test // @Ignore
  public void testResolve() throws Exception {
    SpmlConfiguration config = createConfiguration();
    SpmlConnector info = createConnector(config);
    try {
      Set<Attribute> attrs = fillInSampleUser(TEST_USER);

      // Delete the account if it already exists
      deleteUser(TEST_USER, info);
      try {
        info.resolveUsername(ObjectClass.ACCOUNT, TEST_USER, new OperationOptions(new HashMap()));
        Assert.fail("exception expected");
      } catch (UnknownUidException ue) {
        // expected

      // Create the account
      Uid newUid = info.create(ObjectClass.ACCOUNT, attrs, null);
      System.out.println(newUid.getValue() + " created");
      Uid retrievedUid =
          info.resolveUsername(ObjectClass.ACCOUNT, TEST_USER, new OperationOptions(new HashMap()));
      Assert.assertEquals(newUid, retrievedUid);
    } finally {