public Array readData(Variable v2, Section section) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    // Vgroup vgroup = (Vgroup) v2.getSPobject();
    // Range scanRange = section.getRange(0);
    // Range radialRange = section.getRange(1);
    // Range gateRange = section.getRange(2);

    Array data = Array.factory(v2.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), section.getShape());
    IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();

    List<List<Ray>> groups;
    String shortName = v2.getShortName();
    if (shortName.startsWith("Reflectivity")) groups = volScan.getReflectivityGroups();
    else if (shortName.startsWith("Velocity")) groups = volScan.getVelocityGroups();
    else if (shortName.startsWith("TotalPower")) groups = volScan.getTotalPowerGroups();
    else if (shortName.startsWith("Width")) groups = volScan.getWidthGroups();
    else if (shortName.startsWith("DiffReflectivity"))
      groups = volScan.getDifferentialReflectivityGroups();
    else throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal variable name = " + shortName);

    if (section.getRank() == 2) {
      Range radialRange = section.getRange(0);
      Range gateRange = section.getRange(1);
      List<Ray> lli = groups.get(0);
      readOneScan(lli, radialRange, gateRange, ii);
    } else {
      Range scanRange = section.getRange(0);
      Range radialRange = section.getRange(1);
      Range gateRange = section.getRange(2);
      for (int i = scanRange.first(); i <= scanRange.last(); i += scanRange.stride()) {
        readOneScan(groups.get(i), radialRange, gateRange, ii);
    return data;
   * Fill all of the variables/attributes in the ncfile
   * @param ncfile NetcdfFile object which will be filled.
   * @param bst number of seconds since midnight for start of sweep
   * @param yr year of start of each sweep
   * @param m month of start of each sweep
   * @param dda day of start of each sweep
   * @param varList ArrayList of Variables of ncfile
   * @param recHdr java.util.Map with values for Attributes
  public void doNetcdfFileCoordinate(
      ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile,
      int[] bst,
      short[] yr,
      short[] m,
      short[] dda,
      ArrayList<Variable> varList,
      java.util.Map<String, Number> recHdr) {
    // prepare attribute values

    String[] unit = {" ", "dbZ", "dbZ", "m/sec", "m/sec", "dB"};
    String def_datafile = "SIGMET-IRIS";
    Short header_length = 80;
    Short ray_header_length = 6;
    int ngates = 0;

    float radar_lat =
        recHdr.get("radar_lat").floatValue(); // System.out.println("rad_lat="+radar_lat);
    float radar_lon =
        recHdr.get("radar_lon").floatValue(); // System.out.println("rad_lon="+radar_lon);
    short ground_height =
        recHdr.get("ground_height").shortValue(); // System.out.println("ground_H="+ground_height);
    short radar_height =
        recHdr.get("radar_height").shortValue(); // System.out.println("radar_H="+radar_height);
    int radar_alt =
        (recHdr.get("radar_alt").intValue()) / 100; // System.out.println("rad_alt="+radar_alt);
    short num_rays =
        recHdr.get("num_rays").shortValue(); // System.out.println("HERE!! num_rays="+num_rays);
    float range_first =
            * 0.01f; // System.out.println("range_1st="+range_first);
    float range_last =
        (recHdr.get("range_last").intValue()) * 0.01f; // System.out.println("step="+step);
    short number_sweeps = recHdr.get("number_sweeps").shortValue();
    int nparams = (recHdr.get("nparams").intValue()); // System.out.println("nparams="+nparams);
    // define date/time
    // int last_t=(int)(ray[nparams*number_sweeps-1][num_rays-1].getTime());
    int last_t = volScan.lastRay.getTime();
    String sss1 = Short.toString(m[0]);
    if (sss1.length() < 2) sss1 = "0" + sss1;
    String sss2 = Short.toString(dda[0]);
    if (sss2.length() < 2) sss2 = "0" + sss2;
    String base_date0 = String.valueOf(yr[0]) + "-" + sss1 + "-" + sss2;
    String sss11 = Short.toString(m[number_sweeps - 1]);
    if (sss11.length() < 2) sss11 = "0" + sss11;
    String sss22 = Short.toString(dda[number_sweeps - 1]);
    if (sss22.length() < 2) sss22 = "0" + sss22;
    String base_date1 = String.valueOf(yr[number_sweeps - 1]) + "-" + sss11 + "-" + sss22;
    String start_time = base_date0 + "T" + calcTime(bst[0], 0) + "Z";
    String end_time = base_date1 + "T" + calcTime(bst[number_sweeps - 1], last_t) + "Z";
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_start", start_time));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_end", end_time));

    // set all of Variables
    try {
      int sz = varList.size();

      ArrayFloat.D2[] dataArr = new ArrayFloat.D2[nparams * number_sweeps];
      Index[] dataIndex = new Index[nparams * number_sweeps];

      Ray[] rtemp = new Ray[(int) num_rays];

      // NCdump.printArray(dataArr[0], "Total_Power", System.out, null);

      Variable[] distanceR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
      ArrayFloat.D1[] distArr = new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
      Index[] distIndex = new Index[number_sweeps];
      String distName = "distanceR";
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        if (number_sweeps > 1) {
          distName = "distanceR_sweep_" + (i + 1);
        for (Variable aVarList : varList) {
          if ((aVarList.getShortName()).equals(distName.trim())) {
            distanceR[i] = aVarList;
        distArr[i] = (ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, distanceR[i].getShape());
        distIndex[i] = distArr[i].getIndex();

        // for (int jj=0; jj<num_rays; jj++) { rtemp[jj]=ray[i][jj]; }
        ngates = sweep_bins[i];
        float stp = calcStep(range_first, range_last, (short) ngates);
        for (int ii = 0; ii < ngates; ii++) {
          distArr[i].setFloat(distIndex[i].set(ii), (range_first + ii * stp));
      // NCdump.printArray(distArr[0], "distanceR", System.out, null);
      List rgp = volScan.getTotalPowerGroups();
      if (rgp.size() == 0) rgp = volScan.getReflectivityGroups();
      List[] sgp = new ArrayList[number_sweeps];
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        sgp[i] = (List) rgp.get((short) i);

      Variable[] time = new Variable[number_sweeps];
      ArrayInt.D1[] timeArr = new ArrayInt.D1[number_sweeps];
      Index[] timeIndex = new Index[number_sweeps];
      String t_n = "time";
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        if (number_sweeps > 1) {
          t_n = "time_sweep_" + (i + 1);
        for (Variable aVarList : varList) {
          if ((aVarList.getShortName()).equals(t_n.trim())) {
            time[i] = aVarList;

        //                if (time[i].getShape().length == 0) {
        //                    continue;
        //                }
        timeArr[i] = (ArrayInt.D1) Array.factory(DataType.INT, time[i].getShape());
        timeIndex[i] = timeArr[i].getIndex();
        List rlist = sgp[i];

        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          rtemp[jj] = (Ray) rlist.get(jj);
        } // ray[i][jj]; }
        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          timeArr[i].setInt(timeIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getTime());

      // NCdump.printArray(timeArr[0], "time", System.out, null);

      Variable[] azimuthR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
      ArrayFloat.D1[] azimArr = new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
      Index[] azimIndex = new Index[number_sweeps];
      String azimName = "azimuthR";
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        if (number_sweeps > 1) {
          azimName = "azimuthR_sweep_" + (i + 1);
        for (Variable aVarList : varList) {
          if ((aVarList.getShortName()).equals(azimName.trim())) {
            azimuthR[i] = aVarList;
        azimArr[i] = (ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, azimuthR[i].getShape());
        azimIndex[i] = azimArr[i].getIndex();
        List rlist = sgp[i];

        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          rtemp[jj] = (Ray) rlist.get(jj);
        } // ray[i][jj]; }
        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          azimArr[i].setFloat(azimIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getAz());
      // NCdump.printArray(azimArr[0], "azimuthR", System.out, null);

      Variable[] elevationR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
      ArrayFloat.D1[] elevArr = new ArrayFloat.D1[number_sweeps];
      Index[] elevIndex = new Index[number_sweeps];
      String elevName = "elevationR";
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        if (number_sweeps > 1) {
          elevName = "elevationR_sweep_" + (i + 1);
        for (Variable aVarList : varList) {
          if ((aVarList.getShortName()).equals(elevName.trim())) {
            elevationR[i] = aVarList;
        elevArr[i] = (ArrayFloat.D1) Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, elevationR[i].getShape());
        elevIndex[i] = elevArr[i].getIndex();
        List rlist = sgp[i];

        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          rtemp[jj] = (Ray) rlist.get(jj);
        } // ray[i][jj]; }
        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          elevArr[i].setFloat(elevIndex[i].set(jj), rtemp[jj].getElev());
      // NCdump.printArray(elevArr[0], "elevationR", System.out, null);

      Variable numGates = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        for (Variable aVarList : varList) {
          if ((aVarList.getShortName()).equals("numGates")) {
            numGates = aVarList;
      ArrayInt.D1 gatesArr = (ArrayInt.D1) Array.factory(DataType.INT, numGates.getShape());
      Index gatesIndex = gatesArr.getIndex();

      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        List rlist = sgp[i];
        for (int jj = 0; jj < num_rays; jj++) {
          rtemp[jj] = (Ray) rlist.get(jj);
        } // ray[i][jj]; }
        ngates = rtemp[0].getBins();
        gatesArr.setInt(gatesIndex.set(i), ngates);

      for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
        distanceR[i].setCachedData(distArr[i], false);
        time[i].setCachedData(timeArr[i], false);
        azimuthR[i].setCachedData(azimArr[i], false);
        elevationR[i].setCachedData(elevArr[i], false);
      numGates.setCachedData(gatesArr, false);
      // startSweep.setCachedData(sweepArr, false);

      //          -------------------------------------------------
      // int b=(int)ray[0][0].getBins();

      // -- Test of readData() and readToByteChannel() -----------------
      Range r1=new Range(356, 359);
      Range r2=new Range(0, 15);
      java.util.List arlist=new ArrayList();
      Array testArr=readData(v[0], new Section(arlist));
      NCdump.printArray(testArr, "Total_Power_sweep_1", System.out, null);
      WritableByteChannel channel=new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\netcdf\\tt.dat")).getChannel();
      long ikk=readToByteChannel(v[0], new Section(arlist), channel);
      // ---------------------------------------------------

    } catch (Exception e) {
  } // ----------- end of doNetcdf ----------------------------------
   * Define Dimensions, Variables, Attributes in ncfile
   * @param raf corresponds of SIGMET datafile.
   * @param ncfile an empty NetcdfFile object which will be filled.
   * @param hdrNames java.util.Map with values for "StationName.." Attributes
   * @return ArrayList of Variables of ncfile
  public ArrayList<Variable> init( raf,
      ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile,
      java.util.Map<String, String> hdrNames)
      throws {
    // prepare attribute values
    String[] data_name = {
      " ", "TotalPower", "Reflectivity", "Velocity", "Width", "Differential_Reflectivity"
    String[] unit = {" ", "dbZ", "dbZ", "m/sec", "m/sec", "dB"};
    int[] type = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    String def_datafile = "SIGMET-IRIS";
    String tim = "";
    int ngates = 0;

    recHdr = readRecordsHdr(raf);
    hdrNames = readStnNames(raf);

    String stnName = hdrNames.get("StationName");
    String stnName_util = hdrNames.get("StationName_SetupUtility");
    float radar_lat =
        recHdr.get("radar_lat").floatValue(); // System.out.println("rad_lat="+radar_lat);
    float radar_lon =
        recHdr.get("radar_lon").floatValue(); // System.out.println("rad_lon="+radar_lon);
    short ground_height =
        recHdr.get("ground_height").shortValue(); // System.out.println("ground_H="+ground_height);
    short radar_height =
        recHdr.get("radar_height").shortValue(); // System.out.println("radar_H="+radar_height);
    int radar_alt =
        (recHdr.get("radar_alt").intValue()) / 100; // System.out.println("rad_alt="+radar_alt);
    short num_rays =
        recHdr.get("num_rays").shortValue(); // System.out.println("num_rays="+num_rays);
    short bins = recHdr.get("bins").shortValue(); // System.out.println("bins="+bins);
    float range_first =
            * 0.01f; // System.out.println("range_1st="+range_first);
    float range_last =
        (recHdr.get("range_last").intValue()) * 0.01f; // System.out.println("step="+step);
    short number_sweeps = recHdr.get("number_sweeps").shortValue();
    // System.out.println("number_sweeps="+number_sweeps);
    int nparams = (recHdr.get("nparams").intValue()); // System.out.println("nparams="+nparams);
    short year = recHdr.get("year").shortValue(); // System.out.println("year="+year);
    short month = recHdr.get("month").shortValue();
    short day = recHdr.get("day").shortValue();
    int base_time = (recHdr.get("base_time").intValue());

    // define number of gates for every sweep
    sweep_bins = new int[nparams * number_sweeps];
    if (number_sweeps > 1) {
      sweep_bins = volScan.getNumberGates();
    } else {
      for (int kk = 0; kk < nparams; kk++) {
        sweep_bins[kk] = bins;

    // add Dimensions
    Dimension scanR = new Dimension("scanR", number_sweeps, true);
    Dimension radial = new Dimension("radial", num_rays, true);
    Dimension[] gateR = new Dimension[number_sweeps];
    String dim_name = "gateR";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        dim_name = "gateR_sweep_" + (j + 1);
      gateR[j] = new Dimension(dim_name, sweep_bins[j], true);
    ncfile.addDimension(null, scanR);
    ncfile.addDimension(null, radial);
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      ncfile.addDimension(null, gateR[j]);
    ArrayList<Dimension> dims0 = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
    ArrayList<Dimension> dims1 = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
    ArrayList<Dimension> dims2 = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
    ArrayList<Dimension> dims3 = new ArrayList<Dimension>();

    ArrayList<Variable> varList = new ArrayList<Variable>();

    Variable[][] v = new Variable[nparams][number_sweeps];
    String var_name = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < nparams; j++) {
      int tp = type[j];
      var_name = data_name[tp];
      for (int jj = 0; jj < number_sweeps; jj++) {
        if (number_sweeps > 1) {
          var_name = data_name[tp] + "_sweep_" + (jj + 1);
        v[j][jj] = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, var_name);
        v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, var_name));
        v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, unit[tp]));
        String coordinates = "time elevationR azimuthR distanceR";
        v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));
        v[j][jj].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE, -999.99f));
        ncfile.addVariable(null, v[j][jj]);
    tsu_sec = new int[number_sweeps];
    String[] tsu = new String[number_sweeps];
    String[] time_units = new String[number_sweeps];
    tsu_sec = volScan.getStartSweep();
    for (int i = 0; i < number_sweeps; i++) {
      String st1 = Short.toString(month);
      if (st1.length() < 2) st1 = "0" + st1;
      String st2 = Short.toString(day);
      if (st2.length() < 2) st2 = "0" + st2;
      date0 = String.valueOf(year) + "-" + st1 + "-" + st2;
      tsu[i] = date0 + "T" + calcTime(tsu_sec[i], 0) + "Z";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      time_units[j] = "secs since " + tsu[j];

    // add "time" variable
    Variable[] time = new Variable[number_sweeps];
    String tm = "time";
    String tm_name = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      tm_name = tm;
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        tm_name = tm + "_sweep_" + (j + 1);
      time[j] = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, tm_name);
      time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "time from start of sweep"));
      time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, time_units[j]));
      time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString()));
      time[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE, -99));
      ncfile.addVariable(null, time[j]);

    // add "elevationR" variable
    Variable[] elevationR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
    String ele = "elevationR";
    String ele_name = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      ele_name = ele;
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        ele_name = ele + "_sweep_" + (j + 1);
      elevationR[j] = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, ele_name);
      elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "elevation angle"));
      elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "degrees"));
          new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialElevation.toString()));
      elevationR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE, -999.99f));
      ncfile.addVariable(null, elevationR[j]);

    // add "azimuthR" variable
    Variable[] azimuthR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
    String azim = "azimuthR";
    String azim_name = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      azim_name = azim;
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        azim_name = azim + "_sweep_" + (j + 1);
      azimuthR[j] = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, azim_name);
      azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "azimuth angle"));
      azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "degrees"));
          new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialAzimuth.toString()));
      azimuthR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.MISSING_VALUE, -999.99f));
      ncfile.addVariable(null, azimuthR[j]);

    // add "distanceR" variable
    Variable[] distanceR = new Variable[number_sweeps];
    String dName = "distanceR";
    String dist_name = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      dist_name = dName;
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        dist_name = dName + "_sweep_" + (j + 1);
      distanceR[j] = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, dist_name);
      distanceR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "radial distance"));
      distanceR[j].addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, "m"));
          new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialDistance.toString()));
      ncfile.addVariable(null, distanceR[j]);
    // add "numGates" variable
    Variable numGates = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "numGates");
    numGates.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "number of gates in the sweep"));
    ncfile.addVariable(null, numGates);

    // add global attributes
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("definition", "SIGMET-IRIS RAW"));
        null, new Attribute("description", "SIGMET-IRIS data are reading by Netcdf IOSP"));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("StationName", stnName));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("StationName_SetupUtility", stnName_util));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_lat", radar_lat));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_lon", radar_lon));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("ground_height", ground_height));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_height", radar_height));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("radar_alt", radar_alt));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("num_data_types", nparams));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("number_sweeps", number_sweeps));
    String sn = "start_sweep";
    String snn = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < number_sweeps; j++) {
      snn = sn;
      if (number_sweeps > 1) {
        snn = sn + "_" + (j + 1);
      ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute(snn, tsu[j]));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("num_rays", num_rays));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("max_number_gates", bins));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("range_first", range_first));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("range_last", range_last));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("DataType", "Radial"));
    ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute(CDM.CONVENTIONS, _Coordinate.Convention));

    // --------- fill all of values in the ncfile ------
        ncfile, volScan.base_time, volScan.year, volScan.month,, varList, recHdr);


    return varList;