Beispiel #1
 protected Serializer<Object> getSerializerFor(Class<?> clazz) {
   Serializer<Object> s = (Serializer<Object>) serializers.get(clazz);
   if (s != null) {
     return s;
   return (Serializer<Object>) Serializers.serializerFor(clazz);
Beispiel #2
public abstract class ProctorUtils {
  private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = Serializers.lenient();
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ProctorUtils.class);

  public static MessageDigest createMessageDigest() {
    try {
      return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    } catch (@Nonnull final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Impossible no MD5", e);

  public static Map<String, ValueExpression> convertToValueExpressionMap(
      @Nonnull final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory,
      @Nonnull final Map<String, Object> values) {
    final Map<String, ValueExpression> context =
        new HashMap<String, ValueExpression>(values.size());
    for (final Entry<String, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
      final ValueExpression ve =
          expressionFactory.createValueExpression(entry.getValue(), Object.class);
      context.put(entry.getKey(), ve);
    return context;

  @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // TODO Remove?
  public static String convertToArtifact(@Nonnull final TestMatrixVersion testMatrix)
      throws IOException {
    final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    final TestMatrixArtifact artifact = convertToConsumableArtifact(testMatrix);
    serializeArtifact(sw, artifact);
    return sw.toString();

  public static void serializeArtifact(Writer writer, final TestMatrixArtifact artifact)
      throws IOException {
    serializeObject(writer, artifact);

  @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // TODO Remove?
  public static void serializeTestDefinition(Writer writer, final TestDefinition definition)
      throws IOException {
    serializeObject(writer, definition);

  private static <T> void serializeObject(Writer writer, final T artifact) throws IOException {
    OBJECT_MAPPER.defaultPrettyPrintingWriter().writeValue(writer, artifact);

  public static TestMatrixArtifact convertToConsumableArtifact(
      @Nonnull final TestMatrixVersion testMatrix) {
    final Audit audit = new Audit();
    final Date published =
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(testMatrix.getPublished(), "Missing publication date");

    final TestMatrixArtifact artifact = new TestMatrixArtifact();

    final TestMatrixDefinition testMatrixDefinition =
            testMatrix.getTestMatrixDefinition(), "Missing test matrix definition");

    final Map<String, TestDefinition> testDefinitions = testMatrixDefinition.getTests();

    final Map<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> consumableTestDefinitions = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    for (final Entry<String, TestDefinition> entry : testDefinitions.entrySet()) {
      final TestDefinition td = entry.getValue();
      final ConsumableTestDefinition ctd = convertToConsumableTestDefinition(td);
      consumableTestDefinitions.put(entry.getKey(), ctd);

    return artifact;

  public static ConsumableTestDefinition convertToConsumableTestDefinition(
      @Nonnull final TestDefinition td) {
    final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = td.getSpecialConstants();

    final List<String> ruleComponents = Lists.newArrayList();
    //noinspection unchecked
    final List<String> countries = (List<String>) specialConstants.get("__COUNTRIES");
    if (countries != null) {
      ruleComponents.add("proctor:contains(__COUNTRIES, country)");

    if (td.getRule() != null) {

    final String rule;
    if (ruleComponents.isEmpty()) {
      rule = null;
    } else {
      final StringBuilder ruleBuilder = new StringBuilder("${");
      for (int i = 0; i < ruleComponents.size(); i++) {
        if (i != 0) {
          ruleBuilder.append(" && ");

      rule = ruleBuilder.toString();

    final List<Allocation> allocations = td.getAllocations();
    for (final Allocation alloc : allocations) {
      final String allocRule = alloc.getRule();
      if (allocRule != null && !(allocRule.startsWith("${") && allocRule.endsWith("}"))) {
        final String newAllocRule = "${" + allocRule + "}";

    final Map<String, Object> constants = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();

    return new ConsumableTestDefinition(

  public static ProctorSpecification readSpecification(final File inputFile) {
    final ProctorSpecification spec;
    InputStream stream = null;
    try {
      stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
      spec = readSpecification(stream);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read test set from " + inputFile, e);
    } finally {
      if (stream != null) {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
          LOGGER.error("Suppressing throwable thrown when closing " + inputFile, e);
    return spec;

  public static ProctorSpecification readSpecification(final InputStream inputFile) {
    final ProctorSpecification spec;
    try {
      spec = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(inputFile, ProctorSpecification.class);
    } catch (@Nonnull final JsonParseException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read test set from " + inputFile + ": ", e);
    } catch (@Nonnull final JsonMappingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read test set from " + inputFile, e);
    } catch (@Nonnull final IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read test set from " + inputFile, e);
    return spec;

   * Verifies that the TestMatrix is compatible with all the required tests. Removes non-required
   * tests from the TestMatrix Replaces invalid or missing tests (buckets are not compatible) with
   * default implementation returning the fallback value see defaultFor
   * @param testMatrix
   * @param matrixSource
   * @param requiredTests
   * @return
  public static ProctorLoadResult verifyAndConsolidate(
      @Nonnull final TestMatrixArtifact testMatrix,
      final String matrixSource,
      @Nonnull final Map<String, TestSpecification> requiredTests,
      @Nonnull final FunctionMapper functionMapper) {
    final ProctorLoadResult result =
        verify(testMatrix, matrixSource, requiredTests, functionMapper);

    final Map<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> definedTests = testMatrix.getTests();
    // Remove any invalid tests so that any required ones will be replaced with default values
    // during the
    // consolidation below (just like missing tests). Any non-required tests can safely be ignored.
    for (final String invalidTest : result.getTestsWithErrors()) {
      // TODO - mjs - gross that this depends on the mutability of the returned map, but then so
      // does the
      //  consolidate method below.

    consolidate(testMatrix, requiredTests);

    return result;

  public static ProctorLoadResult verify(
      @Nonnull final TestMatrixArtifact testMatrix,
      final String matrixSource,
      @Nonnull final Map<String, TestSpecification> requiredTests) {
    return verify(
        RuleEvaluator.FUNCTION_MAPPER); // use default function mapper

   * Does not mutate the TestMatrix.
   * <p>Verifies that the test matrix contains all the required tests and that each required test is
   * valid.
   * @param testMatrix
   * @param matrixSource
   * @param requiredTests
   * @return
  public static ProctorLoadResult verify(
      @Nonnull final TestMatrixArtifact testMatrix,
      final String matrixSource,
      @Nonnull final Map<String, TestSpecification> requiredTests,
      @Nonnull final FunctionMapper functionMapper) {
    final ProctorLoadResult.Builder resultBuilder = ProctorLoadResult.newBuilder();

    final Map<String, Map<Integer, String>> allTestsKnownBuckets =
    for (final Entry<String, TestSpecification> entry : requiredTests.entrySet()) {
      final Map<Integer, String> bucketValueToName = Maps.newHashMap();
      for (final Entry<String, Integer> bucket : entry.getValue().getBuckets().entrySet()) {
        bucketValueToName.put(bucket.getValue(), bucket.getKey());
      allTestsKnownBuckets.put(entry.getKey(), bucketValueToName);

    final Map<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> definedTests = testMatrix.getTests();
    final SetView<String> missingTests =
        Sets.difference(requiredTests.keySet(), definedTests.keySet());

    for (final Entry<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> entry : definedTests.entrySet()) {
      final String testName = entry.getKey();
      final Map<Integer, String> knownBuckets = allTestsKnownBuckets.remove(testName);
      if (knownBuckets == null) { //  we don't care about this test
        // iterator.remove(); DO NOT CONSOLIDATE

      final ConsumableTestDefinition testDefinition = entry.getValue();

      try {

      } catch (IncompatibleTestMatrixException e) {
        LOGGER.error(String.format("Unable to load test matrix for %s", testName), e);

    // TODO mjs - is this check additive?

    final ProctorLoadResult loadResult =;

    return loadResult;

  private static void verifyTest(
      String testName,
      @Nonnull ConsumableTestDefinition testDefinition,
      TestSpecification testSpecification,
      @Nonnull Map<Integer, String> knownBuckets,
      String matrixSource,
      FunctionMapper functionMapper)
      throws IncompatibleTestMatrixException {
    final List<Allocation> allocations = testDefinition.getAllocations();

    verifyInternallyConsistentDefinition(testName, matrixSource, testDefinition);
     * test the matrix for adherence to this application's requirements
    final Set<Integer> unknownBuckets = Sets.newHashSet();

    for (final Allocation allocation : allocations) {
      final List<Range> ranges = allocation.getRanges();
      //  ensure that each range refers to a known bucket
      for (final Range range : ranges) {
        // Externally consistent (application's requirements)
        if (!knownBuckets.containsKey(range.getBucketValue())) {
          // If the bucket has a positive allocation, add it to the list of unknownBuckets
          if (range.getLength() > 0) {
    if (unknownBuckets.size() > 0) {
      throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
          "Allocation range in "
              + testName
              + " from "
              + matrixSource
              + " refers to unknown bucket value(s) "
              + unknownBuckets
              + " with length > 0");

    // TODO(pwp): add some test constants?
    final RuleEvaluator ruleEvaluator =
        makeRuleEvaluator(RuleEvaluator.EXPRESSION_FACTORY, functionMapper);

    PayloadSpecification payloadSpec = testSpecification.getPayload();
    if (payloadSpec != null) {
      final String specifiedPayloadTypeName =
          Preconditions.checkNotNull(payloadSpec.getType(), "Missing payload spec type");
      final PayloadType specifiedPayloadType =
      if (specifiedPayloadType == null) {
        // This is probably redundant vs. TestGroupsGenerator.
        throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
            "For test "
                + testName
                + " from "
                + matrixSource
                + " test specification payload type unknown: "
                + specifiedPayloadTypeName);
      final String payloadValidatorRule = payloadSpec.getValidator();
      final List<TestBucket> buckets = testDefinition.getBuckets();
      for (final TestBucket bucket : buckets) {
        Payload payload = bucket.getPayload();
        if (payload != null) {
          if (!specifiedPayloadType.payloadHasThisType(payload)) {
            throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
                "For test "
                    + testName
                    + " from "
                    + matrixSource
                    + " expected payload of type "
                    + specifiedPayloadType.payloadTypeName
                    + " but matrix has a test bucket payload with wrong type: "
                    + bucket);
          if (payloadValidatorRule != null) {
            final boolean payloadIsValid =
                evaluatePayloadValidator(ruleEvaluator, payloadValidatorRule, payload);
            if (!payloadIsValid) {
              throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
                  "For test "
                      + testName
                      + " from "
                      + matrixSource
                      + " payload validation rule "
                      + payloadValidatorRule
                      + " failed for test bucket: "
                      + bucket);

  private static void consolidate(
      @Nonnull final TestMatrixArtifact testMatrix,
      @Nonnull final Map<String, TestSpecification> requiredTests) {
    final Map<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> definedTests = testMatrix.getTests();

    // Sets.difference returns a "view" on the original set, which would require concurrent
    // modification while iterating (copying the set will prevent this)
    final Set<String> toRemove =
        ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(definedTests.keySet(), requiredTests.keySet()));
    for (String testInMatrixNotRequired : toRemove) {
      //  we don't care about this test

    // Next, for any required tests that are missing, ensure that
    //  there is a nonnull test definition in the matrix
    final Set<String> missing =
        ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(requiredTests.keySet(), definedTests.keySet()));
    for (String testNotInMatrix : missing) {
          testNotInMatrix, defaultFor(testNotInMatrix, requiredTests.get(testNotInMatrix)));

    // Now go through definedTests: for each test, if the test spec
    // didn't ask for a payload, then remove any payload that is in
    // the test matrix.
    for (Entry<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> next : definedTests.entrySet()) {
      final String testName = next.getKey();
      final ConsumableTestDefinition testDefinition = next.getValue();
      final TestSpecification testSpec = requiredTests.get(testName);

      if (testSpec.getPayload() == null) {
        // No payload was requested...
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = testDefinition.getBuckets();
        for (final TestBucket bucket : buckets) {
          if (bucket.getPayload() != null) {
            // ... so stomp the unexpected payloads.

  private static ConsumableTestDefinition defaultFor(
      final String testName, @Nonnull final TestSpecification testSpecification) {
    final String missingTestSoleBucketName = "inactive";
    final String missingTestSoleBucketDescription = "inactive";
    final Allocation allocation = new Allocation();
    allocation.setRanges(ImmutableList.of(new Range(testSpecification.getFallbackValue(), 1.0)));

    return new ConsumableTestDefinition(
            new TestBucket(
        // Force a nonnull allocation just in case something somewhere assumes 1.0 total allocation
        Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(),

  public static void verifyInternallyConsistentDefinition(
      final String testName,
      final String matrixSource,
      @Nonnull final ConsumableTestDefinition testDefinition)
      throws IncompatibleTestMatrixException {
    final List<Allocation> allocations = testDefinition.getAllocations();
    if (allocations.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException("No allocations specified in test " + testName);
    final List<TestBucket> buckets = testDefinition.getBuckets();

     * test the matrix for consistency with itself
    final Set<Integer> definedBuckets = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (final TestBucket bucket : buckets) {

    for (final Allocation allocation : allocations) {
      final List<Range> ranges = allocation.getRanges();
      //  ensure that each range refers to a known bucket
      double bucketTotal = 0;
      for (final Range range : ranges) {
        bucketTotal += range.getLength();
        // Internally consistent (within matrix itself)
        if (!definedBuckets.contains(range.getBucketValue())) {
          throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
              "Allocation range in "
                  + testName
                  + " from "
                  + matrixSource
                  + " refers to unknown bucket value "
                  + range.getBucketValue());
      //  I hate floating points.  TODO: extract a required precision constant/parameter?
      if (bucketTotal < 0.9999
          || bucketTotal
              > 1.0001) { //  compensate for FP imprecision.  TODO: determine what these bounds
                          // really should be by testing stuff
        final StringBuilder sb =
            new StringBuilder(
                        + " range with rule "
                        + allocation.getRule()
                        + " does not add up to 1 : ")
        for (int i = 1; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
          sb.append(" + ").append(ranges.get(i).getLength());
        sb.append(" = ").append(bucketTotal);
        throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(sb.toString());
    final Allocation lastAllocation = allocations.get(allocations.size() - 1);
    if (!CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.matchesAllOf(Strings.nullToEmpty(lastAllocation.getRule()))) {
      throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
          "Final allocation for test "
              + testName
              + " from "
              + matrixSource
              + " has non-empty rule: "
              + lastAllocation.getRule());

     * When defined, within a single test, all test bucket payloads
     * should be supplied; they should all have just one type each,
     * and they should all be the same type.
    Payload nonEmptyPayload = null;
    final List<TestBucket> bucketsWithoutPayloads = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (final TestBucket bucket : buckets) {
      final Payload p = bucket.getPayload();
      if (p != null) {
        if (p.numFieldsDefined() != 1) {
          throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
              "Test "
                  + testName
                  + " from "
                  + matrixSource
                  + " has a test bucket payload with multiple types: "
                  + bucket);
        if (nonEmptyPayload == null) {
          nonEmptyPayload = p;
        } else if (!nonEmptyPayload.sameType(p)) {
          throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
              "Test "
                  + testName
                  + " from "
                  + matrixSource
                  + " has test bucket: "
                  + bucket
                  + " incompatible with type of payload: "
                  + nonEmptyPayload);
      } else {
    if ((nonEmptyPayload != null) && (bucketsWithoutPayloads.size() != 0)) {
      throw new IncompatibleTestMatrixException(
          "Test "
              + testName
              + " from "
              + matrixSource
              + " has some test buckets without payloads: "
              + bucketsWithoutPayloads);

  // Make a new RuleEvaluator that captures the test constants.
  // TODO(pwp): add some test constants?
  private static RuleEvaluator makeRuleEvaluator(
      final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory, final FunctionMapper functionMapper) {
    // Make the expression evaluation context.
    final Map<String, Object> testConstants = Collections.emptyMap();

    return new RuleEvaluator(expressionFactory, functionMapper, testConstants);

  private static boolean evaluatePayloadValidator(
      @Nonnull final RuleEvaluator ruleEvaluator, final String rule, @Nonnull final Payload payload)
      throws IncompatibleTestMatrixException {
    Map<String, Object> values = Collections.singletonMap("value", payload.fetchAValue());

    try {
      return ruleEvaluator.evaluateBooleanRule(rule, values);
    } catch (@Nonnull final IllegalArgumentException e) {
      LOGGER.error("Unable to evaluate rule ${" + rule + "} with payload " + payload, e);

    return false;
  * Tests {@linkplain Serializers#serialize(} method.
  * @throws Exception exception
 public void serialize() throws Exception {
   final byte[] bytes = Serializers.serialize(new Integer(0));
   assertEquals(bytes.length, INTEGER_LENGTH);
public abstract class AbstractJsonProctorLoader extends AbstractProctorLoader {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(FileProctorLoader.class);

  @Nonnull private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = Serializers.lenient();
  @Nullable private String fileContents = null;

  public AbstractJsonProctorLoader(
      @Nonnull final Class<?> cls,
      @Nonnull final ProctorSpecification specification,
      @Nonnull final FunctionMapper functionMapper) {
    super(cls, specification, functionMapper);

    final ProctorLoaderDetail detailObject = new ProctorLoaderDetail();
    VarExporter.forNamespace(detailObject.getClass().getSimpleName()).export(detailObject, "");

  protected TestMatrixArtifact loadJsonTestMatrix(@Nonnull final Reader reader) throws IOException {
    final char[] buffer = new char[1024];
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (true) {
      final int read =;
      if (read == -1) {
      if (read > 0) {
        sb.append(buffer, 0, read);
    final String newContents = sb.toString();
    try {
      final TestMatrixArtifact testMatrix =
          objectMapper.readValue(newContents, TestMatrixArtifact.class);
      if (testMatrix != null) {
        //  record the file contents AFTER successfully loading the matrix
        fileContents = newContents;
      return testMatrix;
    } catch (@Nonnull final JsonParseException e) {
      LOGGER.error("Unable to load test matrix from " + getSource(), e);
      throw e;
    } catch (@Nonnull final JsonMappingException e) {
      LOGGER.error("Unable to load test matrix from " + getSource(), e);
      throw e;
    } catch (@Nonnull final IOException e) {
      LOGGER.error("Unable to load test matrix from " + getSource(), e);
      throw e;

  public String getFileContents() {
    return fileContents;

  /* class ProctorLoaderDetail is public so VarExporter works correctly */
  public class ProctorLoaderDetail {
    @Export(name = "file-source")
    public String getFileSource() {
      return getSource();

        name = "file-contents",
        doc =
            "The file contents of a recent successful load. If the file contains invalid JSON, the file contents will not be set.")
    public String getLastFileContents() {
      return getFileContents();