Beispiel #1
   * AES CBC decrypt.
   * @param civ the cipher text, iv, and mac
   * @param secretKeys the AES & HMAC keys
   * @return The raw decrypted bytes
   * @throws GeneralSecurityException if MACs don't match or AES is not implemented
  public static byte[] decrypt(CipherTextIvMac civ, SecretKeys secretKeys)
      throws GeneralSecurityException {

    byte[] ivCipherConcat = CipherTextIvMac.ivCipherConcat(civ.getIv(), civ.getCipherText());
    byte[] computedMac = generateMac(ivCipherConcat, secretKeys.getIntegrityKey());
    if (constantTimeEq(computedMac, civ.getMac())) {
      Cipher aesCipherForDecryption = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION);
          new IvParameterSpec(civ.getIv()));
      return aesCipherForDecryption.doFinal(civ.getCipherText());
    } else {
      throw new GeneralSecurityException("MAC stored in civ does not match computed MAC.");
Beispiel #2
   * Generates a random IV and encrypts this plain text with the given key. Then attaches a hashed
   * MAC, which is contained in the CipherTextIvMac class.
   * @param plaintext The text that will be encrypted
   * @param secretKeys The combined AES & HMAC keys with which to encrypt
   * @return a tuple of the IV, ciphertext, mac
   * @throws GeneralSecurityException if AES is not implemented on this system
  public static CipherTextIvMac encrypt(byte[] plaintext, SecretKeys secretKeys)
      throws GeneralSecurityException {
    byte[] iv = generateIv();
    Cipher aesCipherForEncryption = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION);
        Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeys.getConfidentialityKey(), new IvParameterSpec(iv));

     * Now we get back the IV that will actually be used. Some Android
     * versions do funny stuff w/ the IV, so this is to work around bugs:
    iv = aesCipherForEncryption.getIV();
    byte[] byteCipherText = aesCipherForEncryption.doFinal(plaintext);
    byte[] ivCipherConcat = CipherTextIvMac.ivCipherConcat(iv, byteCipherText);

    byte[] integrityMac = generateMac(ivCipherConcat, secretKeys.getIntegrityKey());
    return new CipherTextIvMac(byteCipherText, iv, integrityMac);