/** Returns the User whith the given id. */ public List<Group> getDirectSubGroups(Connection c, int groupId) throws AdminException { ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; List<Group> theResult = new ArrayList<Group>(); String theQuery = "select " + getColumns() + " from " + drvSettings.getGroupTableName() + " where " + drvSettings.getGroupParentIdColumnName(); try { if (groupId == -1) theQuery = theQuery + " is null"; else theQuery = theQuery + " = ?"; SilverTrace.debug("admin", "SQLGroupTable.getGroup", "root.MSG_QUERY", theQuery); statement = c.prepareStatement(theQuery); if (groupId != -1) statement.setInt(1, groupId); rs = statement.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { theResult.add(fetchGroup(rs)); } return theResult; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new AdminException( "SQLGroupTable.getAllGroups", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_SQL_QUERY_FAILED", "Query = " + theQuery, e); } finally { DBUtil.close(rs, statement); } }
public void deleteGroup(Connection c, int groupId) throws AdminException { PreparedStatement statement = null; String theQuery = "delete from " + drvSettings.getGroupTableName() + " where " + drvSettings.getGroupSpecificIdColumnName() + " = ?"; try { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "SQLGroupTable.deleteGroup", "root.MSG_QUERY", theQuery); statement = c.prepareStatement(theQuery); statement.setInt(1, groupId); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException( "SQLGroupTable.deleteGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_SQL_QUERY_FAILED", "Query = " + theQuery, e); } finally { DBUtil.close(statement); } }
protected String getColumns() { return drvSettings.getGroupSpecificIdColumnName() + ", " + drvSettings.getGroupParentIdColumnName() + ", " + drvSettings.getGroupNameColumnName() + ", " + drvSettings.getGroupDescriptionColumnName(); }
/** Returns the Group whith the given name. */ public Group getGroupByName(Connection c, String groupName) throws AdminException { ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; String theQuery = "select " + getColumns() + " from " + drvSettings.getGroupTableName() + " where name = ?"; try { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "SQLGroupTable.getGroupByName", "root.MSG_QUERY", theQuery); statement = c.prepareStatement(theQuery); statement.setString(1, groupName); rs = statement.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { return fetchGroup(rs); } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new AdminException( "SQLGroupTable.getGroupByName", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_SQL_QUERY_FAILED", "Query = " + theQuery, e); } finally { DBUtil.close(rs, statement); } }
public void updateGroup(Connection c, Group g) throws AdminException { PreparedStatement statement = null; String theQuery = "update " + drvSettings.getGroupTableName() + " set " + drvSettings.getGroupNameColumnName() + " = ?," + drvSettings.getGroupDescriptionColumnName() + " = ?" + " where " + drvSettings.getGroupSpecificIdColumnName() + " = ?"; try { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "SQLGroupTable.updateGroup", "root.MSG_QUERY", theQuery); statement = c.prepareStatement(theQuery); statement.setString(1, drvSettings.trunc(g.getName(), 100)); statement.setString(2, drvSettings.trunc(g.getDescription(), 400)); statement.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(g.getSpecificId())); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException( "SQLGroupTable.updateGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_SQL_QUERY_FAILED", "Query = " + theQuery, e); } finally { DBUtil.close(statement); } }
/** Inserts in the database a new Group row. */ public int createGroup(Connection c, Group group) throws AdminException { PreparedStatement statement = null; int nextId = 0; String theQuery = "insert into " + drvSettings.getGroupTableName() + "(" + getColumns() + ") values (?,?,?,?)"; try { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "SQLGroupTable.createGroup", "root.MSG_QUERY", theQuery); statement = c.prepareStatement(theQuery); nextId = DBUtil.getNextId( drvSettings.getGroupTableName(), drvSettings.getGroupSpecificIdColumnName()); statement.setInt(1, nextId); String gid = group.getSuperGroupId(); if ((gid == null) || (gid.length() <= 0) || (gid.equals("-1"))) statement.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); else statement.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(gid)); statement.setString(3, drvSettings.trunc(group.getName(), 100)); statement.setString(4, drvSettings.trunc(group.getDescription(), 400)); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException( "SQLGroupTable.createGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_SQL_QUERY_FAILED", "Query = " + theQuery, e); } finally { DBUtil.close(statement); } return nextId; }