   * Ctor read and map all rules from the given verb ocean file, but, keep only rules with allowed
   * relation types, and, for each verb pair, keep only the highest scoring rule. The rules are then
   * mapped.
   * @param scoreThreshold rules with thresholds not higher than this will be screened
   * @param verbOceanRelationsFile e.g. Data\RESOURCES\VerbOcean\verbocean.unrefined.2004-05-20.txt
   * @param allowedRelationTypes only rules with these relations will be returned. others will be
   *     screened. If they contain any of the {@link #FORBIDDEN_RELATION_TYPES}, a
   *     LexicalResourceException is thrown. Cannot be null, can be empty.
   * @throws LexicalResourceException
  public VerbOceanLexicalResource(
      double scoreThreshold, File verbOceanRelationsFile, Set<RelationType> allowedRelationTypes)
      throws LexicalResourceException {
    if (scoreThreshold <= 0)
      throw new LexicalResourceException(
          "the score threshold must be positive. I got " + scoreThreshold);
    if (verbOceanRelationsFile == null)
      throw new LexicalResourceException("got null relations file");
    if (!verbOceanRelationsFile.exists())
      throw new LexicalResourceException(verbOceanRelationsFile + " doesn't exist");
    if (allowedRelationTypes == null)
      throw new LexicalResourceException("allowedRelationTypes  is null");
    for (RelationType forbiddenRelationType : FORBIDDEN_RELATION_TYPES)
      if (allowedRelationTypes.contains(forbiddenRelationType))
        throw new LexicalResourceException(
            "The given allowed relation types set "
                + allowedRelationTypes
                + " contains a forbidden relation type "
                + forbiddenRelationType);

    try {
      VERB = new BySimplerCanonicalPartOfSpeech(SimplerCanonicalPosTag.VERB);
    } catch (UnsupportedPosTagStringException e) {
      throw new LexicalResourceException("Internal error", e);

    PairMap<String, LexicalRule<? extends VerbOceanRuleInfo>> mapRulesByUnorderedPair =
        new PairMap<String, LexicalRule<? extends VerbOceanRuleInfo>>();
    Set<Pair<String>> verbPairs = new LinkedHashSet<Pair<String>>();

    // read and map all rules, but, keep only rules with allowed relation types, and, for each verb
    // pair, keep only the highest scoring rule
    try {
      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(verbOceanRelationsFile));

      String line;
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        if (line.length() != 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') // skip empty and commented lines
          String[] parts = line.split(" ");
          RelationType relationType = RelationType.parse(parts[1]);
          double score = Double.parseDouble(parts[4]);
          if (allowedRelationTypes.contains(relationType)
              && score > scoreThreshold) // screen out unallowed relation types and low scores
            String leftVerb = parts[0];
            String rightVerb = parts[2];
            Pair<String> verbPair = new Pair<String>(leftVerb, rightVerb);

            LexicalRule<? extends VerbOceanRuleInfo> comparedRule =
            if (comparedRule == null
                || score
                    > comparedRule
                        .getConfidence()) // if there is a better rule for the same verb pair, skip
                                          // this rule
                  verbPair, makeRule(leftVerb, rightVerb, score, relationType));

            if (comparedRule == null) verbPairs.add(verbPair);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      throw new LexicalResourceException("file not found: " + verbOceanRelationsFile, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new LexicalResourceException("IO error reading: " + verbOceanRelationsFile, e);

    // fill up the one sided rule maps
    fillTheRuleMaps(mapRulesByUnorderedPair, verbPairs);