/** * Gets all the EPCIS events matching the given filters from a given ECPIS repository. * * @param filters the EPC code * @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository * @return a list of EPCIS events * @throws RemoteException */ public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(Map<String, String> filters, String EPCISAddress) throws IoTaException { QueryEPCISRequest in = new QueryEPCISRequest(); in.setFilters(createQueryParams(filters)); in.setEPCISAddress(EPCISAddress); in.setIdentity(identity); QueryEPCISResponse out = port.queryEPCIS(in); return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList()); }
/** * Gets all the EPCIS events concerning a given EPC code from a given ECPIS repository. * * @param EPC the EPC code * @param EPCISAddress the URL of the EPCIS repository * @return a list of EPCIS events * @throws RemoteException */ public List<EPCISEventType> queryEPCIS(String epc, String EPCISAddress) throws IoTaException { QueryEPCISRequest in = new QueryEPCISRequest(); EPC tepc = new EPC(); tepc.setValue(epc); in.setEpc(tepc); in.setEPCISAddress(EPCISAddress); in.setIdentity(identity); QueryEPCISResponse out = port.queryEPCIS(in); return EPCISEventTypeHelper.listFromEventList(out.getEventList()); }