Beispiel #1
  public void testLineTracker() throws Exception {
    // PyUnitViewTest fails because it depends on org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsoleLineTracker
    // being able to be loaded. But IConsoleLineTracker is in a plug-in with an activator that in
    // turn relies on the workbench being loaded, leading to a test error. This isn't a problem
    // when run within Eclipse as a (plain) JUint test because the Activator is skipped.
    // Since the classes under test rely on IConsoleLineTracker, the test must be run as a
    // GUI enabled Plug-in test (i.e workbench started), however if you do that the test fails
    // because of interactions with other services in the workbench.
    if (PydevPlugin.getDefault() != null) {
      if (SharedCorePlugin.skipKnownFailures()) {
    PyUnitView pyUnitView = new PyUnitView();
    PyUnitTestRun testRun = new PyUnitTestRun(null);
    String error =
        "File \"Y:\\test_python\\src\\mod1\\mod2\\\", line 45, in testAnotherCase";
    PyUnitTestResult result =
        new PyUnitTestResult(
            testRun, "fail", "c:\\", "", "", "\n\n" + error + "\nfoo\n", "0");

    Display display = Display.getCurrent();
    if (display == null) {
      display = Display.getDefault();
    Shell composite = new Shell(display);
    composite.setLayout(new FillLayout());

    StyledText text = new StyledText(composite, 0);

    // uncomment below to see results.
    //        composite.pack();
    //        while (!composite.isDisposed()) {
    //            if (!display.readAndDispatch()){
    //                display.sleep();
    //            }
    //        }

    StyleRange[] styleRanges = text.getStyleRanges();
    assertEquals(1, styleRanges.length);
    assertEquals(69, styleRanges[0].start);
    assertEquals(error.length(), styleRanges[0].length);