Beispiel #1
  * This method displays the in-game help menu. It includes a table of all the prizes currently in
  * the machine.
 private void displayHelp() {
       "----- [Display Game Help] -----\n"
           + "The objective of the Lucky Vending Machine game is for the\n"
           + "player to guess a number that corresponds to a prize. A\n"
           + "list of all the prizes available and its cost and worth is\n"
           + "shown below.\n");
   if (prizes.getSize() > 0) prizes.displayPrizes();
   else System.out.println("[No prizes currently in the system.]");
       "\nIf the player's guess matches the number generated by the\n"
           + "machine, they win the prize.\n\n"
           + "To begin, set up a new player with [1] and then guess with\n"
           + "[2].\n\n"
           + "If you are the administrator, type [0] in the main menu to\n"
           + "access the prize configuration menu.");
Beispiel #2
 /** Reads a password from the user and checks if it matches. */
 private void checkPassword() {
   Scanner console = new Scanner(;
   System.out.print("Administrator password: "******"Success!\n");
   } else System.out.println("Password is incorrect.\n");
Beispiel #3
  * This method prompts the user for a guess, checks that it is valid, and then compares it to a
  * random lucky number. If both numbers match, the Player wins the Prize.
 private void guessPrize() {
   Scanner console = new Scanner(;
       "----- [Guess a Prize] -----\n"
           + "Please guess a number between 1 and "
           + prizes.getSize()
           + ":");
   int guess = 0;
   while (!validGuess(guess)) {
     System.out.print("> ");
     try {
       guess = console.nextInt();
       if (validGuess(guess)) compareLuckyNumber(guess);
             "Error! Please guess a number between 1 and " + prizes.getSize() + ":");
     } catch (Exception e) {
       System.out.println("Error! Invalid guess.\n");
Beispiel #4
  * Compares the number given with a random lucky number. If they match, the Player object will be
  * updated with details of the new Prize they have won.
  * @param guess The number that is to be compared.
 private void compareLuckyNumber(int guess) {
   System.out.println("You have guessed: " + guess);
   int randomNumber = LuckyGuessGenerator.generateRandomNumber(prizes.getSize());
   System.out.println("The lucky number is: " + randomNumber);
   if (guess == randomNumber) {
     players.getPlayer(currentPlayer).addPrize(prizes.getPrize(guess - 1));
         "Congratulations! you have won a "
             + prizes.getPrize(guess - 1).getName()
             + " worth $"
             + prizes.getPrize(guess - 1).getWorth()
             + "!\n");
     players.getPlayer(currentPlayer).addWorth(prizes.getPrize(guess - 1).getWorth());
   } else System.out.println("Too bad! You didn't win anything.\n");
   players.getPlayer(currentPlayer).addSpent(prizes.getPrize(guess - 1).getCost());
Beispiel #5
  * This method checks that a guess is valid.
  * @param guess The guess that needs to be validated.
  * @return True if the guess is valid.
 private boolean validGuess(int guess) {
   boolean isValid = false;
   if (guess >= 1 && guess <= prizes.getSize()) isValid = true;
   return isValid;
Beispiel #6
 /** Stops the Lucky Vending Machine game. */
 private void exitGame() {
   System.out.println("----- [Exit Game] -----");
   System.out.println("The game will now exit. Have a nice day.");
   players = new PlayerList(); // Deletes all players.
   prizes.writePrizes("prizes.txt"); // Writes all data from the PrizeList to a file.