// ***************************************
  // *** copyDirectoryContents() ***
  // ***************************************
  // copy all files from source to output
  private boolean copyDirectoryContents(File sourceFile, File outputFile) {
    // flag for success or not
    boolean allFilesCopied = true;

    // get list of all files in source directory
    String fileList[] = sourceFile.list();

    // copy each file
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
      // get current file name
      String currItemName = fileList[i];
      File currItemFile = new File(sourceFile, currItemName);

      // if a directory, call directory copy method
      if (currItemFile.isDirectory()) {
        // copy this directory (and its contents etc.)
        String directoryName = currItemName;
        File sourceDirectory = currItemFile;
        File desinationDirectory = new File(outputFile, directoryName);

        trace("copyDirectoryContents", "** directory **  = " + currItemName, 0);

        // create destination dir if required, and copy all contents
        // ( RECURSION !)
        copyDirectory(sourceDirectory, desinationDirectory);

      } // if
      else {
        // must be a file - so use file copy

        trace("copyDirectoryContents", "fileList = " + currItemName, 0);

        // get references to source / desintation filepath+name
        File oldFile = currItemFile;
        File newFile = new File(outputFile, currItemName);

        // copy file contents ...
        boolean isCopiedSuccessfully = true;
        isCopiedSuccessfully = copyFile(oldFile, newFile);

        // if error then flag at least one file didn't copy
        if (!isCopiedSuccessfully) {
          allFilesCopied = false;
        } // if
      } // else
    } // for

    return allFilesCopied;
  } // method
  // *************************
  // *** renameHTMLtoPHP() ***
  // *************************
  // rename all the HTML files to end in ".php"
  private boolean renameHTMLtoPHP(File outputPathFile, String[] htmlFileList) {
    // flag to indicate if all went well
    boolean allSucessfullyRenamed = true;

    // loop for each HTML file
    for (int i = 0; i < htmlFileList.length; i++) {
      // get current HTML file name
      String htmlFileName = htmlFileList[i];

      // create String for .php filename
      String phpFileName = htmlFileName.replace(".html", ".php");

          "htmlFileName = '" + htmlFileName + "', phpFileName = '" + phpFileName + "'",

      // get current FILE object
      File htmlFile = new File(outputPathFile, htmlFileName);

      // get reference file with new (.php) name
      File phpFile = new File(outputPathFile, phpFileName);

      // rename file
      boolean isRenamed = renameFile(htmlFile, phpFile);

      if (!isRenamed) {
        // flag that at least one file didn't rename sucessfully
        allSucessfullyRenamed = false;
      } // if
    } // for

    return allSucessfullyRenamed;
  } // method
  // *************************
  // *** constructor
  // ***********************
  public PreProcess() {
    // get current working directory
    File workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));

    // create File objects for source / destination directories
    File sourcePathFile = new File(workingDirectory, sourcePathName);
    File outputPathFile = new File(workingDirectory, outputPathName);

    // get File object for tracking directory
    File trackingFolderSourcePathFile = new File(workingDirectory, PHP_TRACKING_DIRECTORY_PATH);
    File trackingFolderDestinationPathFile =
        new File(workingDirectory, outputPathName + "/" + PHP_TRACKING_DIRECTORY_NAME);

    System.out.println("in constructor");

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (0)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(0) delete contents of output directory", 0);
    // (0) delete contents of output directory

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (1)", 0);
        "(1) copy all contents (including subdirectoies) from src to output directory",

    // (1) copy all contents (including subdirectoies) from src to output directory
    copyDirectoryContents(sourcePathFile, outputPathFile);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (2)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(2) get list of '.html' files in this folder", 0);
    // (2) get list of ".html" files in this folder
    String[] htmlFileList = findFilesWithSuffix(outputPathFile, SUFFIX_HTML);

    for (int i = 0; i < htmlFileList.length; i++) {
      trace("PreProcess", "htmlFileList = " + htmlFileList[i], 0);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (3)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(3) rename all these files as '.php'", 0);

    // (3) rename all these files as ".php"
    renameHTMLtoPHP(outputPathFile, htmlFileList);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (4)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(4) get list of '.php' files in this folder", 0);

    // (4) get list of ".php" files in this folder

    String[] phpFileList = findFilesWithSuffix(outputPathFile, SUFFIX_PHP);

    for (int i = 0; i < phpFileList.length; i++) {
      trace("PreProcess", "phpFileList = " + phpFileList[i], 0);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (5)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(5) add PHP INCLUDE line in ALL PHP files in directory", 0);

    // (5) add PHP INCLUDE line in ALL PHP files in directory
    addTrackingCode(outputPathFile, phpFileList);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (6)", 0);
        "(6) replace any references to the old '.html' files to the renamed '.php' files",

    // (6) replace any references to the old ".html" files to the renamed ".php" files
    replaceHTMLReferences(outputPathFile, phpFileList, htmlFileList);

    trace("PreProcess", "-----------------------------------step (7)", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "(7) copy user tracking files into output directory", 0);

    // (7) copy the user tracking files (and their directory) into the output folder
    copyDirectory(trackingFolderSourcePathFile, trackingFolderDestinationPathFile);

    trace("PreProcess", "----------------------------------------------------------", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "-------------------- end of application ------------------", 0);
    trace("PreProcess", "----------------------------------------------------------", 0);
  } // constructor