Beispiel #1
  /** @since 3.1 */
  public <T extends Persistent> T localObject(T objectFromAnotherContext) {

    if (objectFromAnotherContext == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Null object argument");

    ObjectId id = objectFromAnotherContext.getObjectId();

    // first look for the ID in the local GraphManager
    synchronized (getGraphManager()) {
      T localObject = (T) getGraphManager().getNode(id);
      if (localObject != null) {
        return localObject;

      // create a hollow object, optimistically assuming that the ID we
      // got from
      // 'objectFromAnotherContext' is a valid ID either in the parent
      // context or in
      // the DB. This essentially defers possible FaultFailureExceptions.

      ClassDescriptor descriptor = getEntityResolver().getClassDescriptor(id.getEntityName());
      Persistent persistent = (Persistent) descriptor.createObject();


      getGraphManager().registerNode(id, persistent);

      return (T) persistent;
   * ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
  private void databaseIntegrityTest() {
    Logger.normal(this, "Testing database integrity...");
    synchronized (mIdentityManager) {
      synchronized (mMessageManager) {
        synchronized (mTaskManager) {
          final Query q = db.query();

          for (final Persistent p : new Persistent.InitializingObjectSet<Persistent>(this, q)) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
              try {
                Logger.error(this, "Integrity test failed for " + p, e);
              } catch (Exception toStringException) {
                    "Integrity test failed for object and toString also failed, toString-Exception below",
                Logger.error(this, "Original integrity test failure below", e);
    Logger.normal(this, "Database integrity test finished.");
Beispiel #3
  public static void SetFieldValue(Persistent obj, Field field, NodeReference node) {
    String fieldName = field.getName();

    try {
      if (Persistent.class.isInstance(field.get(obj))) {
        Persistent fieldAsPersistentObject = (Persistent) field.get(obj);
        if (fieldAsPersistentObject != null) {
          node.set(fieldAsPersistentObject.Id, obj.Id, fieldName);

      Long Id = obj.Id;
      Object fieldValue = field.get(obj);
      if (fieldValue instanceof java.lang.String) {
        node.set(fieldValue.toString(), Id, fieldName);
      } else if (fieldValue instanceof java.lang.Long) {
        long longValue = field.getLong(obj);
        node.set(longValue, Id, fieldName);

      } else if (fieldValue instanceof java.util.Date) {
        Date dateValue = (Date) fieldValue;
        node.set(DateHelper.DateToString(dateValue), obj.Id, fieldName);

    } catch (Exception e) {
Beispiel #4
 /** Get the singleton instance. */
 public static synchronized CacheValidator getInstance() {
   if (instance == null) {
     instance = new CacheValidator();
   return (instance);
Beispiel #5
 public void process(PhotoImage img, Collection<String> errs) throws Exception {
   ImageServer is = Persistent.getImageServer();
   for (PhotoDimensions dim : sizes) {
     is.getImage(img, dim);
Beispiel #6
 public void process(PhotoImage img, Collection<String> errs) throws Exception {
   byte[] pi = Persistent.getImageServer().getImage(img, null);
   PhotoParser.Result res = PhotoParser.getInstance().parseImage(pi);
   String storedMd5 = img.getMd5();
   assert storedMd5 != null : "No MD5 for image " + img.getId();
   if (!storedMd5.equals(res.getMd5())) {
     errs.add("MD5 is incorrect for img " + img.getId());
Beispiel #7
   * Saves a snapshot of an image to the users directory
   * @param image the image to be saved
   * @param user the user to save the image to
  public static void SaveProfilePicture(Image image, User user) {
    String userDir = new File(Persistent.getProfileFilePath(user.getUserId())).getParent();
    File file = new File(userDir + "/profile.png");
    try {
      ImageIO.write(SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(image, null), "png", file);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // file path doesn't exist
      // System.out.println("Couldn't save picture. filePath not found");

Beispiel #8
  * Saves the user profile to a JSON file
  * @param user user to be saved
 public static void SaveUser(User user) {
   String profileString = gson.toJson(user);
   try {
     FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(Persistent.getProfileFilePath(user.getUserId()));
   } catch (IOException e) {
     // file path doesn't exists
     // The file path has been set using a file chooser so we will never reach this
     // e.printStackTrace();
Beispiel #9
   * If ObjEntity qualifier is set, asks it to inject initial value to an object. Also performs all
   * Persistent initialization operations
  protected void injectInitialValue(Object obj) {
    // must follow this exact order of property initialization per CAY-653,
    // i.e. have
    // the id and the context in place BEFORE setPersistence is called

    Persistent object = (Persistent) obj;


    GraphManager graphManager = getGraphManager();
    synchronized (graphManager) {
      graphManager.registerNode(object.getObjectId(), object);

    ObjEntity entity;
    try {
      entity = getEntityResolver().getObjEntity(object.getClass());
    } catch (CayenneRuntimeException ex) {
      // ObjEntity cannot be fetched, ignored
      entity = null;

    if (entity != null) {
      if (entity.getDeclaredQualifier() instanceof ValueInjector) {
        ((ValueInjector) entity.getDeclaredQualifier()).injectValue(object);

    // invoke callbacks
    getEntityResolver().getCallbackRegistry().performCallbacks(LifecycleEvent.POST_ADD, object);
Beispiel #10
 public void process(PhotoImage img, Collection<String> errs) throws Exception {
   ImageServer is = Persistent.getImageServer();
   if (is instanceof ImageServerImpl) {
     ImageServerImpl isi = (ImageServerImpl) is;
     byte[] fromDB = isi.getImage(img, null, false);
     byte[] fromCache = isi.getImage(img, null, true);
     if (!Arrays.equals(fromDB, fromCache)) {
       errs.add("Didn't get the same result from cache and DB for " + img.getId());
   } else {
     errs.add("Can't validate " + img.getId() + " because server is not ImageServerImpl");
   * ATTENTION: This function is duplicated in the Web Of Trust plugin, please backport any changes.
  private void closeDatabase() {
    if (db == null) {
      Logger.warning(this, "Terminated already.");

    synchronized (Persistent.transactionLock(db)) {
      try {
        db = null;
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Logger.error(this, "Error while closing database", e);
 // 循环处理每个需要处理的程序对象
 public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
   // 定义一个文件输出流,用于生成额外的文件
   PrintStream ps = null;
   try {
     // 遍历每个被@Persistent修饰的class文件
     for (Element t : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Persistent.class)) {
       // 获取正在处理的类名
       Name clazzName = t.getSimpleName();
       // 获取类定义前的@Persistent Annotation
       Persistent per = t.getAnnotation(Persistent.class);
       // 创建文件输出流
       ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(clazzName + ".hbm.xml"));
       // 执行输出
       ps.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
       ps.println("<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC");
       ps.println("	\"-//Hibernate/Hibernate " + "Mapping DTD 3.0//EN\"");
       ps.println("	\"" + "hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd\">");
       ps.print("	<class name=\"" + t);
       // 输出per的table()的值
       ps.println("\" table=\"" + per.table() + "\">");
       for (Element f : t.getEnclosedElements()) {
         // 只处理成员变量上的Annotation
         if (f.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) // ①
           // 获取成员变量定义前的@Id Annotation
           Id id = f.getAnnotation(Id.class); // ②
           // 当@Id Annotation存在时输出<id.../>元素
           if (id != null) {
                 "		<id name=\""
                     + f.getSimpleName()
                     + "\" column=\""
                     + id.column()
                     + "\" type=\""
                     + id.type()
                     + "\">");
             ps.println("		<generator class=\"" + id.generator() + "\"/>");
             ps.println("		</id>");
           // 获取成员变量定义前的@Property Annotation
           Property p = f.getAnnotation(Property.class); // ③
           // 当@Property Annotation存在时输出<property.../>元素
           if (p != null) {
                 "		<property name=\""
                     + f.getSimpleName()
                     + "\" column=\""
                     + p.column()
                     + "\" type=\""
                     + p.type()
                     + "\"/>");
       ps.println("	</class>");
   } catch (Exception ex) {
   } finally {
     if (ps != null) {
       try {
       } catch (Exception ex) {
   return true;
Beispiel #13
  public void prepareForAccess(Persistent object, String property, boolean lazyFaulting) {
    if (object.getPersistenceState() == PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {

      ObjectId oid = object.getObjectId();
      List<?> objects = performQuery(new ObjectIdQuery(oid, false, ObjectIdQuery.CACHE));

      if (objects.size() == 0) {
        throw new FaultFailureException(
            "Error resolving fault, no matching row exists in the database for ObjectId: " + oid);
      } else if (objects.size() > 1) {
        throw new FaultFailureException(
            "Error resolving fault, more than one row exists in the database for ObjectId: " + oid);

      // 5/28/2013 - Commented out this block to allow for modifying
      // objects in the postLoad callback
      // sanity check...
      // if (object.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.COMMITTED) {
      // String state =
      // PersistenceState.persistenceStateName(object.getPersistenceState());
      // // TODO: andrus 4/13/2006, modified and deleted states are
      // // possible due to
      // // a race condition, should we handle them here?
      // throw new
      // FaultFailureException("Error resolving fault for ObjectId: " +
      // oid + " and state (" + state
      // +
      // "). Possible cause - matching row is missing from the database.");
      // }

    // resolve relationship fault
    if (lazyFaulting && property != null) {
      ClassDescriptor classDescriptor =
      PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = classDescriptor.getProperty(property);

      // If we don't have a property descriptor, there's not much we can
      // do.
      // Let the caller know that the specified property could not be
      // found and list
      // all of the properties that could be so the caller knows what can
      // be used.
      if (propertyDescriptor == null) {
        final StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();

                "Property '%s' is not declared for entity '%s'.",
                property, object.getObjectId().getEntityName()));

        errorMessage.append(" Declared properties are: ");

        // Grab each of the declared properties.
        final List<String> properties = new ArrayList<String>();
            new PropertyVisitor() {
              public boolean visitAttribute(final AttributeProperty property) {

                return true;

              public boolean visitToOne(final ToOneProperty property) {

                return true;

              public boolean visitToMany(final ToManyProperty property) {

                return true;

        // Now add the declared property names to the error message.
        boolean first = true;
        for (String declaredProperty : properties) {
          if (first) {
            errorMessage.append(String.format("'%s'", declaredProperty));

            first = false;
          } else {
            errorMessage.append(String.format(", '%s'", declaredProperty));


        throw new CayenneRuntimeException(errorMessage.toString());

      // this should trigger fault resolving
   * Creates an identity from an identity introduction, stores it in the database and returns the
   * new identity. If the identity already exists, the existing identity is returned.
   * <p>You have to synchronize on the WebOfTrust object when using this function! TODO: Remove this
   * requirement and re-query the parameter OwnIdentity puzzleOwner from the database after we are
   * synchronized.
   * @param xmlInputStream An InputStream which must not return more than {@link
   * @throws InvalidParameterException If the XML format is unknown or if the puzzle owner does not
   *     allow introduction anymore.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SAXException
  public Identity importIntroduction(OwnIdentity puzzleOwner, InputStream xmlInputStream)
      throws InvalidParameterException, SAXException, IOException {
    xmlInputStream =
        new OneBytePerReadInputStream(
            xmlInputStream); // Workaround for Java bug, see the stream class for explanation

    // May not be accurate by definition of available(). So the JavaDoc requires the callers to obey
    // the size limit, this is a double-check.
    if (xmlInputStream.available() > MAX_INTRODUCTION_BYTE_SIZE)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "XML contains too many bytes: " + xmlInputStream.available());

    FreenetURI identityURI;
    Identity newIdentity;

    Document xmlDoc;
    synchronized (
        mDocumentBuilder) { // TODO: Figure out whether the DocumentBuilder is maybe synchronized
                            // anyway
      xmlDoc = mDocumentBuilder.parse(xmlInputStream);

    Element introductionElement =
        (Element) xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IdentityIntroduction").item(0);

    if (Integer.parseInt(introductionElement.getAttribute("Version")) > XML_FORMAT_VERSION)
      throw new InvalidParameterException(
          "Version " + introductionElement.getAttribute("Version") + " > " + XML_FORMAT_VERSION);

    Element identityElement =
        (Element) introductionElement.getElementsByTagName("Identity").item(0);

    identityURI = new FreenetURI(identityElement.getAttribute("URI"));

    final IdentityFetcher identityFetcher = mWoT.getIdentityFetcher();

    synchronized (mWoT) {
      synchronized (identityFetcher) {
        if (!puzzleOwner.hasContext(IntroductionPuzzle.INTRODUCTION_CONTEXT))
          throw new InvalidParameterException(
              "Trying to import an identity identroduction for an own identity which does not allow introduction.");

        synchronized (Persistent.transactionLock(mDB)) {
          try {
            try {
              newIdentity = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(identityURI);
              if (logMINOR)
                    this, "Imported introduction for an already existing identity: " + newIdentity);
            } catch (UnknownIdentityException e) {
              newIdentity = new Identity(mWoT, identityURI, null, false);
              // We do NOT call setEdition(): An attacker might solve puzzles pretending to be
              // someone else and publish bogus edition numbers for
              // that identity by that. The identity constructor only takes the edition number as
              // edition hint, this is the proper behavior.
              // TODO: As soon as we have code for signing XML with an identity SSK we could sign
              // the introduction XML and therefore prevent that
              // attack.
              // newIdentity.setEdition(identityURI.getEdition());
              if (logMINOR)
                Logger.minor(this, "Imported introduction for an unknown identity: " + newIdentity);

            try {
              mWoT.getTrust(puzzleOwner, newIdentity); /* Double check ... */
              if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "The identity is already trusted.");
            } catch (NotTrustedException ex) {
              // 0 trust will not allow the import of other new identities for the new identity
              // because the trust list import code will only create
              // new identities if the score of an identity is > 0, not if it is equal to 0.
                  puzzleOwner, newIdentity, (byte) 0, "Trust received by solving a captcha.");

            // setTrustWithoutCommit() does this for us.
            // identityFetcher.storeStartFetchCommandWithoutCommit(newIdentity.getID());

          } catch (RuntimeException error) {
            Persistent.checkedRollbackAndThrow(mDB, this, error);
            // Satisfy the compiler - without this the return at the end of the function would
            // complain about the uninitialized newIdentity variable
            throw error;

    return newIdentity;
   * Imports a identity XML file into the given web of trust. This includes: - The identity itself
   * and its attributes - The trust list of the identity, if it has published one in the XML.
   * @param xmlInputStream The input stream containing the XML.
  public void importIdentity(FreenetURI identityURI, InputStream xmlInputStream) {
    try { // Catch import problems so we can mark the edition as parsing failed
      // We first parse the XML without synchronization, then do the synchronized import into the
      // WebOfTrust
      final ParsedIdentityXML xmlData = parseIdentityXML(xmlInputStream);

      synchronized (mWoT) {
        synchronized (mWoT.getIdentityFetcher()) {
          final Identity identity = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(identityURI);

          Logger.normal(this, "Importing parsed XML for " + identity);

          long newEdition = identityURI.getEdition();
          if (identity.getEdition() > newEdition) {
            if (logDEBUG)
                  "Fetched an older edition: current == "
                      + identity.getEdition()
                      + "; fetched == "
                      + identityURI.getEdition());
          } else if (identity.getEdition() == newEdition) {
            if (identity.getCurrentEditionFetchState() == FetchState.Fetched) {
              if (logDEBUG)
                    "Fetched current edition which is marked as fetched already, not importing: "
                        + identityURI);
            } else if (identity.getCurrentEditionFetchState() == FetchState.ParsingFailed) {
                  "Re-fetched current-edition which was marked as parsing failed: " + identityURI);

          // We throw parse errors AFTER checking the edition number: If this XML was outdated
          // anyway, we don't have to throw.
          if (xmlData.parseError != null) throw xmlData.parseError;

          synchronized (Persistent.transactionLock(mDB)) {
            try { // Transaction rollback block
                  newEdition); // The identity constructor only takes the edition number as a hint,
                               // so we must store it explicitly.
              boolean didPublishTrustListPreviously = identity.doesPublishTrustList();

              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {
                /* Nickname changes are not allowed, ignore them... */
                Logger.warning(this, "setNickname() failed.", e);

              try {
                  /* Failure of context importing should not make an identity disappear, therefore we catch exceptions. */
              } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.warning(this, "setContexts() failed.", e);

              try {
                  /* Failure of property importing should not make an identity disappear, therefore we catch exceptions. */
              } catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.warning(this, "setProperties() failed", e);

                  .beginTrustListImport(); // We delete the old list if !identityPublishesTrustList
                                           // and it did publish one earlier => we always call this.

              if (xmlData.identityPublishesTrustList) {
                // We import the trust list of an identity if it's score is equal to 0, but we only
                // create new identities or import edition hints
                // if the score is greater than 0. Solving a captcha therefore only allows you to
                // create one single identity.
                boolean positiveScore = false;
                boolean hasCapacity = false;

                // TODO: getBestScore/getBestCapacity should always yield a positive result because
                // we store a positive score object for an OwnIdentity
                // upon creation. The only case where it could not exist might be
                // restoreOwnIdentity() ... check that. If it is created there as well,
                // remove the additional check here.
                if (identity instanceof OwnIdentity) {
                  // Importing of OwnIdentities is always allowed
                  positiveScore = true;
                  hasCapacity = true;
                } else {
                  try {
                    positiveScore = mWoT.getBestScore(identity) > 0;
                    hasCapacity = mWoT.getBestCapacity(identity) > 0;
                  } catch (NotInTrustTreeException e) {

                HashSet<String> identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint = null;

                if (positiveScore) {
                  identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint =
                      new HashSet<String>(xmlData.identityTrustList.size() * 2);

                for (final ParsedIdentityXML.TrustListEntry trustListEntry :
                    xmlData.identityTrustList) {
                  final FreenetURI trusteeURI = trustListEntry.mTrusteeURI;
                  final byte trustValue = trustListEntry.mTrustValue;
                  final String trustComment = trustListEntry.mTrustComment;

                  Identity trustee = null;
                  try {
                    trustee = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(trusteeURI);
                    if (positiveScore) {
                      if (trustee.setNewEditionHint(trusteeURI.getEdition())) {
                  } catch (UnknownIdentityException e) {
                    if (hasCapacity) {
                        /* We only create trustees if the truster has capacity to rate them. */
                      try {
                        trustee = new Identity(mWoT, trusteeURI, null, false);
                      } catch (MalformedURLException urlEx) {
                        // Logging the exception does NOT log the actual malformed URL so we do it
                        // manually.
                            this, "Received malformed identity URL: " + trusteeURI, urlEx);
                        throw urlEx;

                  if (trustee != null)
                    mWoT.setTrustWithoutCommit(identity, trustee, trustValue, trustComment);

                for (Trust trust :
                    mWoT.getGivenTrustsOfDifferentEdition(identity, identityURI.getEdition())) {

                IdentityFetcher identityFetcher = mWoT.getIdentityFetcher();
                if (positiveScore) {
                  for (String id : identitiesWithUpdatedEditionHint)

                  // We do not have to store fetch commands for new identities here,
                  // setTrustWithoutCommit does it.
              } else if (!xmlData.identityPublishesTrustList
                  && didPublishTrustListPreviously
                  && !(identity instanceof OwnIdentity)) {
                // If it does not publish a trust list anymore, we delete all trust values it has
                // given.
                for (Trust trust : mWoT.getGivenTrusts(identity))

              identity.onFetched(); // Marks the identity as parsed successfully
            } catch (Exception e) {
              mWoT.abortTrustListImport(e, Logger.LogLevel.WARNING); // Does the rollback
              throw e;
            } // try
          } // synchronized(Persistent.transactionLock(db))

          Logger.normal(this, "Finished XML import for " + identity);
        } // synchronized(mWoT)
      } // synchronized(mWoT.getIdentityFetcher())
    } // try
    catch (Exception e) {
      synchronized (mWoT) {
        synchronized (mWoT.getIdentityFetcher()) {
          try {
            final Identity identity = mWoT.getIdentityByURI(identityURI);
            final long newEdition = identityURI.getEdition();
            if (identity.getEdition() <= newEdition) {
              Logger.normal(this, "Marking edition as parsing failed: " + identityURI);
              try {
              } catch (InvalidParameterException e1) {
                // Would only happen if newEdition < current edition.
                // We have validated the opposite.
                throw new RuntimeException(e1);
            } else {
                  "Not marking edition as parsing failed, we have already fetched a new one ("
                      + identity.getEdition()
                      + "):"
                      + identityURI);
            Logger.normal(this, "Parsing identity XML failed gracefully for " + identityURI, e);
          } catch (UnknownIdentityException uie) {
            Logger.error(this, "Fetched an unknown identity: " + identityURI);