public void CreateClick(View view) throws ParseException { String name; String description; String date; EditText viewText = (EditText) findViewById(; name = viewText.getText().toString(); viewText = (EditText) findViewById(; description = viewText.getText().toString(); // viewText = (EditText) findViewById(; // date = viewText.getText().toString(); ParseUser user = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); ParseObject bulletin = new ParseObject("BulletinBoard"); bulletin.put("DeleteDate", "Oct 31, 2015"); bulletin.put("Notification", description); bulletin.put("Name", name); bulletin.put("Apartment", user.get("Apartment")); bulletin.saveInBackground(); finish(); viewText = (EditText) findViewById(; date = viewText.getText().toString(); bulletin.put("DeleteDate", date); bulletin.put("Notification", description); bulletin.put("Name", name); bulletin.put("Apartment", user.get("Apartment")); bulletin.saveInBackground(); }
@Test public void testHasReadAccessWithReadAccess() { ParseUser user = mock(ParseUser.class); when(user.getObjectId()).thenReturn("test"); ParseACL acl = mock(ParseACL.class); when(acl.getReadAccess(user)).thenReturn(true); ParseObject object = mock(ParseObject.class); when(object.getACL()).thenReturn(acl); assertTrue(OfflineQueryLogic.hasReadAccess(user, object)); }
@Test public void testMatcherWithNoReadAccess() throws ParseException { OfflineQueryLogic logic = new OfflineQueryLogic(null); ParseQuery.State<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery.State.Builder<>("TestObject").build(); ParseACL acl = new ParseACL(); acl.setPublicReadAccess(false); ParseObject object = new ParseObject("TestObject"); object.setACL(acl); ParseUser user = mock(ParseUser.class); when(user.getObjectId()).thenReturn("test"); assertFalse(matches(logic, query, object, user)); }
private void retrieveAccessTokenAndFacebookIdFromRelation( final UserDataRetrieveCallback callback) { ParseRelation relation = ParseUser.getCurrentUser().getRelation("ItsBeta"); if (relation != null) { relation .getQuery() .findInBackground( new FindCallback() { @Override public void done(List<ParseObject> parseObjects, ParseException e) { if (e == null) { if (parseObjects.size() == 1) { facebookId = parseObjects.get(0).getString("facebookUserId"); accessToken = parseObjects.get(0).getString("facebookAccessToken"); callback.done(); } else { callback.relationNotFound(); } } else { callback.error(); } } }); } }
private void checkUser() { if (ParseAnonymousUtils.isLinked(ParseUser.getCurrentUser())) { Intent intent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, LoginActivity.class); startActivity(intent); finish(); } else { ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, TabActivity.class); intent.putExtra("user", currentUser.getUsername()); startActivity(intent); finish(); } else { Intent intent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, LoginActivity.class); startActivity(intent); finish(); } } }
protected ParseUser getParseUser(String number) { ParseUser parseUser = new ParseUser(); parseUser.setUsername("parse4j-user" + number); parseUser.setPassword("parse4j-password"); parseUser.setEmail("parse4j-email" + number + ""); parseUser.put("dob", new Date()); parseUser.put("city", "westbury"); parseUser.put("state", "ny"); return parseUser; }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_register); /* This line gets the unique id associated with each android device. Can only be reset by wiping the phone */ final String android_id = Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); Log.d("ANDROID ID", android_id); ParseQuery<ParseUser> query = ParseUser.getQuery(); query.whereEqualTo( "androidID", android_id); // If these id's match, an account has already been registered on that account query.findInBackground( new FindCallback<ParseUser>() { public void done(List<ParseUser> scoreList, ParseException e) { if (e == null) { if (scoreList.size() > 0) { Log.d("id", "android_id matches one already in the table"); // Displays dialog to inform the user the passwords were unequal and they must try // again AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Register.this); builder .setMessage(R.string.androidIdAlertMessage) .setTitle(R.string.androidIdAlertTitle); builder.setCancelable( false); // Makes it so a user can't click outside of the alert to close the // dialog. They must click the button builder.setPositiveButton( "Back to Home", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // These two lines automatically take the user back to the home page after a // successful registration Intent goHome = new Intent(Register.this, HomePage.class); startActivity(goHome); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } else { Log.d("No Match", "Android ID does not match any in table"); } } else { Log.d("score", "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } }); }
public void discLoad() { // Acessa todos os dados de uma tabela ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery<ParseObject>("Disciplina"); query.whereEqualTo("owner", ParseUser.getCurrentUser()); query.findInBackground( new FindCallback<ParseObject>() { public void done(List<ParseObject> markers, ParseException e) { if (e == null) { for (ParseObject p : markers) { if (!p.getString("day_1").isEmpty()) { TextView t = listTextViewHour.get(p.getString("day_1")); String text = p.getString("hour_1") + " - " + p.getString("name") + " (" + p.getParseObject("course").getString("name") + ")\n"; t.append(text); } if (!p.getString("day_2").isEmpty()) { TextView t = listTextViewHour.get(p.getString("day_2")); String text = p.getString("hour_2") + " - " + p.getString("name") + " (" + p.getParseObject("course").getString("name") + ")\n"; t.append(text); } } for (int i = 0; i < listTextViewHour.size(); i++) { if (listTextViewHour.get(days[i]).getText().toString().isEmpty()) listTextViewHour .get(days[i]) .setText("Você não tem nenhuma disciplina neste dia!"); } } else { // handle Parse Exception here e.getCause(); } } }); }
public static void countItsBetaRelationInBackground(CountCallback callback) { ParseRelation relation = ParseUser.getCurrentUser().getRelation("ItsBeta"); if (relation != null) { relation.getQuery().countInBackground(callback); } }
@Override public View getItemView(SingleWorkout workout, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { super.getItemView(workout, convertView, parent); final ViewHolder holder; if (convertView == null) { convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_cards, parent, false); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.ivImage = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.ivPeek1 = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.ivPeek2 = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.ivPeek3 = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.tvTitle = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.tvDifficulty = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; holder.tvTime = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } holder.tvTitle.setText(workout.get_title()); holder.tvTime.setText(workout.get_time()); holder.tvDifficulty.setText(workout.get_difficulty()); try { JSONArray mJsonArray = new JSONArray(workout.get_pictureArrayJSON()); String pictureVal1 = "w" + mJsonArray.getString(0); String pictureVal2 = "w" + mJsonArray.getString(1); String pictureVal3 = "w" + mJsonArray.getString(2); holder.ivPeek1.setImageResource( getContext() .getResources() .getIdentifier(pictureVal1, "drawable", getContext().getPackageName())); holder.ivPeek2.setImageResource( getContext() .getResources() .getIdentifier(pictureVal2, "drawable", getContext().getPackageName())); holder.ivPeek3.setImageResource( getContext() .getResources() .getIdentifier(pictureVal3, "drawable", getContext().getPackageName())); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // needed to get User profile pic for parse feed try { ParseUser mUser = workout.getParseUser("user"); mUser.fetchInBackground( new GetCallback<ParseObject>() { @Override public void done(ParseObject parseObject, ParseException e) { try { final byte[] mBytes = parseObject.getBytes("photo"); if (mBytes != null) { new Handler() .post( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(mBytes, 0, mBytes.length); holder.ivImage.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } }); } } catch (Exception f) { Log.e(TAG, f.getMessage()); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } // still need to populate the ivPeek with icons return convertView; }
/** Checks to see if any fields are empty and/or if two password fields are equal */ public void checkFields(View v) { EditText name_field = (EditText) findViewById(; EditText addr_field = (EditText) findViewById(; EditText dob_field = (EditText) findViewById(; EditText email_field = (EditText) findViewById(; EditText pass1 = (EditText) findViewById(; EditText pass2 = (EditText) findViewById(; String name = name_field.getText().toString().trim(); String address = addr_field.getText().toString().trim(); String dob = dob_field.getText().toString().trim(); String email = email_field.getText().toString().trim(); String password = pass1.getText().toString().trim(); String passwordRetry = pass2.getText().toString().trim(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { name_field.setError("You must enter a username"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) { name_field.setError("You must enter an address"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(dob)) { name_field.setError("You must enter a date of birth"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(email)) { email_field.setError("You must enter an email"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(password)) { pass1.setError("You must enter a password"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(passwordRetry)) { pass2.setError("You must enter a password"); } if (password.equals(passwordRetry)) { String android_id = Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); Log.d("ANDROID ID", android_id); ParseUser user = new ParseUser(); user.setUsername(name); user.setPassword(password); user.setEmail(email); user.put("address", address); user.put("dateOfBirth", dob); user.put("androidID", android_id); user.signUpInBackground( new SignUpCallback() { public void done(ParseException e) { if (e == null) { // success } else { // Sign up didn't succeed. Look at the ParseException // to figure out what went wrong Log.d("Error", e.toString()); } } }); // These two lines automatically take the user back to the home page after a successful // registration Intent goHome = new Intent(Register.this, HomePage.class); startActivity(goHome); } else { // Displays dialog to inform the user the passwords were unequal and they must try again AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Register.this); builder.setMessage(R.string.unequalPasswords).setTitle(R.string.passwordDialogTitle); builder.setCancelable(true); builder.setPositiveButton( "Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); } }); AlertDialog alert = builder.create();; } }