private void maybeRewriteClassDefinition(Node n) {
   if (n.isVar()) {
     Node target = n.getFirstChild();
     Node value = target.getFirstChild();
     maybeRewriteClassDefinition(n, target, value);
   } else if (NodeUtil.isExprAssign(n)) {
     Node assign = n.getFirstChild();
     Node target = assign.getFirstChild();
     Node value = assign.getLastChild();
     maybeRewriteClassDefinition(n, target, value);
  /** Determine which, if any, of the supported types the call site is. */
  private CallSiteType classifyCallSite(Node callNode) {
    Node parent = callNode.getParent();
    Node grandParent = parent.getParent();

    // Verify the call site:
    if (NodeUtil.isExprCall(parent)) {
      // This is a simple call?  Example: "foo();".
      return CallSiteType.SIMPLE_CALL;
    } else if (NodeUtil.isExprAssign(grandParent)
        && !NodeUtil.isLhs(callNode, parent)
        && parent.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME
        && !NodeUtil.isConstantName(parent.getFirstChild())) {
      // This is a simple assignment.  Example: "x = foo();"
      return CallSiteType.SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT;
    } else if (parent.getType() == Token.NAME
        && !NodeUtil.isConstantName(parent)
        && grandParent.getType() == Token.VAR
        && grandParent.hasOneChild()) {
      // This is a var declaration.  Example: "var x = foo();"
      // TODO(johnlenz): Should we be checking for constants on the
      // left-hand-side of the assignments (and handling them as EXPRESSION?
      return CallSiteType.VAR_DECL_SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT;
    } else {
      Node expressionRoot = ExpressionDecomposer.findExpressionRoot(callNode);
      if (expressionRoot != null) {
        ExpressionDecomposer decomposer =
            new ExpressionDecomposer(compiler, safeNameIdSupplier, knownConstants);
        DecompositionType type = decomposer.canExposeExpression(callNode);
        if (type == DecompositionType.MOVABLE) {
          return CallSiteType.EXPRESSION;
        } else if (type == DecompositionType.DECOMPOSABLE) {
          return CallSiteType.DECOMPOSABLE_EXPRESSION;
        } else {
          Preconditions.checkState(type == DecompositionType.UNDECOMPOSABLE);

    return CallSiteType.UNSUPPORTED;