public static void setGamemode(EntityPlayerMP player, int mode) {
    if (mode < 0
        || mode >= NEIActions.gameModes.length
        || NEIActions.nameActionMap.containsKey(NEIActions.gameModes[mode])
            && !NEIServerConfig.canPlayerPerformAction(
                player.getName(), NEIActions.gameModes[mode])) {

    // creative+
    NEIServerConfig.forPlayer(player.getName()).enableAction("creative+", mode == 2);
    if (mode == 2
        && !(player.openContainer
            instanceof ContainerCreativeInv)) // open the container immediately for the client
      NEISPH.processCreativeInv(player, true);

    // change it on the server

    // tell the client to change it
    new PacketCustom(, 14).writeByte(mode).sendToPlayer(player);
    player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("" + mode));
 public static void disableAction(int dim, String name, boolean disable) {
   getDimCompound(dim).setBoolean("disabled" + name, disable);
   NEISPH.sendActionDisabled(dim, name, disable);