public void insertSymbolList() { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String remark = listFile.split("\\.")[0]; String line = null; ArrayList<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { symbols.add(line.trim()); } DatabaseAccessor.getInstance().importSymbolInfo(symbols, remark); reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } System.out.println("Finished"); }
/** * 从文件中拿图片 * * @return */ private static Bitmap getBitmapFromFile(Context con, String url, boolean blean) { String imageName = ""; if (!url.startsWith("http")) { imageName = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { imageName = Utils.getMD5Str(url); } if (url.contains("ba57b8e1463b63cb01463b7a18eb0083")) { MyLogger.commLog().e(imageName); } Bitmap bitmap = null; File file = null; String cacheDir = Utils.getCacheDir(con, "picture"); if (imageName != null) { try { file = new File(cacheDir, imageName); if (file.exists()) { // DisplayMetrics dm = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); // int hh = dm.heightPixels;// 这里设置高度为800f // int ww = dm.widthPixels;// 这里设置宽度为480f bitmap = decodeSampledBitmapFromFile(cacheDir + "/" + imageName, 100, 100); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); bitmap = null; } } if (bitmap != null) { addBitmapToMemoryCache(url, bitmap); MyLogger.commLog().d(url); } return bitmap; }
public void insertEarningForTag(String tag) { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> processed_symbols = new HashSet<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); EarningsDataPuller puller = new EarningsDataPuller(); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String symbol = line.trim(); if (processed_symbols.contains(symbol)) continue;"--------- Inserting Earning for [" + symbol + "]------------------"); puller.importDataIntoDB(symbol, tag, EarningsRoot); processed_symbols.add(symbol); } reader.close();"Finished inserting all earning events"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } }
public static final int setRingTone(Context context, long l) { int i; logger.v("setRingTone() ---> Enter"); byte byte0 = -1; i = ((AudioManager) context.getSystemService("audio")).getRingerMode(); if (i != 0 && 1 != i) { ContentResolver contentresolver; Uri uri; Cursor cursor; contentresolver = context.getContentResolver(); uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId( android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, l); String as[] = {"_id", "_data", "title"}; String s = (new StringBuilder("_id=")).append(l).toString(); cursor = query( context, android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, as, s, null, null); if (cursor != null) { boolean flag; cursor.moveToFirst(); String s1 = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_data")); logger.v((new StringBuilder("Ringtone path is: ")).append(s1).toString()); flag = android.provider.Settings.System.putString(contentresolver, "ringtone", uri.toString()); if (flag) { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); byte0 = 0; } else { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); byte0 = -2; } // logger.e("Set ringtone fail!", exception1); // Toast.makeText(context, // (new StringBuilder()).append(exception1).toString(), 0) // .show(); } ContentValues contentvalues = new ContentValues(2); contentvalues.put("is_ringtone", "1"); contentvalues.put("is_alarm", "1"); contentvalues.put("is_notification", "1"); contentresolver.update(uri, contentvalues, null, null); logger.v("setRingTone() ---> Exit"); // logger.e((new // StringBuilder("couldn't set ringtone flag for id ")) // .append(l).toString()); } logger.e("In slient mode or vibrate mode, can not set ringtone."); return byte0; }
public static boolean isWiredHeadsetOn() { boolean flag = false; try { FileReader filereader = new FileReader(HEADSET_PATH); int i =; int j = i - 48; logger.e((new StringBuilder("Flag = ")).append(j).toString()); if (j > 0) flag = true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { logger.e((new StringBuilder("Read Error! ")).append(ioexception).toString()); } return flag; }
/** * Divide screen width to grid. * * @param ctx * @param gridWidth * @param skipWidth * @param gridHeight * @param skipHeight * @param spacing * @return */ public static int divideScreenWidth( Context ctx, int gridWidth, int skipWidth, int gridHeight, int skipHeight, int spacing) { MyLogger.showLogWithLineNum(2, "Screen: " + getScreenWidth(ctx) + "X" + getScreenHeight(ctx)); int result = (int) Math.round(getScreenWidth(ctx) / gridWidth) * (int) Math.round((getScreenHeight(ctx) - skipHeight) / gridHeight); MyLogger.showLogWithLineNum( 2, "Cols: " + Math.round(getScreenWidth(ctx) / gridWidth) + ", Rows: " + (int) Math.round((getScreenHeight(ctx) - skipHeight) / gridHeight)); return result; }
/** 关闭Http的连接 */ public static void shutDownHttpClient() { logger.v("shutDownHttpClient() ---> Enter"); if (mHttpsClient != null) { mHttpsClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); mHttpsClient = null; } if (mHttpClient != null) { mHttpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); mHttpClient = null; } logger.v( (new StringBuilder("shutDownHttpClient() ---> Exit, mHttpsClient = ")) .append(mHttpsClient) .toString()); }
/** * 从网络地址中得到位图图片数据 * * @param s 网络地址 * @return */ public static Bitmap getImageBitmap(String s) { Bitmap bitmap = null; Bitmap bitmap1 = null; DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient; defaulthttpclient = createNetworkClient(true); bitmap = null; if (defaulthttpclient != null) { HttpResponse httpresponse; int i; try { httpresponse = defaulthttpclient.execute(new HttpGet(s)); i = httpresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); logger.e((new StringBuilder("HTTP retCode: ")).append(i).toString()); bitmap = null; bitmap1 = null; if (i == 200) { InputStream inputstream = httpresponse.getEntity().getContent(); BufferedInputStream bufferedinputstream = new BufferedInputStream(inputstream); bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(bufferedinputstream); bufferedinputstream.close(); inputstream.close(); bitmap1 = bitmap; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bitmap1; }
public static byte[] readFileContent(String zipFileString, String fileString) { MyLogger.logI(CLASS_TAG, "getFile"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; try { ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zipFileString); ZipEntry zipEntry = zipFile.getEntry(fileString); if (zipEntry != null) { InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int len = -1; byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; while ((len =, 0, 512)) != -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, len); } is.close(); } zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } if (baos != null) { return baos.toByteArray(); } return null; }
public static void main(String[] args) { Logger logger = MyLogger.getLogger("Core"); logger.entering("Core", "main()", args); Thread threads[] = new Thread[5]; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Launching thread: " + i); Task task = new Task(); threads[i] = new Thread(task); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Thread created: " + threads[i].getName()); threads[i].start(); } logger.log(Level.INFO, "Ten Threads created. Waiting for its finalization"); for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { try { threads[i].join(); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Thread has finished its execution", threads[i]); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception", e); } } logger.exiting("Main", "main()"); }
/** * 检查是否手机已插入外部存储,SD卡 * * @return */ public static boolean checkExternalStorage() { logger.v("checkExternalStorage() ---> Enter"); String s = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); boolean flag; if (s.equals("removed") || s.equals("unmounted")) flag = false; else flag = true; return flag; }
public static List<String> GetFileList( String zipFileString, boolean bContainFolder, boolean bContainFile, String tmpString) throws IOException { MyLogger.logI(CLASS_TAG, "GetFileList"); List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); ZipInputStream inZip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(zipFileString)); ZipEntry zipEntry; String szName = ""; while ((zipEntry = inZip.getNextEntry()) != null) { szName = zipEntry.getName(); MyLogger.logD(CLASS_TAG, szName); if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) { // get the folder name of the widget szName = szName.substring(0, szName.length() - 1); if (bContainFolder) { if (tmpString == null) { fileList.add(szName); } else if (szName.matches(tmpString)) { fileList.add(szName); } } } else { if (bContainFile) { if (tmpString == null) { fileList.add(szName); } else if (szName.matches(tmpString)) { fileList.add(szName); } } } } inZip.close(); if (fileList.size() > 0) { Collections.sort(fileList); Collections.reverse(fileList); } return fileList; }
public static boolean isNeedForUserLead(Context context) { if (context.getClass() == SplashActivity.class) { logger.v("this is splashActivity"); preferences = context.getSharedPreferences("isFirstInApplication", Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); return preferences.getBoolean("isFirstInApplication", true); } return false; }
/** * @param context * @return 返回客户端版本名称 */ public static String getLocalVersionName(Context context) { String versionName = null; try { PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); versionName = info.versionName; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { MyLogger.commLog().e(e); } return versionName; }
/** * @param context * @return 返回客户端版本号,如果获取不到则返回-1 */ public static int getLocalVersionCode(Context context) { int versionCode = -1; try { PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); versionCode = info.versionCode; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { MyLogger.commLog().e(e); } return versionCode; }
public static void zipOneFile(String srcFileString, String zipFileString) throws IOException { MyLogger.logI(CLASS_TAG, "zipFolder(String, String)"); ZipOutputStream outZip = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileString)); File file = new File(srcFileString); ZipFiles(file.getParent() + File.separator, file.getName(), outZip); outZip.finish(); outZip.close(); }
public void pullAllHistoricalData(String fromDate, String toDate) { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); YahooDataPuller quotePuller = new YahooDataPuller(); EarningsDataPuller earningPuller = new EarningsDataPuller(); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String symbol = line.trim(); "--------- Pulling All Historical Data for [" + symbol + "]------------------"); quotePuller.pullData(fromDate, toDate, symbol, TickDataRoot); earningPuller.pullEarningsForSymbol(symbol, EarningsRoot); try { Thread.sleep(PullIntervalMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } }
/** * 创建HTTP的网络连接 * * @param flag * @return */ public static DefaultHttpClient createNetworkClient(boolean flag) { DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient; if (NetUtil.netState == 8) defaulthttpclient = null; else if (!NetUtil.isNetStateWap() && !flag) { logger.v("createNetworkClient() ---> !WlanUtils.isNetStateWap() && !isHttpReqIfWlan"); if (NetUtil.netState != 1 && NetUtil.netState != 6) { logger.d("Wlan has been closed."); defaulthttpclient = null; return defaulthttpclient; } else { if (mHttpsClient == null) mHttpsClient = createHttpsClient(); defaulthttpclient = mHttpsClient; } } else { MobileMusicApplication mobilemusicapplication = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance(); if (NetUtil.netState != 3 && NetUtil.netState != 5 && !SystemControllerImpl.getInstance(mobilemusicapplication).checkWapStatus()) { logger.d("WAP has been closed."); defaulthttpclient = null; return defaulthttpclient; } else { if (mHttpClient == null) mHttpClient = createHttpClient(); defaulthttpclient = mHttpClient; if (NetUtil.netState == 3) { HttpHost httphost = new HttpHost( MusicBusinessDefine_WAP.CMCC_WAP_PROXY_HOST, MusicBusinessDefine_WAP.CMCC_WAP_PROXY_PORT); if (defaulthttpclient == null) defaulthttpclient = createHttpsClient(); defaulthttpclient.getParams().setParameter("http.route.default-proxy", httphost); } } } logger.v("createNetworkClient() ---> Exit"); return defaulthttpclient; }
public void addFileByFileName(String srcFileName, String desFileName) throws IOException { MyLogger.logD( "BACKUP", "addFileByFileName:" + "srcFile:" + srcFileName + ",desFile:" + desFileName); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(desFileName); File file = new File(srcFileName); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); mOutZip.putNextEntry(zipEntry); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = != -1) { mOutZip.write(buffer, 0, len); } inputStream.close(); }
@Override protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) { Bitmap data = null; if (url != null) { try { URL c_url = new URL(url); String imageName = Utils.getMD5Str(url); setBitmapToFile(imageName, c_url.openStream()); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { MyLogger.commLog().w("~~~~~~文件不存在~~~~~~~~·" + (url == null ? "" : url)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return data; }
private static void createLruCache() { if (mMemoryCache != null) { return; } final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024); MyLogger.commLog().e("maxMemory = " + maxMemory); // Use 1/8th of the available memory for this memory cache. final int cacheSize = maxMemory / 16; mMemoryCache = new LruCache<String, Bitmap>(cacheSize) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { // The cache size will be measured in kilobytes rather than // number of items. return getBitmapSize(bitmap) / 1024; } }; }
public static String getLyricFromLocalFile(String s) throws Exception { boolean flag; String s1 = null; logger.v("getLyricFromLocalFile() ---> Enter "); // flag = s.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() // .getAbsolutePath()); // if (flag) // { // int i = s.lastIndexOf("."); // File file = new File((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s.substring( // 0, i + 1)))).append("lrc").toString()); // if (!file.exists()) // file = new File((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s.substring( // 0, i + 1)))).append("txt").toString()); // logger.v((new StringBuilder("lrc file: ")).append(file.getPath()) // .toString()); // if (file.exists()) // { // FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(file); // ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new // ByteArrayOutputStream(); // byte abyte0[] = new byte[1024]; // do // { // int j =; // if (j == -1) // { // byte abyte1[] = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); // int k = (new BytesEncodingDetector()) // .detectEncoding(abyte1); // fileinputstream.close(); // s1 = new String(abyte1, // BytesEncodingDetector.javaname[k]); // return s1; // } // bytearrayoutputstream.write(abyte0, 0, j); // } while (true); // } // } // logger.v("getLyricFromLocalFile() ---> Exit"); return s1; }
private static void ZipFiles( String folderString, String fileString, ZipOutputStream zipOutputSteam) throws IOException { MyLogger.logI(CLASS_TAG, "ZipFiles(String, String, ZipOutputStream)"); if (zipOutputSteam == null) { return; } File file = new File(folderString + fileString); if (file.isFile()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileString); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); zipOutputSteam.putNextEntry(zipEntry); int len; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while ((len = != -1) { zipOutputSteam.write(buffer, 0, len); } zipOutputSteam.closeEntry(); inputStream.close(); } else { String fileList[] = file.list(); if (fileList.length <= 0) { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileString + File.separator); zipOutputSteam.putNextEntry(zipEntry); zipOutputSteam.closeEntry(); } for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { ZipFiles(folderString, fileString + File.separator + fileList[i], zipOutputSteam); } // end of for } // end of if } // end of func
public static void main(String[] args) { boolean nio = false, server = false, client = false, multicast = false; Getopt g = new Getopt("MultiChat", args, "a:dhmnp:sc"); int c; while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': // set the ip address HOST = g.getOptarg(); break; case 'd': // Mode debug (log dans la console) MyLogger.setConsoleMsg(true); break; case 'h': System.out.println(msgHelp); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); case 'm': // mode multicast multicast = true; break; case 'n': // mode client nio = true; break; case 'p': // Option -p pour spécifier port PORT = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg()); break; case 's': server = true; break; case 'c': // option -c pour lancer client: client = true; break; case '?': break; default: System.out.print("getopt() returned " + c + "\n"); } } if (MyLogger.isConsoleMsg()) { MyLogger.init(false); } else { MyLogger.init(true); } if (client) { if (multicast) { MainClient.setISMULTICAST(true); } else { MainClient.setISMULTICAST(false); } MainClient.setHOST(HOST); MainClient.setPORT(PORT); Application.launch(MainClient.class, args); } else if (server) { MainServer.setHOST(HOST); MainServer.setPORT(PORT); if (!nio) { // option -s pour lancer serveur (par défaut sans NIO): MainServer.main(); } else { // -s -n pour lancer un serveur NIO: MainServer.mainNIO(); } } }
public static boolean checkWapStatus() { logger.v("checkWapStatus ----> enter"); ArrayList arraylist; ConnectivityManager connectivitymanager; boolean flag = false; MobileMusicApplication mobilemusicapplication = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance(); arraylist = new ArrayList(); connectivitymanager = (ConnectivityManager) mobilemusicapplication.getSystemService("connectivity"); if (connectivitymanager == null) { logger.v("connectivitymanager == null"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { NetworkInfo anetworkinfo[]; anetworkinfo = connectivitymanager.getAllNetworkInfo(); if (anetworkinfo == null) { logger.v("anetworkinfo == null"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { for (int i = 0; i < anetworkinfo.length; i++) { if (anetworkinfo[i].getState() == arraylist.add(anetworkinfo[i].getTypeName()); } int j; j = arraylist.size(); if (j <= 0) { logger.v("arraylist.size() <= 0"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { boolean flag1; flag1 = arraylist.contains("WIFI"); if (!flag1) { boolean flag2; flag2 = arraylist.contains("mobile"); if (!flag2) { logger.v("arraylist do not contains 'mobile'"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { for (int k = 0; k < anetworkinfo.length; k++) { if (anetworkinfo[k].getState() != { logger.v("not connected to network"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { String s = anetworkinfo[k].getExtraInfo(); if (s == null || !s.equals("cmwap")) { logger.v("networkinfo not cmwap"); logger.v("return -----> " + flag); return flag; } flag = true; } } } } else { logger.v("return ----> true"); return true; } } } } return flag; }
public class QuoteRetriever { private static final String TickDataRoot = "F:\\FinancialData\\HistoricalQuotes"; private static final String EarningsRoot = "F:\\FinancialData\\Earnings"; private static final String ListRoot = "F:\\FinancialData\\Lists"; private static final long PullIntervalMs = 4000; private static MyLogger logger = MyLogger.getInstance(); /* public static void main(String[] argv) { MyLogger logger = MyLogger.getInstance(); try { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //DatabaseAccessor accessor = DatabaseAccessor.getInstance(); //accessor.testget(); //accessor.testput("GOOG"); //QuoteRetriever retriever = new QuoteRetriever(); //retriever.insertSymbolList(); //YahooDataPuller puller = new YahooDataPuller(); //puller.importDataIntoDB("2010-01-01", "2014-03-04", "AMZN", TickDataRoot); //retriever.insertSymbolList(); //retriever.pullAllHistoricalData("2010-01-01", "2014-03-04"); //EarningsDataPuller earningPuller = new EarningsDataPuller(); //earningPuller.pullEarningsForSymbol("DLTR", "F:\\Temp"); //earningPuller.checkEmptyEarnings(QuoteRetriever.EarningsRoot); //earningPuller.importDataIntoDB("AMZN", "20140306", EarningsRoot); //retriever.insertEarningForTag("20140306"); //retriever.insertHistoricalQuotes("2010-01-01", "2014-03-04"); } */ public void insertHistoricalQuotes(String fromDate, String toDate) { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> processed_symbols = new HashSet<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); YahooDataPuller quotePuller = new YahooDataPuller(); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String symbol = line.trim(); if (processed_symbols.contains(symbol)) continue; "--------- Inserting Historical Quotes for [" + symbol + "]------------------"); quotePuller.importDataIntoDB(fromDate, toDate, symbol, TickDataRoot); processed_symbols.add(symbol); } reader.close();"Finished inserting all historical quotes"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } } public void insertEarningForTag(String tag) { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> processed_symbols = new HashSet<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); EarningsDataPuller puller = new EarningsDataPuller(); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String symbol = line.trim(); if (processed_symbols.contains(symbol)) continue;"--------- Inserting Earning for [" + symbol + "]------------------"); puller.importDataIntoDB(symbol, tag, EarningsRoot); processed_symbols.add(symbol); } reader.close();"Finished inserting all earning events"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } } public void insertSymbolList() { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String remark = listFile.split("\\.")[0]; String line = null; ArrayList<String> symbols = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { symbols.add(line.trim()); } DatabaseAccessor.getInstance().importSymbolInfo(symbols, remark); reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } System.out.println("Finished"); } public void pullAllHistoricalData(String fromDate, String toDate) { ArrayList<String> lists = new ArrayList<String>(); lists.add("SNP.csv"); lists.add("DOW.csv"); lists.add("NASDAQ_TOP200.csv"); File listRoot = new File(ListRoot); YahooDataPuller quotePuller = new YahooDataPuller(); EarningsDataPuller earningPuller = new EarningsDataPuller(); for (String listFile : lists) { File full = new File(listRoot, listFile); Path path = Paths.get(full.getPath());"------------ Pulling Data From List File: " + listFile + " -------------------"); try { BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { String symbol = line.trim(); "--------- Pulling All Historical Data for [" + symbol + "]------------------"); quotePuller.pullData(fromDate, toDate, symbol, TickDataRoot); earningPuller.pullEarningsForSymbol(symbol, EarningsRoot); try { Thread.sleep(PullIntervalMs); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.warning("Failed to read file: " + listFile); } } } }
public class Util { private static final String HEADSET_PATH = "/sys/class/accessory/headset/online"; private static final String PREFS_NAME = "MobileMusic4"; public static final String SONG_LYRIC_SUFFIX = "lrc"; public static final int TIME_KILL_PROCESS_AFTER_FINISH_ACTIVITIES = 600; private static final MyLogger logger = MyLogger.getLogger("Util"); public static Dialog mApnDialog; // private static DolbyUtils mDolbyUtils = null; private static DefaultHttpClient mHttpClient = null; private static DefaultHttpClient mHttpsClient = null; public static boolean mIsNewestVersion = true; public static Dialog mWlanCloseDialog; private static final Uri sArtworkUri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/audio/albumart"); private static final sBitmapOptions = new; public static String sCharset; private static SharedPreferences preferences; /** 该函数返回整形 -1:代表下载文件出错 0:代表下载文件成功 1:代表文件已经存在 */ public static int downFile(String urlStr, String path, String fileName) { InputStream inputStream = null; try { if (FileUtils.isFileExits(path, fileName)) { Log.d("ming", "File is Exits"); return 0; } else { inputStream = getInputStreamFromUrl(urlStr); File resultFile = FileUtils.write2SDFromInput(path, fileName, inputStream); if (resultFile == null) { return -1; } else { Log.d("ming", "Download Success"); return 1; } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("ming", "Exception -- " + e); e.printStackTrace(); return -1; } finally { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 根据URL得到输入流 * * @param urlStr * @return * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public static InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(String urlStr) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); InputStream inputStream = urlConn.getInputStream(); return inputStream; } public ProgressDialog showProgressDialog(Context context, String s) { ProgressDialog progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(context); progressdialog.setMessage(s); progressdialog.setIndeterminate(true); progressdialog.setCancelable(true);; return progressdialog; } public void stopProgressDialog(ProgressDialog progressdialog) { if (progressdialog != null) progressdialog.dismiss(); } public static String verify(String s) { StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); char ac[] = s.toCharArray(); int i = 0; do { if (i >= ac.length) { return stringbuffer.toString(); } if (ac[i] == '[' && i - 1 >= 0 && ac[i - 1] != ']') { if (ac[i - 1] != '\n' && ac[i - 1] != '\r') stringbuffer.append('\n'); stringbuffer.append(ac[i]); } else { stringbuffer.append(ac[i]); } i++; } while (true); } public static Song makeSong(SongListItem songlistitem) { Song song = new Song(); song.mTrack = songlistitem.title; song.mContentId = songlistitem.contentid; song.mGroupCode = songlistitem.groupcode; song.mArtist = songlistitem.singer; song.mMusicType = songlistitem.mMusicType; song.mArtUrl = songlistitem.img; song.mPoint = Integer.parseInt(songlistitem.point); song.isDolby = songlistitem.isdolby.equals("1"); Log.d("Util", "song.mTrack = " + song.mTrack); Log.d("Util", "song.mContentId = " + song.mContentId); Log.d("Util", "song.mGroupCode" + song.mGroupCode); Log.d("Util", "song.mArtist" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Util", "song.mMusicType" + song.mMusicType); Log.d("Util", "song.mArtUrl" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Util", "song.mPoint" + song.mPoint); Log.d("Util", "song.isDolby" + song.isDolby); if (songlistitem.url1 != null && !songlistitem.url1.equals("") && !songlistitem.url1.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl = songlistitem.url1; song.mSize = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize1).longValue(); } if (songlistitem.url2 != null && !songlistitem.url2.equals("") && !songlistitem.url2.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl2 = songlistitem.url2; song.mSize2 = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize2).longValue(); } if (songlistitem.url3 != null && !songlistitem.url3.equals("") && !songlistitem.url3.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl3 = songlistitem.url3; song.mSize3 = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize3).longValue(); } if (song.mMusicType == MusicType.LOCALMUSIC.ordinal()) song.mUrl = songlistitem.url; return song; } public static Song makeSong2(SongListItem songlistitem) { Song song = new Song(); song.mUrl = songlistitem.url; Log.d("song", "song.mUrl" + songlistitem.url); song.crbtValidity = songlistitem.crbtValidity; song.ringSongPrice = songlistitem.price; song.mTrack = songlistitem.songName; song.mContentId = songlistitem.songName; song.mGroupCode = songlistitem.musicid; song.mArtist = songlistitem.singerName; song.mMusicType = songlistitem.mMusicType; song.mArtUrl = songlistitem.img; song.mPoint = Integer.parseInt(songlistitem.point); song.isDolby = songlistitem.isdolby.equals("1"); Log.d("Util", "song.mTrack = " + song.mTrack); Log.d("Util", "song.mContentId = " + song.mContentId); Log.d("Util", "song.mGroupCode" + song.mGroupCode); Log.d("Util", "song.mArtist" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Util", "song.mMusicType" + song.mMusicType); Log.d("Util", "song.mArtUrl" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Util", "song.mPoint" + song.mPoint); Log.d("Util", "song.isDolby" + song.isDolby); if (songlistitem.url1 != null && !songlistitem.url1.equals("") && !songlistitem.url1.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl = songlistitem.url1; song.mSize = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize1).longValue(); } if (songlistitem.url2 != null && !songlistitem.url2.equals("") && !songlistitem.url2.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl2 = songlistitem.url2; song.mSize2 = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize2).longValue(); } if (songlistitem.url3 != null && !songlistitem.url3.equals("") && !songlistitem.url3.equals("<unknown>")) { song.mUrl3 = songlistitem.url3; song.mSize3 = Long.valueOf(songlistitem.filesize3).longValue(); } if (song.mMusicType == MusicType.LOCALMUSIC.ordinal()) song.mUrl = songlistitem.url; return song; } public static SongListItem makeSongListItem(Song song) { SongListItem songlistitem; songlistitem = new SongListItem(); songlistitem.title = song.mTrack; songlistitem.contentid = song.mContentId; songlistitem.groupcode = song.mGroupCode; songlistitem.singer = song.mArtist; songlistitem.point = Integer.toString(song.mPoint); songlistitem.img = song.mArtUrl; songlistitem.mMusicType = song.mMusicType; String s; Log.d("Utils", "song.mTrack = " + song.mTrack); Log.d("Utils", "song.mContentId = " + song.mContentId); Log.d("Utils", "song.mGroupCode" + song.mGroupCode); Log.d("Utils", "song.mArtist" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Utils", "song.mMusicType" + song.mMusicType); Log.d("Utils", "song.mArtUrl" + song.mArtist); Log.d("Utils", "song.mPoint" + song.mPoint); Log.d("Utils", "song.isDolby" + song.isDolby); if (song.isDolby) s = "1"; else s = "0"; songlistitem.isdolby = s; if (songlistitem.mMusicType != MusicType.LOCALMUSIC.ordinal()) { if (isDolby(song)) songlistitem.isdolby = "1"; } else { songlistitem.url = song.mUrl; } return songlistitem; } public static final int setRingTone(Context context, long l) { int i; logger.v("setRingTone() ---> Enter"); byte byte0 = -1; i = ((AudioManager) context.getSystemService("audio")).getRingerMode(); if (i != 0 && 1 != i) { ContentResolver contentresolver; Uri uri; Cursor cursor; contentresolver = context.getContentResolver(); uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId( android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, l); String as[] = {"_id", "_data", "title"}; String s = (new StringBuilder("_id=")).append(l).toString(); cursor = query( context, android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, as, s, null, null); if (cursor != null) { boolean flag; cursor.moveToFirst(); String s1 = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_data")); logger.v((new StringBuilder("Ringtone path is: ")).append(s1).toString()); flag = android.provider.Settings.System.putString(contentresolver, "ringtone", uri.toString()); if (flag) { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); byte0 = 0; } else { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); byte0 = -2; } // logger.e("Set ringtone fail!", exception1); // Toast.makeText(context, // (new StringBuilder()).append(exception1).toString(), 0) // .show(); } ContentValues contentvalues = new ContentValues(2); contentvalues.put("is_ringtone", "1"); contentvalues.put("is_alarm", "1"); contentvalues.put("is_notification", "1"); contentresolver.update(uri, contentvalues, null, null); logger.v("setRingTone() ---> Exit"); // logger.e((new // StringBuilder("couldn't set ringtone flag for id ")) // .append(l).toString()); } logger.e("In slient mode or vibrate mode, can not set ringtone."); return byte0; } public static boolean isWiredHeadsetOn() { boolean flag = false; try { FileReader filereader = new FileReader(HEADSET_PATH); int i =; int j = i - 48; logger.e((new StringBuilder("Flag = ")).append(j).toString()); if (j > 0) flag = true; } catch (IOException ioexception) { logger.e((new StringBuilder("Read Error! ")).append(ioexception).toString()); } return flag; } public static Song makeDownloadItemToSong(DownloadItem downloaditem) { Song song = new Song(); song.mId = downloaditem.getItemId(); song.mTrack = downloaditem.getShowName(); song.mContentId = downloaditem.getContentId(); song.mGroupCode = downloaditem.getGroupCode(); song.mArtist = downloaditem.getArtist(); song.mMusicType = MusicType.LOCALMUSIC.ordinal(); song.mUrl = downloaditem.getFilePath(); song.mSize = downloaditem.getFileSize(); return song; } public static String makeLyricString(Context context, String s) { TextView textview = new TextView(context); textview.setText(s); TextPaint textpaint = textview.getPaint(); if (textpaint.breakText(textview.getText().toString(), true, 240F, null) < s.length()) s = (new StringBuilder( String.valueOf( s.substring( 0, textpaint.breakText(textview.getText().toString(), true, 240F, null))))) .append("...") .toString(); return s; } public static boolean isNeedForUserLead(Context context) { if (context.getClass() == SplashActivity.class) { logger.v("this is splashActivity"); preferences = context.getSharedPreferences("isFirstInApplication", Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE); return preferences.getBoolean("isFirstInApplication", true); } return false; } public static boolean isMediaScannerScanning(Context context) { Cursor cursor = query(context, MediaStore.getMediaScannerUri(), new String[] {"volume"}, null, null, null); boolean flag = false; if (cursor != null) { int i = cursor.getCount(); flag = false; if (i == 1) { cursor.moveToFirst(); flag = "external".equals(cursor.getString(0)); } cursor.close(); } return flag; } public static String getRandKey(String s, String s1, String s2) { return getMD5( (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s))) .append(s1) .append(s2) .append("c079d16a-bca3-4151-8cb3-c4ea521c086b") .toString() .getBytes()); } public static String getRandKey(String s, String s1) { return getMD5( (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s))) .append(s1) .append("c079d16a-bca3-4151-8cb3-c4ea521c086b") .toString() .getBytes()); } public static String getPerentString(double d, double d1) { double d2 = d / d1; NumberFormat numberformat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); numberformat.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); return numberformat.format(d2); } public static String getMD5(byte abyte0[]) { String s1; String s = null; try { MessageDigest messagedigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); messagedigest.update(abyte0); s1 = byteArrayToHexString(messagedigest.digest()); s = s1; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return s; } public static String parseUrlTagValue(String s, String s1) { String s2; if (s.contains(s1)) { String s3 = s.substring(s.indexOf(s1)); if (s3.contains("&")) s2 = s3.substring(1 + s1.length(), s3.indexOf("&")); else s2 = s3.substring(1 + s1.length()); } else { s2 = null; } return s2; } public static int indexOf(byte abyte0[], byte byte0, int i, int j) { int k; int i1 = -1; k = Math.min(i + j, abyte0.length); for (int l = i; l < k; l++) { if (abyte0[l] == byte0) i1 = l - i; } return i1; } /** * 判断是否是中国移动的手机号码 * * @param s 手机号码 * @return */ public static boolean isChinaMobileMobileNumber(String s) { boolean flag = Pattern.compile( "^13[4-9]{1}[0-9]{8}|^147[0-9]{8}|^15[012789]{1}[0-9]{8}|^18[2378]{1}[0-9]{8}|^(\\+86|86)13[4-9]{1}[0-9]{8}|^(\\+86|86)147[0-9]{8}|^(\\+86|86)15[012789]{1}[0-9]{8}|^(\\+86|86)18[2378]{1}[0-9]{8}") .matcher(s) .matches(); boolean flag1 = false; if (flag) flag1 = true; return flag1; } /** * 判断是否是中国移动的SIM卡 * * @return */ public static boolean isChinaMobileSIMCard() { boolean flag = false; String s = ((TelephonyManager) MobileMusicApplication.getInstance().getSystemService("phone")) .getSubscriberId(); if (s != null) { if (!s.startsWith("46000") && !s.startsWith("46002")) { boolean flag1 = s.startsWith("46007"); if (flag1) flag = true; } } return flag; } public static boolean isDolby(Song song) { boolean flag; if (song != null && song.mUrl3 != null && !song.mUrl3.equals("<unknown>") && !song.mUrl3.equals("")) flag = true; else flag = false; return flag; } public static void setNoNeedUserLead(Context context) { if (context.getClass() == SplashActivity.class) { Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putBoolean("isFirstInApplication", false); editor.commit(); } } public static int px2dip(Context context, float f) { return (int) (0.5F + f / context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); } public static Cursor query( Context context, Uri uri, String as[], String s, String as1[], String s1) { Cursor cursor = null; Cursor cursor1; ContentResolver contentresolver = context.getContentResolver(); if (contentresolver == null) { cursor = null; } else { cursor1 = contentresolver.query(uri, as, s, as1, s1); cursor = cursor1; } return cursor; } public static boolean isOnlineMusic(Song song) { boolean flag; if (song.mMusicType == MusicType.ONLINEMUSIC.ordinal() || song.mMusicType == MusicType.RADIO.ordinal()) flag = true; else flag = false; return flag; } /** * 退出应用 * * @param useForClear */ public static void exitMobileMusicApp(final boolean useForClear) { Dispatcher dispatcher = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance().getEventDispatcher(); dispatcher.sendMessage(dispatcher.obtainMessage(22)); final MobileMusicApplication app = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance(); if (PlayerControllerImpl.getInstance(app).isPlaying()) PlayerControllerImpl.getInstance(app).stop(); PlayerControllerImpl.getInstance(app).cancelPlaybackStatusBar(); DLControllerImpl.getInstance(app).cancelDownloadRemainNotification(); DLControllerImpl.getInstance(app).cancelDownloadNotification(); shutDownHttpClient(); MobileMusicService.stopService(app); if (useForClear) MobileMusicApplication.getInstance().setIsInitService(false); (new Handler()) .postDelayed( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!useForClear) { Process.killProcess(Process.myPid()); DBControllerImpl.getInstance(app).closeDB(); } } }, 600L); } public static void reSetHttpClient() { mHttpClient = null; mHttpsClient = null; } /** 关闭Http的连接 */ public static void shutDownHttpClient() { logger.v("shutDownHttpClient() ---> Enter"); if (mHttpsClient != null) { mHttpsClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); mHttpsClient = null; } if (mHttpClient != null) { mHttpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); mHttpClient = null; } logger.v( (new StringBuilder("shutDownHttpClient() ---> Exit, mHttpsClient = ")) .append(mHttpsClient) .toString()); } public static boolean getDefaultSettings() { return true; } public static boolean isRadioMusic(Song song) { boolean flag; if (song != null && song.mMusicType == MusicType.RADIO.ordinal()) flag = true; else flag = false; return flag; } public static boolean checkWapStatus() { logger.v("checkWapStatus ----> enter"); ArrayList arraylist; ConnectivityManager connectivitymanager; boolean flag = false; MobileMusicApplication mobilemusicapplication = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance(); arraylist = new ArrayList(); connectivitymanager = (ConnectivityManager) mobilemusicapplication.getSystemService("connectivity"); if (connectivitymanager == null) { logger.v("connectivitymanager == null"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { NetworkInfo anetworkinfo[]; anetworkinfo = connectivitymanager.getAllNetworkInfo(); if (anetworkinfo == null) { logger.v("anetworkinfo == null"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { for (int i = 0; i < anetworkinfo.length; i++) { if (anetworkinfo[i].getState() == arraylist.add(anetworkinfo[i].getTypeName()); } int j; j = arraylist.size(); if (j <= 0) { logger.v("arraylist.size() <= 0"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { boolean flag1; flag1 = arraylist.contains("WIFI"); if (!flag1) { boolean flag2; flag2 = arraylist.contains("mobile"); if (!flag2) { logger.v("arraylist do not contains 'mobile'"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { for (int k = 0; k < anetworkinfo.length; k++) { if (anetworkinfo[k].getState() != { logger.v("not connected to network"); logger.v("return ----> " + flag); return flag; } else { String s = anetworkinfo[k].getExtraInfo(); if (s == null || !s.equals("cmwap")) { logger.v("networkinfo not cmwap"); logger.v("return -----> " + flag); return flag; } flag = true; } } } } else { logger.v("return ----> true"); return true; } } } } return flag; } public static String encodeByMD5(String s) { String s1 = null; if (s != null) { try { String s2 = byteArrayToHexString(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.getBytes())) .toUpperCase(); s1 = s2; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return s1; } public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte abyte0[]) { StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(2 * abyte0.length); int i = 0; do { if (i >= abyte0.length) return stringbuffer.toString(); int j = abyte0[i]; if (j < 0) j += 256; String s = Integer.toHexString(j); if (s.length() % 2 == 1) s = (new StringBuilder("0")).append(s).toString(); stringbuffer.append(s); i++; } while (true); } public static String[] breakLine(String s, Paint paint, int i) { String as[] = {}; if (s != null && i >= 0) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); int j = 0; int k = s.length(); int l = 1; int i1 = paint.breakText(s, 0, k, true, i, null); do { if (j + i1 > k) { arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j + i1)); as = (String[]) arraylist.toArray(new String[l]); return as; } l++; int j1 = s.lastIndexOf(' ', j + i1); if (j1 > j) { arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j1)); j = j1 + 1; } else { arraylist.add(s.substring(j, j + i1)); j += i1; } i1 = paint.breakText(s, j, k, true, i, null); } while (true); } return as; } public static byte[] getUTF8Bytes(String s) { byte abyte0[] = new byte[0]; if (s != null) { try { byte abyte2[] = s.getBytes("UTF-8"); abyte0 = abyte2; ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dataoutputstream = new DataOutputStream(bytearrayoutputstream); dataoutputstream.writeUTF(s); byte abyte1[] = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); bytearrayoutputstream.close(); dataoutputstream.close(); abyte0 = new byte[-2 + abyte1.length]; System.arraycopy(abyte1, 2, abyte0, 0, abyte0.length); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return abyte0; } public static String makeTimeString(long l) { StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(); long l1 = l / 60000L; Object obj; long l2; Object obj1; if (l1 < 10L) obj = (new StringBuilder("0")).append(l1).toString(); else obj = Long.valueOf(l1); stringbuffer.append(obj); stringbuffer.append(":"); l2 = (l / 1000L) % 60L; if (l2 < 10L) obj1 = (new StringBuilder("0")).append(l2).toString(); else obj1 = Long.valueOf(l2); stringbuffer.append(obj1); return stringbuffer.toString(); } /** * 判断本地音乐是否是杜比音乐,调用C++代码 * * @param song * @return */ public static boolean LocalSongIsDolby(Song song) { return false; // if (mDolbyUtils == null) // mDolbyUtils = new DolbyUtils(); // boolean flag; // if (mDolbyUtils.startParse(song.mUrl) != 0 // || !"China Mobile".equalsIgnoreCase(mDolbyUtils // .getDistributor())) // flag = false; // else // flag = true; // return flag; } /** * 正则表达式,判断是否是正确的网络地址 * * @param s * @return */ public static Matcher getUrlMatcher(String s) { return Pattern.compile("http://[a-zA-Z0-9./\\s]+").matcher(s); } /** * 创建HTTP的网络连接 * * @param flag * @return */ public static DefaultHttpClient createNetworkClient(boolean flag) { DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient; if (NetUtil.netState == 8) defaulthttpclient = null; else if (!NetUtil.isNetStateWap() && !flag) { logger.v("createNetworkClient() ---> !WlanUtils.isNetStateWap() && !isHttpReqIfWlan"); if (NetUtil.netState != 1 && NetUtil.netState != 6) { logger.d("Wlan has been closed."); defaulthttpclient = null; return defaulthttpclient; } else { if (mHttpsClient == null) mHttpsClient = createHttpsClient(); defaulthttpclient = mHttpsClient; } } else { MobileMusicApplication mobilemusicapplication = MobileMusicApplication.getInstance(); if (NetUtil.netState != 3 && NetUtil.netState != 5 && !SystemControllerImpl.getInstance(mobilemusicapplication).checkWapStatus()) { logger.d("WAP has been closed."); defaulthttpclient = null; return defaulthttpclient; } else { if (mHttpClient == null) mHttpClient = createHttpClient(); defaulthttpclient = mHttpClient; if (NetUtil.netState == 3) { HttpHost httphost = new HttpHost( MusicBusinessDefine_WAP.CMCC_WAP_PROXY_HOST, MusicBusinessDefine_WAP.CMCC_WAP_PROXY_PORT); if (defaulthttpclient == null) defaulthttpclient = createHttpsClient(); defaulthttpclient.getParams().setParameter("http.route.default-proxy", httphost); } } } logger.v("createNetworkClient() ---> Exit"); return defaulthttpclient; } public static Bitmap createBitmap(byte abyte0[]) { return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length); } private static DefaultHttpClient createHttpClient() { DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient1; try { SchemeRegistry schemeregistry = new SchemeRegistry(); KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); keystore.load(null, null); CustomSSLSocketFactory customsslsocketfactory = new CustomSSLSocketFactory(keystore); customsslsocketfactory.setHostnameVerifier(SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); schemeregistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80)); schemeregistry.register(new Scheme("https", customsslsocketfactory, 443)); BasicHttpParams basichttpparams = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(basichttpparams, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(basichttpparams, "UTF-8"); HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(basichttpparams, false); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(basichttpparams, HttpConst.NETWORK_TIME_OUT); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(basichttpparams, HttpConst.NETWORK_TIME_OUT); defaulthttpclient1 = new DefaultHttpClient( new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(basichttpparams, schemeregistry), basichttpparams); defaulthttpclient1.setHttpRequestRetryHandler(new DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(3, false)); defaulthttpclient1 .getCredentialsProvider() .setCredentials( new AuthScope(null, -1), new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin")); defaulthttpclient = defaulthttpclient1; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return defaulthttpclient; } private static DefaultHttpClient createHttpsClient() { DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient1; try { KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); keystore.load(null, null); CustomSSLSocketFactory customsslsocketfactory = new CustomSSLSocketFactory(keystore); customsslsocketfactory.setHostnameVerifier(SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); BasicHttpParams basichttpparams = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(basichttpparams, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(basichttpparams, "utf-8"); HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(basichttpparams, false); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(basichttpparams, HttpConst.NETWORK_TIME_OUT); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(basichttpparams, HttpConst.NETWORK_TIME_OUT); SchemeRegistry schemeregistry = new SchemeRegistry(); schemeregistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80)); schemeregistry.register(new Scheme("https", customsslsocketfactory, 443)); defaulthttpclient1 = new DefaultHttpClient( new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(basichttpparams, schemeregistry), basichttpparams); defaulthttpclient1 .getCredentialsProvider() .setCredentials( new AuthScope(null, -1), new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin")); defaulthttpclient = defaulthttpclient1; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return defaulthttpclient; } private static class CustomSSLSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory { public Socket createSocket() throws IOException { return sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket(); } public Socket createSocket(Socket socket, String s, int i, boolean flag) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { return sslContext.getSocketFactory().createSocket(socket, s, i, flag); } private SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); public CustomSSLSocketFactory(KeyStore keystore) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException { super(keystore); X509TrustManager x509trustmanager = new Cls(); sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] {x509trustmanager}, null); } class Cls implements X509TrustManager { public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } } /** * 从网络地址中得到位图图片数据 * * @param s 网络地址 * @return */ public static Bitmap getImageBitmap(String s) { Bitmap bitmap = null; Bitmap bitmap1 = null; DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient; defaulthttpclient = createNetworkClient(true); bitmap = null; if (defaulthttpclient != null) { HttpResponse httpresponse; int i; try { httpresponse = defaulthttpclient.execute(new HttpGet(s)); i = httpresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); logger.e((new StringBuilder("HTTP retCode: ")).append(i).toString()); bitmap = null; bitmap1 = null; if (i == 200) { InputStream inputstream = httpresponse.getEntity().getContent(); BufferedInputStream bufferedinputstream = new BufferedInputStream(inputstream); bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(bufferedinputstream); bufferedinputstream.close(); inputstream.close(); bitmap1 = bitmap; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bitmap1; } public static int getInt(String s) { return getInt(10, s); } public static int getInt(String s, int i) { return getInt(10, s, i); } public static int getInt(int i, String s, int j) { if (s != null) { long l = Long.parseLong(s.trim(), i); j = (int) l; } return j; } public static int getInt(int i, String s) { return getInt(i, s, 0); } public static String getLyricFromLocalFile(String s) throws Exception { boolean flag; String s1 = null; logger.v("getLyricFromLocalFile() ---> Enter "); // flag = s.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() // .getAbsolutePath()); // if (flag) // { // int i = s.lastIndexOf("."); // File file = new File((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s.substring( // 0, i + 1)))).append("lrc").toString()); // if (!file.exists()) // file = new File((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s.substring( // 0, i + 1)))).append("txt").toString()); // logger.v((new StringBuilder("lrc file: ")).append(file.getPath()) // .toString()); // if (file.exists()) // { // FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(file); // ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new // ByteArrayOutputStream(); // byte abyte0[] = new byte[1024]; // do // { // int j =; // if (j == -1) // { // byte abyte1[] = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); // int k = (new BytesEncodingDetector()) // .detectEncoding(abyte1); // fileinputstream.close(); // s1 = new String(abyte1, // BytesEncodingDetector.javaname[k]); // return s1; // } // bytearrayoutputstream.write(abyte0, 0, j); // } while (true); // } // } // logger.v("getLyricFromLocalFile() ---> Exit"); return s1; } public static String getLyricFromNetwork(String s, String s1) throws Exception { return null; // logger.e((new StringBuilder("getLyricFromNetwork() ---> Enter ")) // .append(s).toString()); // String s4 = null; // if (s != null) // { // String s2 = s.substring(1 + s.lastIndexOf("/"), s.lastIndexOf(".")); // Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); // String s3 = null; // String s8; // boolean flag3 = s.startsWith(Environment // .getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); // if (flag3) // { // s8 = (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s.substring(0, // 1 + s.lastIndexOf("."))))).append("lrc").toString(); // s3 = s8; // } // if (s4 != null) // { // logger.v("nw---------------3"); // if (s.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() // .getAbsolutePath())) // { // long l = getFreeSpace(s); // BufferedInputStream bufferedinputstream = null; // ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new // ByteArrayOutputStream(); // byte abyte1[] = new byte[512]; // int k = 0; // int i1; // byte abyte2[] = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); // MyLogger mylogger = logger; // StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder( // "response: "); // String s7 = new String(abyte2); // XMLParser xmlparser = new XMLParser(abyte2); // mylogger.i(stringbuilder.append(s7).toString()); // boolean flag1 = xmlparser.getValueByTag("code").equals( // "000000"); // if (flag1) // s4 = verify(xmlparser.getValueByTag("lrc")); // if (l - 0x200000L < (long) s4.length()) // { // logger.e((new StringBuilder( // "getFile(), no space available, free space is: ")) // .append(l).append(" Bytes").toString()); // } else // { // File file = new File(s3); // logger.i((new StringBuilder("lrc file: ")).append( // file.getPath()).toString()); // if (!file.exists()) // file.createNewFile(); // RandomAccessFile randomaccessfile = new RandomAccessFile( // file, "rw"); //; // byte abyte0[] = s4.getBytes(); // randomaccessfile.write(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length); // randomaccessfile.close(); // } // DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient1 = createNetworkClient(false); // if (defaulthttpclient1 == null) // { // s4 = null; // s3 = null; // } // boolean flag; // flag = NetUtil.isNetStateWap(); // String s5; // String s6; // if (!flag) // { // s5 = MusicBusinessDefine_Net.NET_HOST_NAME; // } else // { // s5 = MusicBusinessDefine_WAP.CMWAP_HOST_NAME; // } // if (s1 == null) // { // s6 = (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s5))) // .append("rdp2/v5.3/") // .append("songname=") // .append(EncodeBase64.encode(s2)) // .append("&version=") // .append(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_VERSION) // .toString(); // } else // { // boolean flag2; // flag2 = s1.equals("<unknown>"); // if (!flag2) // { // s6 = (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s5))) // .append("") // .append("songname=") // .append(EncodeBase64.encode(s2)) // .append("&contentid=") // .append(s1) // .append("&ua=") // .append("MobileMusic_DefaultUA") // .append("&version=") // .append(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_VERSION) // .toString(); // } else // { // s6 = (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s5))) // .append("rdp2/v5.3/") // .append("songname=") // .append(EncodeBase64.encode(s2)) // .append("&version=") // .append(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_VERSION) // .toString(); // } // } // HttpResponse httpresponse1; // int j; // logger.i((new StringBuilder("search url: ")).append(s6) // .toString()); // HttpGet httpget1 = new HttpGet(s6); // httpresponse1 = defaulthttpclient1.execute(httpget1); // // j = httpresponse1.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); // logger.e((new StringBuilder("HTTP retCode: ")).append(j) // .toString()); // if (j == 200) // { // logger.v("nw---------------2"); // bufferedinputstream = new BufferedInputStream( // httpresponse1.getEntity().getContent()); // bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // abyte1 = new byte[512]; // k = 0; // } else // { // s4 = null; // logger.v("nw---------------1"); // } // while ((i1 = != -1) // { // bytearrayoutputstream.write(abyte1, 0, i1); // k += i1; // } // } else if (s.startsWith("http://")) // try // { // DefaultHttpClient defaulthttpclient = createNetworkClient(true); // if (defaulthttpclient == null) // { // s4 = null; // } else // { // HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(s); // httpget.setHeader("RANGE", "bytes=0-3072"); // HttpResponse httpresponse = defaulthttpclient // .execute(httpget); // int i = httpresponse.getStatusLine() // .getStatusCode(); // logger.e((new StringBuilder("HTTP retCode: ")) // .append(i).toString()); // if (i != 200) // { // s4 = null; // } else // { // InputStream inputstream = httpresponse // .getEntity().getContent(); // DataInputStream datainputstream = new DataInputStream( // inputstream); // s4 = PlayerID3V2Parser.getInstance() // .parseLyric(datainputstream); // inputstream.close(); // datainputstream.close(); // } // } // } catch (IOException ioexception1) // { // logger.e(ioexception1.toString()); // s4 = null; // } // } // } // // logger.v("nw---------------2"); // return s4; } /** * 获得SD卡指定文件对象的剩余容量 * * @param s * @return */ public static final long getFreeSpace(String s) { long l = 0L; if (s != null) { long l1; int i; StatFs statfs = new StatFs(s); l1 = statfs.getBlockSize(); // 获得存储块大小 i = statfs.getAvailableBlocks(); // 获得可用存储块数量 l = l1 * (long) i - 0x200000L; } return l; } /** * 获取铃声存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getRingtoneStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_RINGTONE_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_RINGTONE_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } /** * 获取MV存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getMVStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_MV_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_MV_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } /** * 获取升级存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getUpdateStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_UPDATE_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_UPDATE_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } /** * 字节数组转换为UTF-8的字符串 * * @param abyte0 待转换的字节数组 * @param i * @param j * @return */ public static String getUTF8String(byte abyte0[]) { String s; if (abyte0 == null) s = ""; else s = getUTF8String(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length); return s; } /** * 字节数组的某一范围数据转换为UTF-8的字符串 * * @param abyte0 待转换的字节数组 * @param i * @param j * @return */ public static String getUTF8String(byte abyte0[], int i, int j) { String s; if (abyte0 == null) s = ""; else { try { s = new String(abyte0, i, j, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unsupportedencodingexception) { s = ""; } } return s; } /** * 获取皮肤存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getSkinStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_SKIN_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_SKIN_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } /** * 获取杜比音乐存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getDoblySongStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_DOBLY_MUSIC_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_DOBLY_MUSIC_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } /** * 获取音乐存储的路径,如果容量不足,返回null; * * @param l * @return */ public static final String getSongStoreDir(long l) { String s; if (getFreeSpace(GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_MUSIC_STORE_SD_DIR) > l) s = GlobalSettingParameter.LOCAL_PARAM_MUSIC_STORE_SD_DIR; else s = null; return s; } private static Bitmap getArtworkFromFile(Context context, long l, long l1) { Bitmap bitmap; bitmap = null; if (l1 < 0L && l < 0L) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify an album or a song id"); if (l1 >= 0L) { Uri uri1 = Uri.parse( (new StringBuilder("content://media/external/audio/media/")) .append(l) .append("/albumart") .toString()); try { ParcelFileDescriptor parcelfiledescriptor1 = context.getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri1, "r"); bitmap = null; if (parcelfiledescriptor1 != null) { bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(parcelfiledescriptor1.getFileDescriptor()); parcelfiledescriptor1.close(); } Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(sArtworkUri, l1); ParcelFileDescriptor parcelfiledescriptor = context.getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri, "r"); bitmap = null; if (parcelfiledescriptor != null) { bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(parcelfiledescriptor.getFileDescriptor()); parcelfiledescriptor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bitmap; } private static Bitmap getDefaultArtwork(Context context) { return null; } /** * DIP ---> PX 单位转换 * * @param context * @param f 待转换的数据 * @return */ public static int dip2px(Context context, float f) { return (int) (0.5F + f * context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); } /** * 检查是否手机已插入外部存储,SD卡 * * @return */ public static boolean checkExternalStorage() { logger.v("checkExternalStorage() ---> Enter"); String s = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); boolean flag; if (s.equals("removed") || s.equals("unmounted")) flag = false; else flag = true; return flag; } /** * 输入流到字节的转换 * * @param inputstream * @return * @throws IOException */ public static byte[] InputStreamToByte(InputStream inputstream) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); do { int i =; if (i == -1) { byte abyte0[] = bytearrayoutputstream.toByteArray(); bytearrayoutputstream.close(); return abyte0; } bytearrayoutputstream.write(i); } while (true); } }
/** * Entry point * * @param args */ public static void main(String args[]) { MyLogger.initLog(); AuthServer authServer = new AuthServer(9958); }