Beispiel #1
  private String getCheckedModuleName() {
    String moduleName = gwtModuleRunner.getModuleName();
    if (moduleName == null || "".equals(moduleName.trim())) {
      throw new GwtTestConfigurationException(
          "The tested module name returned by "
              + gwtModuleRunner.getClass().getName()
              + ".getModuleName() should not be null or empty");

    String moduleAlias = ModuleData.get().getModuleAlias(moduleName);
    if (moduleAlias == null) {
      throw new GwtTestConfigurationException(
          "The tested module '"
              + moduleName
              + "' has not been found. Did you forget to declare a 'module-file' property in your 'META-INF/' configuration file ?");

    return moduleAlias;
 private void processModuleFile(String key, URL url) {