Beispiel #1
   * Get the Meteor score given sufficient statistics
   * @param stats
  public void computeMetrics(MeteorStats stats) {

    stats.testWeightedMatches = 0;
    stats.referenceWeightedMatches = 0;

    stats.testWeightedLength =
        (delta * (stats.testLength - stats.testFunctionWords))
            + ((1.0 - delta) * (stats.testFunctionWords));
    stats.referenceWeightedLength =
        (delta * (stats.referenceLength - stats.referenceFunctionWords))
            + ((1.0 - delta) * (stats.referenceFunctionWords));

    // Apply module weights and delta to test and reference matches
    // (Content)
    for (int i = 0; i < moduleWeights.size(); i++)
      stats.testWeightedMatches +=
          stats.testStageMatchesContent.get(i) * moduleWeights.get(i) * delta;
    for (int i = 0; i < moduleWeights.size(); i++)
      stats.referenceWeightedMatches +=
          stats.referenceStageMatchesContent.get(i) * moduleWeights.get(i) * delta;

    // Apply module weights and delta to test and reference matches
    // (Function)
    for (int i = 0; i < moduleWeights.size(); i++)
      stats.testWeightedMatches +=
          stats.testStageMatchesFunction.get(i) * moduleWeights.get(i) * (1.0 - delta);
    for (int i = 0; i < moduleWeights.size(); i++)
      stats.referenceWeightedMatches +=
          stats.referenceStageMatchesFunction.get(i) * moduleWeights.get(i) * (1.0 - delta);

    // Precision = test matches / test length
    stats.precision = stats.testWeightedMatches / stats.testWeightedLength;
    // Recall = ref matches / ref length
    stats.recall = stats.referenceWeightedMatches / stats.referenceWeightedLength;
    // F1 = 2pr / (p + r) [not part of final score]
    stats.f1 = (2 * stats.precision * stats.recall) / (stats.precision + stats.recall);
    // Fmean = 1 / alpha-weighted average of p and r
    stats.fMean = 1.0 / (((1.0 - alpha) / stats.precision) + (alpha / stats.recall));
    // Fragmentation
    double frag;
    // Case if test = ref
    if (stats.testTotalMatches == stats.testLength
        && stats.referenceTotalMatches == stats.referenceLength
        && stats.chunks == 1) frag = 0;
      frag =
          ((double) stats.chunks)
              / (((double) (stats.testWordMatches + stats.referenceWordMatches)) / 2);
    // Fragmentation penalty
    stats.fragPenalty = gamma * Math.pow(frag, beta);
    // Score
    double score = stats.fMean * (1.0 - stats.fragPenalty);

    // Catch division by zero
    if (Double.isNaN(score)) stats.score = 0;
      // score >= 0.0
      stats.score = Math.max(score, 0.0);
Beispiel #2
  * Get the Meteor sufficient statistics for a test give a list of references
  * @param test
  * @param references
  * @return
 public MeteorStats getMeteorStats(String test, ArrayList<String> references) {
   // Normalize test
   if (normalize) test = Normalizer.normalizeLine(test, langID, keepPunctuation);
   if (lowerCase) test = test.toLowerCase();
   MeteorStats stats = new MeteorStats();
   stats.score = -1;
   // Score each reference
   for (String reference : references) {
     // Normalize reference
     if (normalize) reference = Normalizer.normalizeLine(reference, langID, keepPunctuation);
     if (lowerCase) reference = reference.toLowerCase();
     Alignment alignment = aligner.align(test, reference);
     MeteorStats curStats = getMeteorStats(alignment);
     if (curStats.score > stats.score) stats = curStats;
   return stats;