Beispiel #1
  * Skip creating postings for this Org.
  * @param AD_Org_ID
  * @return true if to skip
 public boolean isSkipOrg(int AD_Org_ID) {
   if (getAD_OrgOnly_ID() == 0) return false;
   //	Only Organization
   if (getAD_OrgOnly_ID() == AD_Org_ID) return false;
   if (m_onlyOrg == null) m_onlyOrg = MOrg.get(getCtx(), getAD_OrgOnly_ID());
   //	Not Summary Only - i.e. skip it
   if (!m_onlyOrg.isSummary()) return true;
   final Integer[] onlyOrgs = getOnlyOrgs();
   if (onlyOrgs == null) {
     return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < onlyOrgs.length; i++) {
     if (AD_Org_ID == onlyOrgs[i].intValue()) return false;
   return true;
 } //	isSkipOrg
Beispiel #2
   * Is standard Period Open for specified orgs for the client. For best performance, ensure that
   * the list of orgs does not contain duplicates.
   * @param ctx
   * @param AD_Client_ID
   * @param orgs
   * @param DateAcct accounting date
   * @param DocBaseType document base type
   * @return error message or null
  public static String isOpen(
      Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, ArrayList<Integer> orgs, Timestamp DateAcct, String DocBaseType) {
    if (DateAcct == null) return "@NotFound@ @DateAcct@";
    if (DocBaseType == null) return "@NotFound@ @DocBaseType@";

    MAcctSchema as = MClient.get(ctx, AD_Client_ID).getAcctSchema();
    if (as == null) return "@NotFound@ @C_AcctSchema_ID@ for AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID;
    if (as.isAutoPeriodControl()) {
      if (as.isAutoPeriodControlOpen(DateAcct)) return null;
      else return "@PeriodClosed@ - @AutoPeriodControl@";

    //	Get all Calendars in line with Organizations
    MClientInfo clientInfo = MClientInfo.get(ctx, AD_Client_ID, null);
    ArrayList<Integer> orgCalendars = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> calendars = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int org : orgs) {
      MOrgInfo orgInfo = MOrgInfo.get(ctx, org, null);
      int C_Calendar_ID = orgInfo.getC_Calendar_ID();
      if (C_Calendar_ID == 0) C_Calendar_ID = clientInfo.getC_Calendar_ID();
      if (!calendars.contains(C_Calendar_ID)) calendars.add(C_Calendar_ID);
    //	Should not happen
    if (calendars.size() == 0) return "@NotFound@ @C_Calendar_ID@";

    //	For all Calendars get Periods
    for (int i = 0; i < calendars.size(); i++) {
      int C_Calendar_ID = calendars.get(i);
      MPeriod period = MPeriod.getOfCalendar(ctx, C_Calendar_ID, DateAcct);
      //	First Org for Calendar
      int AD_Org_ID = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < orgCalendars.size(); j++) {
        if (orgCalendars.get(j) == C_Calendar_ID) {
          AD_Org_ID = orgs.get(j);
      if (period == null) {
        MCalendar cal = MCalendar.get(ctx, C_Calendar_ID);
        String date = DisplayType.getDateFormat(DisplayTypeConstants.Date).format(DateAcct);
        if (cal != null)
          return "@NotFound@ @C_Period_ID@: "
              + date
              + " - "
              + MOrg.get(ctx, AD_Org_ID).getName()
              + " -> "
              + cal.getName();
          return "@NotFound@ @C_Period_ID@: "
              + date
              + " - "
              + MOrg.get(ctx, AD_Org_ID).getName()
              + " -> C_Calendar_ID="
              + C_Calendar_ID;
      String error = period.isOpen(DocBaseType, DateAcct);
      if (error != null)
        return error
            + " - "
            + MOrg.get(ctx, AD_Org_ID).getName()
            + " -> "
            + MCalendar.get(ctx, C_Calendar_ID).getName();
    return null; //	open
  } //	isOpen