Beispiel #1
   * Adds a new Cacheable object to the cache. The key must be unique.
   * @param key a unique key for the object being put into cache.
   * @param object the Cacheable object to put into cache.
  public synchronized void add(long key, Cacheable object) {
    // Delete an old entry if it exists.

    if (object == null) return;

    long objectSize = object.getSize();
    if (objectSize == -1) objectSize = CacheSizes.cacheSizeOfObject(object);

    // If the object is bigger than the entire cache, simply don't add it.
    if (objectSize > maxObjectSize) {
    size += objectSize;
    LongCacheObject cacheObject = new LongCacheObject(object, objectSize);
    cachedObjectsHash.put(key, cacheObject);
    // Make an entry into the cache order list.
    LongLinkedListNode lastAccessedNode = lastAccessedList.addFirst(key);
    // StoreImp the cache order list entry so that we can get back to it
    // during later lookups.
    cacheObject.lastAccessedListNode = lastAccessedNode;
    // Add the object to the age list
    LongLinkedListNode ageNode = ageList.addFirst(key);
    // We make an explicit call to currentTimeMillis() so that total accuracy
    // of lifetime calculations is better than one second.
    ageNode.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cacheObject.ageListNode = ageNode;

    // If cache is too full, remove least used cache entries until it is
    // not too full.
    if (size >= maxSize) {
Beispiel #2
  * Removes an object from cache.
  * @param key the unique key of the object to remove.
 public synchronized void remove(long key) {
   LongCacheObject cacheObject = (LongCacheObject) cachedObjectsHash.get(key);
   // If the object is not in cache, stop trying to remove it.
   if (cacheObject == null) {
   // remove from the hash map
   // remove from the cache order list
   // remove references to linked list nodes
   cacheObject.ageListNode = null;
   cacheObject.lastAccessedListNode = null;
   // removed the object, so subtract its size from the total.
   size -= cacheObject.size;