 public void roomStop(IScope scope) {
   log.debug(APP + ":roomStop " + scope.getName());
   if (!hasSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO)) {
     clearSharedObjects(scope, LAYOUT_SO);
 public boolean roomStart(IScope scope) {
   log.debug(APP + ":roomStart " + scope.getName());
   if (!hasSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO)) {
     if (createSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO, false)) {
       return true;
   log.error("Failed to start room " + scope.getName());
   return false;
 public boolean roomConnect(IConnection connection, Object[] params) {
   log.debug(APP + ":roomConnect");
   ISharedObject so = getSharedObject(connection.getScope(), LAYOUT_SO);
   log.debug("Setting up Listener");
   LayoutSender sender = new LayoutSender(so);
   String room = connection.getScope().getName();
   log.debug("Adding event listener to " + room);
   log.debug("Adding room listener");
   layoutApplication.addRoomListener(room, sender);
   log.debug("Done setting up listener");
   return true;
 public void setLayoutApplication(LayoutApplication a) {
   log.debug("Setting layout application");
   layoutApplication = a;
   layoutApplication.handler = this;