Beispiel #1
   * Add a L2Object in the world.<br>
   * <br>
   * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><br>
   * <br>
   * L2Object (including L2PcInstance) are identified in <B>_visibleObjects</B> of his current
   * L2WorldRegion and in <B>_knownObjects</B> of other surrounding L2Characters <br>
   * L2PcInstance are identified in <B>_allPlayers</B> of L2World, in <B>_allPlayers</B> of his
   * current L2WorldRegion and in <B>_knownPlayer</B> of other surrounding L2Characters <br>
   * <br>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><br>
   * <br>
   * <li>Add the L2Object object in _allPlayers* of L2World
   * <li>Add the L2Object object in _gmList** of GmListTable
   * <li>Add object in _knownObjects and _knownPlayer* of all surrounding L2WorldRegion L2Characters
   *     <br>
   * <li>If object is a L2Character, add all surrounding L2Object in its _knownObjects and all
   *     surrounding L2PcInstance in its _knownPlayer <br>
   *     <I>* only if object is a L2PcInstance</I><br>
   *     <I>** only if object is a GM L2PcInstance</I><br>
   *     <br>
   *     <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T ADD the object in
   *     _visibleObjects and _allPlayers* of L2WorldRegion (need synchronisation)</B></FONT><br>
   *     <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T ADD the object to _allObjects
   *     and _allPlayers* of L2World (need synchronisation)</B></FONT><br>
   *     <br>
   *     <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><br>
   *     <br>
   * <li>Drop an Item
   * <li>Spawn a L2Character
   * <li>Apply Death Penalty of a L2PcInstance<br>
   *     <br>
   * @param object L2object to add in the world
   * @param newRegion L2WorldRegion in wich the object will be add (not used)
  public void addVisibleObject(L2Object object, L2WorldRegion newRegion) {
    // If selected L2Object is a L2PcIntance, add it in L2ObjectHashSet(L2PcInstance) _allPlayers of
    // L2World
    // XXX TODO: this code should be obsoleted by protection in putObject func...
    if (object instanceof L2PcInstance) {
      L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) object;

      if (!player.isTeleporting()) {
        L2PcInstance tmp = _allPlayers.get(Integer.valueOf(player.getObjectId()));
        if (tmp != null) {
          _log.warn("Duplicate character!? Closing both characters (" + player.getName() + ")");
        _allPlayers.put(player.getObjectId(), player);

    if (!newRegion.isActive()) return;

    // Get all visible objects contained in the _visibleObjects of
    // L2WorldRegions in a circular area of 2000 units
    List<L2Object> visibles = getVisibleObjects(object, 2000);

    _log.trace("objects in range:" + visibles.size());

    // tell the player about the surroundings
    // Go through the visible objects contained in the circular area
    for (L2Object visible : visibles) {
      // Add the object in L2ObjectHashSet(L2Object) _knownObjects of the visible L2Character
      // according to conditions :
      // - L2Character is visible
      // - object is not already known
      // - object is in the watch distance
      // If L2Object is a L2PcInstance, add L2Object in L2ObjectHashSet(L2PcInstance) _knownPlayer
      // of the visible
      // L2Character

      // Add the visible L2Object in L2ObjectHashSet(L2Object) _knownObjects of the object according
      // to conditions
      // If visible L2Object is a L2PcInstance, add visible L2Object in
      // L2ObjectHashSet(L2PcInstance) _knownPlayer of the
      // object