  public JsonElement serialize(Operator op, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsc) {
    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
    jsonObject.addProperty(PlanExpressionConstants.CONTAINERNAME, op.containerName);
    jsonObject.addProperty(PlanExpressionConstants.OPERATOR, op.operator);
    jsonObject.addProperty(PlanExpressionConstants.OPERATORNAME, op.operatorName);
    if (op.queryString != null) {
      jsonObject.addProperty(PlanExpressionConstants.QUERYSTRING, op.queryString);

    if (op.locations != null) {
      JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
      JsonArray locations = new JsonArray();
      for (URL url : op.locations) {
      jsonObject.add(PlanExpressionConstants.LOCATIONS, locations);

    if (op.paramList != null) {
      JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
      JsonArray params = new JsonArray();
      for (Parameter param : op.paramList) {
        JsonArray p = new JsonArray();
      jsonObject.add(PlanExpressionConstants.PARAMETERS, params);

    return jsonObject;
Beispiel #2
 private static void addFolder(FileSystem fs, Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) {
   try {
     if (fs == null) return;
     for (FileStatus file : fs.listStatus(p)) {
       Path pfs = file.getPath();
       if (file.isDir()) {
         addFolder(fs, pfs, succeeded, failed);
       } else {
         Key k = Key.make(pfs.toString());
         long size = file.getLen();
         Value val = null;
         if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.JSON)) {
           JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
           JsonObject json = parser.parse(new InputStreamReader(fs.open(pfs))).getAsJsonObject();
           JsonElement v = json.get(Constants.VERSION);
           if (v == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing version");
           JsonElement type = json.get(Constants.TYPE);
           if (type == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing type");
           Class c = Class.forName(type.getAsString());
           OldModel model = (OldModel) c.newInstance();
         } else if (pfs.getName().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
           FSDataInputStream s = fs.open(pfs);
           int sz = (int) Math.min(1L << 20, size); // Read up to the 1st meg
           byte[] mem = MemoryManager.malloc1(sz);
           // Convert to a ValueArray (hope it fits in 1Meg!)
           ValueArray ary = new ValueArray(k, 0).read(new AutoBuffer(mem));
           val = new Value(k, ary, Value.HDFS);
         } else if (size >= 2 * ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ) {
           val =
               new Value(
                   new ValueArray(k, size),
                   Value.HDFS); // ValueArray byte wrapper over a large file
         } else {
           val = new Value(k, (int) size, Value.HDFS); // Plain Value
         DKV.put(k, val);
         Log.info("PersistHdfs: DKV.put(" + k + ")");
         JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
         o.addProperty(Constants.KEY, k.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, pfs.toString());
         o.addProperty(Constants.VALUE_SIZE, file.getLen());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, e.getMessage());
Beispiel #3
 public JsonObject toJson() {
   JsonObject res = new JsonObject();
   JsonArray rows = new JsonArray();
   for (int i = 0; i < _rows.length; ++i) rows.add(new JsonPrimitive(_rows[i]));
   JsonArray dist = new JsonArray();
   for (int i = 0; i < _dist.length; ++i) dist.add(new JsonPrimitive(_dist[i]));
   res.add("rows_per_cluster", rows);
   res.add("sqr_error_per_cluster", dist);
   return res;
 public JsonElement serialize(WxCpUser user, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
   JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
   if (user.getUserId() != null) {
     o.addProperty("userid", user.getUserId());
   if (user.getName() != null) {
     o.addProperty("name", user.getName());
   if (user.getDepartIds() != null) {
     JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray();
     for (Integer departId : user.getDepartIds()) {
       jsonArray.add(new JsonPrimitive(departId));
     o.add("department", jsonArray);
   if (user.getPosition() != null) {
     o.addProperty("position", user.getPosition());
   if (user.getMobile() != null) {
     o.addProperty("mobile", user.getMobile());
   if (user.getGender() != null) {
     o.addProperty("gender", user.getGender().equals("男") ? 0 : 1);
   if (user.getTel() != null) {
     o.addProperty("tel", user.getTel());
   if (user.getEmail() != null) {
     o.addProperty("email", user.getEmail());
   if (user.getWeiXinId() != null) {
     o.addProperty("weixinid", user.getWeiXinId());
   if (user.getAvatar() != null) {
     o.addProperty("avatar", user.getAvatar());
   if (user.getStatus() != null) {
     o.addProperty("status", user.getStatus());
   if (user.getExtAttrs().size() > 0) {
     JsonArray attrsJsonArray = new JsonArray();
     for (WxCpUser.Attr attr : user.getExtAttrs()) {
       JsonObject attrJson = new JsonObject();
       attrJson.addProperty("name", attr.getName());
       attrJson.addProperty("value", attr.getValue());
     JsonObject attrsJson = new JsonObject();
     attrsJson.add("attrs", attrsJsonArray);
     o.add("extattr", attrsJson);
   return o;
Beispiel #5
 public JsonObject toJson() {
   JsonObject res = new JsonObject();
   res.addProperty(Constants.VERSION, H2O.VERSION);
   res.addProperty(Constants.TYPE, KMeansModel.class.getName());
   res.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, _error);
   JsonArray ary = new JsonArray();
   for (double[] dd : clusters()) {
     JsonArray ary2 = new JsonArray();
     for (double d : dd) ary2.add(new JsonPrimitive(d));
   res.add(Constants.CLUSTERS, ary);
   return res;
 private static JsonArray deepCopyArr(JsonArray from) {
   JsonArray result = new JsonArray();
   for (JsonElement element : from) {
   return result;
  private JsonArray serializeIterable(
      Iterable value,
      Type typeOfSrc,
      JsonSerializationContext context,
      String localPropertyView,
      int depth) {

    JsonArray property = new JsonArray();

    for (Object o : value) {

      // non-null check in case a lazy evaluator returns null
      if (o != null) {

        if (o instanceof GraphObject) {

          GraphObject obj = (GraphObject) o;
          JsonElement recursiveSerializedValue =
              this.serializeFlatNameValue(obj, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, depth + 1);

          if (recursiveSerializedValue != null) {


        } else if (o instanceof Map) {

              serializeMap((Map) o, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, false, false, depth));

        } else if (o instanceof Iterable) {

              serializeIterable((Iterable) o, typeOfSrc, context, localPropertyView, depth));

        } else {

          // serialize primitive, this is for PropertyNotion
          // property.add(new JsonPrimitive(o.toString()));

    return property;
Beispiel #8
 public void processListing(ObjectListing listing, JsonArray succ, JsonArray fail) {
   for (S3ObjectSummary obj : listing.getObjectSummaries()) {
     try {
       Key k = PersistS3.loadKey(obj);
       JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
       o.addProperty(KEY, k.toString());
       o.addProperty(FILE, obj.getKey());
       o.addProperty(VALUE_SIZE, obj.getSize());
     } catch (IOException e) {
       JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
       o.addProperty(FILE, obj.getKey());
       o.addProperty(ERROR, e.getMessage());
Beispiel #9
  * Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given <code>boolean
  * </code> values.
  * @param values the values to be included in the new JSON array
  * @return a new JSON array that contains the given values
 public static JsonArray array(boolean... values) {
   if (values == null) {
     throw new NullPointerException("values is null");
   JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
   for (boolean value : values) {
   return array;
Beispiel #10
  * Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given strings.
  * @param strings the strings to be included in the new JSON array
  * @return a new JSON array that contains the given strings
 public static JsonArray array(String... strings) {
   if (strings == null) {
     throw new NullPointerException("values is null");
   JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
   for (String value : strings) {
   return array;
Beispiel #11
 public static void addFolder(Path p, JsonArray succeeded, JsonArray failed) throws IOException {
   FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(p.toUri(), PersistHdfs.CONF);
   if (!fs.exists(p)) {
     JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
     o.addProperty(Constants.FILE, p.toString());
     o.addProperty(Constants.ERROR, "Path does not exist!");
   addFolder(fs, p, succeeded, failed);
  public JsonElement serialize(
      DeviceIconType deviceIcon, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
    JsonObject jsonDeviceIconType = new JsonObject();
    for (Position.Status status : Position.Status.values()) {
      PositionIconType positionIcon = deviceIcon.getPositionIconType(status);
      JsonObject jsonPositionIconType = new JsonObject();

      jsonPositionIconType.addProperty("width", positionIcon.getWidth());
      jsonPositionIconType.addProperty("height", positionIcon.getHeight());

      JsonArray urls = new JsonArray();
      urls.add(new JsonPrimitive(positionIcon.getURL(false)));
      urls.add(new JsonPrimitive(positionIcon.getURL(true)));
      jsonPositionIconType.add("urls", urls);

      jsonDeviceIconType.add(status.name(), jsonPositionIconType);
    return jsonDeviceIconType;
  public JsonElement serialize(
      DeviceOption[] src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
    JsonArray jsonObject = new JsonArray();

    for (DeviceOption option : src) {
      JsonObject newObject = new JsonObject();
      newObject.addProperty("property", option.getProperty());
      newObject.addProperty("name", option.getName());
      newObject.addProperty("description", option.getDescription());
      newObject.addProperty("readonly", option.isReadOnly());
      newObject.addProperty("type", option.getType().toString());

      JsonArray newArray = new JsonArray();

      for (String value : option.getValidValues()) {

      newObject.add("validValues", newArray);

      if (option.isArray()) {
        newArray = new JsonArray();

        for (String value : option.getArrayValue()) {

        newObject.add("values", newArray);
      } else {
        newObject.addProperty("value", option.getValue());


    return jsonObject;
Beispiel #14
 private final void Elements(JsonArray array) throws ParseException {
   JsonElement element;
   element = JsonValue();
   switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) {
     case 23:
       jj_la1[4] = jj_gen;
Beispiel #15
  protected Response serve() {
    int tasks = 0;
    int finished = 0;
    RFModel model = _modelKey.value();
    double[] weights = _weights.value();
    // Finish refresh after rf model is done and confusion matrix for all trees is computed
    boolean done = false;
    int classCol = _classCol.specified() ? _classCol.value() : findResponseIdx(model);

    tasks = model._totalTrees;
    finished = model.size();

    // Handle cancelled/aborted jobs
    if (_job.value() != null) {
      Job jjob = Job.findJob(_job.value());
      if (jjob != null && jjob.isCancelled())
        return Response.error(
            jjob.exception == null ? "Job was cancelled by user!" : jjob.exception);

    JsonObject response = defaultJsonResponse();
    // CM return and possible computation is requested
    if (!_noCM.value() && (finished == tasks || _iterativeCM.value()) && finished > 0) {
      // Compute the highest number of trees which is less then a threshold
      int modelSize = tasks * _refreshThresholdCM.value() / 100;
      modelSize =
          modelSize == 0 || finished == tasks ? finished : modelSize * (finished / modelSize);

      // Get the computing the matrix - if no job is computing, then start a new job
      Job cmJob =
              model, modelSize, _dataKey.value()._key, classCol, weights, _oobee.value());
      // Here the the job is running - it saved a CM which can be already finished or in invalid
      // state.
      CMFinal confusion = UKV.get(cmJob.dest());
      // if the matrix is valid, report it in the JSON
      if (confusion != null && confusion.valid() && modelSize > 0) {
        // finished += 1;
        JsonObject cm = new JsonObject();
        JsonArray cmHeader = new JsonArray();
        JsonArray matrix = new JsonArray();
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_TYPE, _oobee.value() ? "OOB error estimate" : "full scoring");
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_CLASS_ERR, confusion.classError());
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_ROWS_SKIPPED, confusion.skippedRows());
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_ROWS, confusion.rows());
        // create the header
        for (String s : cfDomain(confusion, 1024)) cmHeader.add(new JsonPrimitive(s));
        cm.add(JSON_CM_HEADER, cmHeader);
        // add the matrix
        final int nclasses = confusion.dimension();
        JsonArray classErrors = new JsonArray();
        for (int crow = 0; crow < nclasses; ++crow) {
          JsonArray row = new JsonArray();
          int classHitScore = 0;
          for (int ccol = 0; ccol < nclasses; ++ccol) {
            row.add(new JsonPrimitive(confusion.matrix(crow, ccol)));
            if (crow != ccol) classHitScore += confusion.matrix(crow, ccol);
          // produce infinity members in case of 0.f/0
              new JsonPrimitive(
                  (float) classHitScore / (classHitScore + confusion.matrix(crow, crow))));
        cm.add(JSON_CM_CLASSES_ERRORS, classErrors);
        cm.add(JSON_CM_MATRIX, matrix);
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_TREES, modelSize);
        response.add(JSON_CM, cm);
        // Signal end only and only if all trees were generated and confusion matrix is valid
        done = finished == tasks;
    } else if (_noCM.value() && finished == tasks) done = true;

    // Trees
    JsonObject trees = new JsonObject();
    trees.addProperty(Constants.TREE_COUNT, model.size());
    if (model.size() > 0) {
      trees.add(Constants.TREE_DEPTH, model.depth().toJson());
      trees.add(Constants.TREE_LEAVES, model.leaves().toJson());
    response.add(Constants.TREES, trees);

    // Build a response
    Response r;
    if (done) {
      r = jobDone(response);
          "<div class='alert'>"
              + /*RFScore.link(MODEL_KEY, model._key, "Use this model for scoring.") */ GeneratePredictionsPage
                  .link(model._key, "Predict!")
              + " </div>");
    } else {
      r = Response.poll(response, finished, tasks);
    r.setBuilder(JSON_CM, new ConfusionMatrixBuilder());
    r.setBuilder(TREES, new TreeListBuilder());
    return r;
  // ----- private methods -----
  private JsonElement serializeNestedKeyValueType(
      GraphObject src,
      Type typeOfSrc,
      JsonSerializationContext context,
      boolean includeTypeInOutput,
      String localPropertyView,
      int depth) {

    // prevent endless recursion by pruning at depth 2
    if (depth > outputNestingDepth) {

      return null;

    JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

    // id (only if idProperty is not set)
    if (idProperty == null) {

      jsonObject.add("id", new JsonPrimitive(src.getId()));

    } else {

      Object idPropertyValue = src.getProperty(idProperty);

      if (idPropertyValue != null) {

        String idString = idPropertyValue.toString();

        jsonObject.add("id", new JsonPrimitive(idString));

     * String type = src.getType();
     * if (type != null) {
     *       jsonObject.add("type", new JsonPrimitive(type));
     * }

    // property keys
    JsonArray properties = new JsonArray();

    for (String key : src.getPropertyKeys(localPropertyView)) {

      Object value = src.getProperty(key);

      if (value instanceof Iterable) {

        JsonArray property = new JsonArray();

        for (Object o : (Iterable) value) {

          if (o instanceof GraphObject) {

            GraphObject obj = (GraphObject) o;
            JsonElement recursiveSerializedValue =
                    obj, typeOfSrc, context, includeTypeInOutput, localPropertyView, depth + 1);

            if (recursiveSerializedValue != null) {


          } else if (o instanceof Map) {

                    (Map) o,

          } else {

            // serialize primitive, this is for PropertyNotion
            properties.add(serializePrimitive(key, o, includeTypeInOutput));

          // TODO: Unterstützung von Notions mit mehr als einem Property bei der Ausgabe!
          // => neuer Typ?



      } else if (value instanceof GraphObject) {

        GraphObject graphObject = (GraphObject) value;

                depth + 1));

      } else if (value instanceof Map) {

                (Map) value,

      } else {

        properties.add(serializePrimitive(key, value, includeTypeInOutput));

    jsonObject.add("properties", properties);

    if (src instanceof AbstractNode) {

      // outgoing relationships
      Map<RelationshipType, Long> outRelStatistics =
          ((AbstractNode) src).getRelationshipInfo(Direction.OUTGOING);

      if (outRelStatistics != null) {

        JsonArray outRels = new JsonArray();

        for (Entry<RelationshipType, Long> entry : outRelStatistics.entrySet()) {

          RelationshipType relType = entry.getKey();
          Long count = entry.getValue();
          JsonObject outRelEntry = new JsonObject();

          outRelEntry.add("type", new JsonPrimitive(relType.name()));
          outRelEntry.add("count", new JsonPrimitive(count));

        jsonObject.add("out", outRels);

      // incoming relationships
      Map<RelationshipType, Long> inRelStatistics =
          ((AbstractNode) src).getRelationshipInfo(Direction.INCOMING);

      if (inRelStatistics != null) {

        JsonArray inRels = new JsonArray();

        for (Entry<RelationshipType, Long> entry : inRelStatistics.entrySet()) {

          RelationshipType relType = entry.getKey();
          Long count = entry.getValue();
          JsonObject inRelEntry = new JsonObject();

          inRelEntry.add("type", new JsonPrimitive(relType.name()));
          inRelEntry.add("count", new JsonPrimitive(count));

        jsonObject.add("in", inRels);
    } else if (src instanceof AbstractRelationship) {

      // start node id (for relationships)
      String startNodeId = ((AbstractRelationship) src).getStartNodeId();

      if (startNodeId != null) {

        jsonObject.add("startNodeId", new JsonPrimitive(startNodeId));

      // end node id (for relationships)
      String endNodeId = ((AbstractRelationship) src).getEndNodeId();

      if (endNodeId != null) {

        jsonObject.add("endNodeId", new JsonPrimitive(endNodeId));

    return jsonObject;
Beispiel #17
    public JsonElement serialize(
        IChatComponent p_serialize_1_,
        Type p_serialize_2_,
        JsonSerializationContext p_serialize_3_) {
      if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentText
          && p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle().isEmpty()
          && p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().isEmpty()) {
        return new JsonPrimitive(
            ((ChatComponentText) p_serialize_1_).getChatComponentText_TextValue());
      } else {
        JsonObject var4 = new JsonObject();

        if (!p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle().isEmpty()) {
          this.serializeChatStyle(p_serialize_1_.getChatStyle(), var4, p_serialize_3_);

        if (!p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().isEmpty()) {
          JsonArray var5 = new JsonArray();
          Iterator var6 = p_serialize_1_.getSiblings().iterator();

          while (var6.hasNext()) {
            IChatComponent var7 = (IChatComponent) var6.next();
            var5.add(this.serialize(var7, var7.getClass(), p_serialize_3_));

          var4.add("extra", var5);

        if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentText) {
              "text", ((ChatComponentText) p_serialize_1_).getChatComponentText_TextValue());
        } else if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentTranslation) {
          ChatComponentTranslation var11 = (ChatComponentTranslation) p_serialize_1_;
          var4.addProperty("translate", var11.getKey());

          if (var11.getFormatArgs() != null && var11.getFormatArgs().length > 0) {
            JsonArray var14 = new JsonArray();
            Object[] var16 = var11.getFormatArgs();
            int var8 = var16.length;

            for (int var9 = 0; var9 < var8; ++var9) {
              Object var10 = var16[var9];

              if (var10 instanceof IChatComponent) {
                var14.add(this.serialize((IChatComponent) var10, var10.getClass(), p_serialize_3_));
              } else {
                var14.add(new JsonPrimitive(String.valueOf(var10)));

            var4.add("with", var14);
        } else if (p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentScore) {
          ChatComponentScore var12 = (ChatComponentScore) p_serialize_1_;
          JsonObject var15 = new JsonObject();
          var15.addProperty("name", var12.func_179995_g());
          var15.addProperty("objective", var12.func_179994_h());
          var15.addProperty("value", var12.getUnformattedTextForChat());
          var4.add("score", var15);
        } else {
          if (!(p_serialize_1_ instanceof ChatComponentSelector)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Don\'t know how to serialize " + p_serialize_1_ + " as a Component");

          ChatComponentSelector var13 = (ChatComponentSelector) p_serialize_1_;
          var4.addProperty("selector", var13.func_179992_g());

        return var4;
Beispiel #18
  /** **************** Creation tests * **************** */
  public void testCreate() {
    try {
      // Constructors
      JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
      assertEquals(0, array.size());

      JsonArray array2 = new JsonArray(57);
      assertEquals(0, array2.size());

      // add(Object) + get(int)
      Object addObj = new Object();
      assertEquals(1, array.size());
      assertEquals(addObj, array.get(0));

      Object addObj2 = new Object();
      assertEquals(2, array.size());
      assertEquals(addObj2, array.get(1));

      // add(JsonObject) + getObject(int)
      JsonObject addJObj = new JsonObject();
      assertEquals(3, array.size());
      assertEquals(addJObj, array.getObject(2));

      // add(JsonArray) + getArray(int)
      JsonArray addJArray = new JsonArray();
      assertEquals(4, array.size());
      assertEquals(addJArray, array.getArray(3));

      // add(String) + getString(int)
      String addStr = "Kawaii desu!";
      assertEquals(5, array.size());
      assertEquals(addStr, array.getString(4));

      // add(int) + getLong(int)
      int addInt = 1_2_4_8;
      assertEquals(6, array.size());
      assertEquals(addInt, array.getLong(5).longValue());

      // add(long) + getLong(int)
      long addLong = 1_2_4_8_16_32_64;
      assertEquals(7, array.size());
      assertEquals(addLong, array.getLong(6).longValue());

      // add(float) + getDouble(int)
      float addFloat = 1_2_4_8.0f;
      assertEquals(8, array.size());
      assertEquals(addFloat, array.getDouble(7).doubleValue(), 0.01);

      // add(double) + getDouble(int)
      double addDouble = 1_2_4_8.16_32_64;
      assertEquals(9, array.size());
      assertEquals(addDouble, array.getDouble(8).doubleValue(), 0.0000001);

      // add(boolean) + getBoolean(int)
      boolean addBoolean = true;
      assertEquals(10, array.size());

      // Clone constructor
      JsonArray array3 = new JsonArray(array);
      assertEquals(10, array3.size());
      assertEquals(addObj, array3.get(0));
      assertEquals(addObj2, array3.get(1));
      assertEquals(addJObj, array3.getObject(2));
      assertEquals(addJArray, array3.getArray(3));
      assertEquals(addStr, array3.getString(4));
      assertEquals(addInt, array3.getLong(5).longValue());
      assertEquals(addLong, array3.getLong(6).longValue());
      assertEquals(addFloat, array3.getDouble(7).doubleValue(), 0.01);
      assertEquals(addDouble, array3.getDouble(8).doubleValue(), 0.0000001);
    } catch (JsonException e) {
      fail("This shouldn't happen!");
  public JsonElement serialize(
      WxMpCustomMessage message, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
    JsonObject messageJson = new JsonObject();
    messageJson.addProperty("touser", message.getToUser());
    messageJson.addProperty("msgtype", message.getMsgType());

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_TEXT.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject text = new JsonObject();
      text.addProperty("content", message.getContent());
      messageJson.add("text", text);

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_IMAGE.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject image = new JsonObject();
      image.addProperty("media_id", message.getMediaId());
      messageJson.add("image", image);

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_VOICE.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject voice = new JsonObject();
      voice.addProperty("media_id", message.getMediaId());
      messageJson.add("voice", voice);

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_VIDEO.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject video = new JsonObject();
      video.addProperty("media_id", message.getMediaId());
      video.addProperty("thumb_media_id", message.getThumbMediaId());
      video.addProperty("title", message.getTitle());
      video.addProperty("description", message.getDescription());
      messageJson.add("video", video);

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_MUSIC.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject music = new JsonObject();
      music.addProperty("title", message.getTitle());
      music.addProperty("description", message.getDescription());
      music.addProperty("thumb_media_id", message.getThumbMediaId());
      music.addProperty("musicurl", message.getMusicUrl());
      music.addProperty("hqmusicurl", message.getHqMusicUrl());
      messageJson.add("music", music);

    if (WxConsts.CUSTOM_MSG_NEWS.equals(message.getMsgType())) {
      JsonObject newsJsonObject = new JsonObject();
      JsonArray articleJsonArray = new JsonArray();
      for (WxMpCustomMessage.WxArticle article : message.getArticles()) {
        JsonObject articleJson = new JsonObject();
        articleJson.addProperty("title", article.getTitle());
        articleJson.addProperty("description", article.getDescription());
        articleJson.addProperty("url", article.getUrl());
        articleJson.addProperty("picurl", article.getPicUrl());
      newsJsonObject.add("articles", articleJsonArray);
      messageJson.add("news", newsJsonObject);

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(message.getKfAccount())) {
      JsonObject newsJsonObject = new JsonObject();
      newsJsonObject.addProperty("kf_account", message.getKfAccount());
      messageJson.add("customservice", newsJsonObject);

    return messageJson;
  public JsonElement serialize(
      WebSocketMessage src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {

    JsonObject root = new JsonObject();
    JsonObject jsonNodeData = new JsonObject();
    JsonObject jsonRelData = new JsonObject();
    JsonArray removedProperties = new JsonArray();
    JsonArray modifiedProperties = new JsonArray();

    if (src.getCommand() != null) {

      root.add("command", new JsonPrimitive(src.getCommand()));

    if (src.getId() != null) {

      root.add("id", new JsonPrimitive(src.getId()));

    if (src.getPageId() != null) {

      root.add("pageId", new JsonPrimitive(src.getPageId()));

    if (src.getMessage() != null) {

      root.add("message", new JsonPrimitive(src.getMessage()));

    if (src.getCode() != 0) {

      root.add("code", new JsonPrimitive(src.getCode()));

    if (src.getSessionId() != null) {

      root.add("sessionId", new JsonPrimitive(src.getSessionId()));

    if (src.getToken() != null) {

      root.add("token", new JsonPrimitive(src.getToken()));

    if (src.getCallback() != null) {

      root.add("callback", new JsonPrimitive(src.getCallback()));

    if (src.getButton() != null) {

      root.add("button", new JsonPrimitive(src.getButton()));

    if (src.getParent() != null) {

      root.add("parent", new JsonPrimitive(src.getParent()));

    if (src.getView() != null) {

      root.add("view", new JsonPrimitive(src.getView()));

    if (src.getSortKey() != null) {

      root.add("sort", new JsonPrimitive(src.getSortKey()));

    if (src.getSortOrder() != null) {

      root.add("order", new JsonPrimitive(src.getSortOrder()));

    if (src.getPageSize() > 0) {

      root.add("pageSize", new JsonPrimitive(src.getPageSize()));

    if (src.getPage() > 0) {

      root.add("page", new JsonPrimitive(src.getPage()));

    JsonArray nodesWithChildren = new JsonArray();
    Set<String> nwc = src.getNodesWithChildren();

    if ((nwc != null) && !src.getNodesWithChildren().isEmpty()) {

      for (String nodeId : nwc) {

        nodesWithChildren.add(new JsonPrimitive(nodeId));

      root.add("nodesWithChildren", nodesWithChildren);

    // serialize session valid flag (output only)
    root.add("sessionValid", new JsonPrimitive(src.isSessionValid()));

    // UPDATE only, serialize only removed and modified properties and use the correct values
    if ((src.getGraphObject() != null)) {

      GraphObject graphObject = src.getGraphObject();

      if (!src.getModifiedProperties().isEmpty()) {

        for (PropertyKey modifiedKey : src.getModifiedProperties()) {


          //					Object newValue = graphObject.getProperty(modifiedKey);
          //					if (newValue != null) {
          //						if (graphObject instanceof AbstractNode) {
          //							src.getNodeData().put(modifiedKey.jsonName(), newValue);
          //						} else {
          //							src.getRelData().put(modifiedKey.jsonName(), newValue);
          //						}
          //					}


        root.add("modifiedProperties", modifiedProperties);

      if (!src.getRemovedProperties().isEmpty()) {

        for (PropertyKey removedKey : src.getRemovedProperties()) {


        root.add("removedProperties", removedProperties);

    // serialize node data
    if (src.getNodeData() != null) {

      for (Entry<String, Object> entry : src.getNodeData().entrySet()) {

        Object value = entry.getValue();
        String key = entry.getKey();

        if (value != null) {

          jsonNodeData.add(key, toJsonPrimitive(value));

      root.add("data", jsonNodeData);

    // serialize relationship data
    if (src.getRelData() != null) {

      for (Entry<String, Object> entry : src.getRelData().entrySet()) {

        Object value = entry.getValue();
        String key = entry.getKey();

        if (value != null) {

          jsonRelData.add(key, toJsonPrimitive(value));

      root.add("relData", jsonRelData);

    // serialize result list
    if (src.getResult() != null) {

      if (src.getView() != null) {

        try {
          propertyView.set(null, src.getView());

        } catch (FrameworkException fex) {

          logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to set property view", fex);

      } else {

        try {
          propertyView.set(null, PropertyView.Ui);

        } catch (FrameworkException fex) {

          logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to set property view", fex);

      JsonArray result = new JsonArray();

      for (GraphObject obj : src.getResult()) {

        result.add(graphObjectSerializer.serialize(obj, System.currentTimeMillis()));

      root.add("result", result);
      root.add("rawResultCount", toJsonPrimitive(src.getRawResultCount()));

    // serialize result tree
    //		if (src.getResultTree() != null) {
    //			TreeNode node = src.getResultTree();
    //			root.add("root", buildTree(node, context));
    //		}

    return root;
Beispiel #21
  private Token advanceToken() throws JsonParserException {
    int c = advanceChar();
    while (isWhitespace(c)) {
      c = advanceChar();

    tokenLinePos = linePos;
    tokenCharPos = index - rowPos - utf8adjust;
    tokenCharOffset = charOffset + index;

    switch (c) {
      case -1:
        return token = Token.EOF;
      case '[':
        JsonArray list = new JsonArray();
        if (advanceToken() != Token.ARRAY_END)
          while (true) {
            if (advanceToken() == Token.ARRAY_END) break;
            if (token != Token.COMMA)
              throw createParseException(
                  null, "Expected a comma or end of the array instead of " + token, true);
            if (advanceToken() == Token.ARRAY_END)
              throw createParseException(null, "Trailing comma found in array", true);
        value = list;
        return token = Token.ARRAY_START;
      case ']':
        return token = Token.ARRAY_END;
      case ',':
        return token = Token.COMMA;
      case ':':
        return token = Token.COLON;
      case '{':
        JsonObject map = new JsonObject();
        if (advanceToken() != Token.OBJECT_END)
          while (true) {
            if (token != Token.STRING) {
              throw createParseException(null, "Expected STRING, got " + token, true);
            String key = (String) value;
            if (advanceToken() != Token.COLON) {
              throw createParseException(null, "Expected COLON, got " + token, true);
            map.put(key, currentValue());
            if (advanceToken() == Token.OBJECT_END) {
            if (token != Token.COMMA) {
              throw createParseException(
                  null, "Expected a comma or end of the object instead of " + token, true);
            if (advanceToken() == Token.OBJECT_END) {
              throw createParseException(null, "Trailing object found in array", true);
        value = map;
        return token = Token.OBJECT_START;
      case '}':
        return token = Token.OBJECT_END;
      case 't':
        consumeKeyword((char) c, TRUE);
        value = Boolean.TRUE;
        return token = Token.TRUE;
      case 'f':
        consumeKeyword((char) c, FALSE);
        value = Boolean.FALSE;
        return token = Token.FALSE;
      case 'n':
        consumeKeyword((char) c, NULL);
        value = null;
        return token = Token.NULL;
      case '\"':
        value = consumeTokenString();
        return token = Token.STRING;
      case '-':
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
        value = consumeTokenNumber((char) c);
        return token = Token.NUMBER;
      case '+':
      case '.':
        throw createParseException(null, "Numbers may not start with '" + (char) c + "'", true);

    if (isAsciiLetter(c)) {
      throw createHelpfulException((char) c, null, 0);

    throw createParseException(null, "Unexpected character: " + (char) c, true);