 public Task findTask(String id) throws Exception {
   if (myRestApiVersion == null) {
     myRestApiVersion = discoverRestApiVersion();
   JiraIssue issue = myRestApiVersion.findIssue(id);
   return issue == null ? null : new JiraTask(issue, this);
 public JiraRestApi discoverRestApiVersion() throws Exception {
   String responseBody;
   try {
     responseBody = executeMethod(new GetMethod(getRestUrl("serverInfo")));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     LOG.warn("Can't find out JIRA REST API version");
     throw e;
   JsonObject object = GSON.fromJson(responseBody, JsonObject.class);
   // when JIRA 4.x support will be dropped 'versionNumber' array in response
   // may be used instead version string parsing
   JiraRestApi version = JiraRestApi.fromJiraVersion(object.get("version").getAsString(), this);
   if (version == null) {
     throw new Exception("JIRA below 4.0.0 doesn't have REST API and is no longer supported.");
   return version;
 public Task[] getIssues(@Nullable String query, int max, long since) throws Exception {
   if (myRestApiVersion == null) {
     myRestApiVersion = discoverRestApiVersion();
   String jqlQuery = mySearchQuery;
   if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(query)) {
     jqlQuery = String.format("summary ~ '%s'", query);
     if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mySearchQuery)) {
       jqlQuery += String.format(" and %s", mySearchQuery);
   List<JiraIssue> issues = myRestApiVersion.findIssues(jqlQuery, max);
   return ContainerUtil.map2Array(
       new Function<JiraIssue, Task>() {
         public JiraTask fun(JiraIssue issue) {
           return new JiraTask(issue, JiraRepository.this);
 public void updateTimeSpent(
     @NotNull LocalTask task, @NotNull String timeSpent, @NotNull String comment)
     throws Exception {
   myRestApiVersion.updateTimeSpend(task, timeSpent, comment);
 public void setTaskState(Task task, TaskState state) throws Exception {
   myRestApiVersion.setTaskState(task, state);