public ClobInputStream(JDBCClobClient clob, long offset, long length, int blockSize)
      throws SQLException {

    if (!JDBCClobClient.isInLimits(clob.length(), offset, length)) {
      throw Util.outOfRangeArgument();

    this.clob = clob;
    this.availableLength = offset + length;
    this.currentPosition = offset;
    this.streamBlockSize = blockSize;
  private void readIntoBuffer() throws SQLException {

    long readLength = availableLength - currentPosition;

    if (readLength <= 0) {}

    if (readLength > streamBlockSize) {
      readLength = streamBlockSize;

    buffer = clob.getChars(currentPosition, (int) readLength);
    bufferOffset = currentPosition;
  private void checkClosed() throws IOException {

    if (isClosed || clob.isClosed()) {
      throw new IOException(Error.getMessage(ErrorCode.BLOB_STREAM_IS_CLOSED));
Beispiel #4
  private Result newColumnResult(long position, int count) throws SQLException {

    int mArraySize = 0;
    String mArrayStruct = data.getTypeStructure();
    ArrayList<Integer> dimSize = getDimSize(mArrayStruct);
    ArrayList<Integer> iterIndex = new ArrayList<>(); // go through all the array values

    for (int i = 0; i < dimSize.size(); i++) {
      mArraySize += dimSize.get(i);

    // tests if the required elements exist. The limits are determined
    // by computing the product of each dimension's size
    if (!JDBCClobClient.isInLimits(mArraySize, position, count)) {
      throw JDBCUtil.outOfRangeArgument();

    Type[] types = new Type[2];

    types[0] = Type.SQL_VARCHAR;
    types[1] = elementType;

    ResultMetaData meta = ResultMetaData.newSimpleResultMetaData(types);

    meta.columnLabels = new String[] {"C1", "C2"};
    meta.colIndexes = new int[] {-1, -1};
    meta.columns = new ColumnBase[2];

    ColumnBase column = new ColumnBase("", "", "", "");


    meta.columns[0] = column;
    column = new ColumnBase("", "", "", "");


    meta.columns[1] = column;

    RowSetNavigatorClient navigator = new RowSetNavigatorClient();

    for (int i = (int) position; i < position + count; i++) {
      Object[] rowData = new Object[2];

      rowData[0] = Integer.valueOf(i + 1);
      try {
        rowData[1] = data.getCell(new RasPoint(1, 1));
      } catch (RasDimensionMismatchException | RasIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        System.err.println("Can't get the cell at point (1, 1)");


    Result result = Result.newDataResult(meta);


    return result;