void resetMaxBounds() { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - win.setMaxBoundsTime) > 500L) { win.setMaximizedBounds(win.maxWindowBounds); maxBoundsReset = true; } }
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { // if (ij==null) return; int sx = e.getX(); int sy = e.getY(); int ox = offScreenX(sx); int oy = offScreenY(sy); flags = e.getModifiers(); setCursor(sx, sy, ox, oy); IJ.setInputEvent(e); Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && (roi.getType() == Roi.POLYGON || roi.getType() == Roi.POLYLINE || roi.getType() == Roi.ANGLE) && roi.getState() == roi.CONSTRUCTING) { PolygonRoi pRoi = (PolygonRoi) roi; pRoi.handleMouseMove(ox, oy); } else { if (ox < imageWidth && oy < imageHeight) { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); // Cursor must move at least 12 pixels before text // displayed using IJ.showStatus() is overwritten. if ((sx - sx2) * (sx - sx2) + (sy - sy2) * (sy - sy2) > 144) showCursorStatus = true; if (win != null && showCursorStatus) win.mouseMoved(ox, oy); } else IJ.showStatus(""); } }
void setMaxBounds() { if (maxBoundsReset) { maxBoundsReset = false; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null && !IJ.isLinux() && win.maxBounds != null) { win.setMaximizedBounds(win.maxBounds); win.setMaxBoundsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } }
void abortPluginOrMacro(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp != null) { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) { win.running = false; win.running2 = false; } } Macro.abort(); Interpreter.abort(); if (Interpreter.getInstance() != null) IJ.beep(); }
private boolean ignoreArrowKeys(ImagePlus imp) { Frame frame = WindowManager.getFrontWindow(); String title = frame.getTitle(); if (title != null && title.equals("ROI Manager")) return true; // Control Panel? if (frame != null && frame instanceof javax.swing.JFrame) return true; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); // LOCI Data Browser window? if (imp.getStackSize() > 1 && win != null && win.getClass().getName().startsWith("loci")) return true; return false; }
/** Implements the Image/Zoom/Original Scale command. */ public void unzoom() { double imag = imp.getWindow().getInitialMagnification(); if (magnification == imag) return; srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); setDrawingSize((int) (imageWidth * imag), (int) (imageHeight * imag)); setMagnification(imag); setMaxBounds(); win.pack(); setMaxBounds(); repaint(); }
/** Overrides ImagePlus.show(). * */ public void show() { if (img == null && ip != null) img = ip.createImage(); ImageWindow.centerNextImage(); win = new ImageWindow(this, new ColorCanvas(this)); draw(); IJ.showStatus(""); }
public void fitToWindow() { ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win == null) return; Rectangle bounds = win.getBounds(); Insets insets = win.getInsets(); int sliderHeight = (win instanceof StackWindow) ? 20 : 0; double xmag = (double) (bounds.width - 10) / srcRect.width; double ymag = (double) (bounds.height - (10 + insets.top + sliderHeight)) / srcRect.height; setMagnification(Math.min(xmag, ymag)); int width = (int) (imageWidth * magnification); int height = (int) (imageHeight * magnification); if (width == dstWidth && height == dstHeight) return; srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); setDrawingSize(width, height); getParent().doLayout(); }
protected Dimension canEnlarge(int newWidth, int newHeight) { // if ((flags&Event.CTRL_MASK)!=0 || IJ.controlKeyDown()) return null; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win == null) return null; Rectangle r1 = win.getBounds(); Insets insets = win.getInsets(); Point loc = getLocation(); if (loc.x > insets.left + 5 || loc.y > insets.top + 5) { r1.width = newWidth + insets.left + insets.right + 10; r1.height = newHeight + insets.top + insets.bottom + 10; if (win instanceof StackWindow) r1.height += 20; } else { r1.width = r1.width - dstWidth + newWidth + 10; r1.height = r1.height - dstHeight + newHeight + 10; } Rectangle max = win.getMaxWindow(r1.x, r1.y); boolean fitsHorizontally = r1.x + r1.width < max.x + max.width; boolean fitsVertically = r1.y + r1.height < max.y + max.height; if (fitsHorizontally && fitsVertically) return new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight); else if (fitsVertically && newHeight < dstWidth) return new Dimension(dstWidth, newHeight); else if (fitsHorizontally && newWidth < dstHeight) return new Dimension(newWidth, dstHeight); else return null; }
BasicImageProcessing() { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); ImageWindow iw = new ImageWindow(500, 500); FaltungsKern k = new FaltungsKern(); String path; File img = null; File core = null; while (true) { int action = 11; // recurring menu System.out.println("Your options: "); System.out.println(" 1. Load Image"); System.out.println(" 2. Load Core"); System.out.println(" 3. Apply Core"); System.out.println(" 4. Apply Core in greyscale"); System.out.println(" 10. Enable debug info"); System.out.println(" 0. Exit"); System.out.println("Enter number for action:"); try { action = Integer.valueOf(in.nextLine()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I SAID NUMBAA"); } switch (action) { case 0: in.close(); System.out.println("Exit"); System.exit(0); case 1: System.out.println("Enter path to image"); System.out.println("ex.: ./blatt11/faltung/horn.jpg"); path = in.nextLine(); img = new File(path); System.out.println("Load Image at " + path); if (img.exists() && img.canRead()) { try { iw.loadImage(img.getAbsolutePath()); iw.openWindow(); iw.resizeImage(iw.getImageWidth(), iw.getImageHeight()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("y u no give valid input???"); } } else { System.out.println("File path or permissions wrong"); } break; case 2: System.out.println("Enter path to core"); System.out.println("ex.: ./blatt11/faltung/kern2.txt"); path = in.nextLine(); core = new File(path); System.out.println("Load Core at " + path); if (core.exists() && core.canRead()) { try { k.lade_kern(core.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (CoreLoadException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } else { System.out.println("File path or permissions wrong"); } break; case 3: if (img != null && core != null && img.isFile() && core.isFile()) { System.out.println("Apply Core " + core.getName() + " to Image " + img.getName()); k.falten(iw); } else { System.out.println("No image or core set"); } break; case 4: if (img != null && core != null && img.isFile() && core.isFile()) { System.out.println("Apply Core " + core.getName() + " to Image " + img.getName()); k.falten_grau(iw); } else { System.out.println("No image or core set"); } break; case 10: k.debug = true; System.out.println("verbose mode enabled"); break; } } }
String getInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) { String s = new String("\n"); s += "Title: " + imp.getTitle() + "\n"; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int digits = imp.getBitDepth() == 32 ? 4 : 0; if (cal.scaled()) { String unit = cal.getUnit(); String units = cal.getUnits(); s += "Width: " + IJ.d2s(imp.getWidth() * cal.pixelWidth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + imp.getWidth() + ")\n"; s += "Height: " + IJ.d2s(imp.getHeight() * cal.pixelHeight, 2) + " " + units + " (" + imp.getHeight() + ")\n"; if (slices > 1) s += "Depth: " + IJ.d2s(slices * cal.pixelDepth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + slices + ")\n"; double xResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelWidth; double yResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelHeight; int places = Tools.getDecimalPlaces(xResolution, yResolution); if (xResolution == yResolution) s += "Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; else { s += "X Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; s += "Y Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(yResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; } } else { s += "Width: " + imp.getWidth() + " pixels\n"; s += "Height: " + imp.getHeight() + " pixels\n"; if (stackSize > 1) s += "Depth: " + slices + " pixels\n"; } if (stackSize > 1) s += "Voxel size: " + d2s(cal.pixelWidth) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelHeight) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelDepth) + " " + cal.getUnit() + "\n"; else s += "Pixel size: " + d2s(cal.pixelWidth) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelHeight) + " " + cal.getUnit() + "\n"; s += "ID: " + imp.getID() + "\n"; String zOrigin = stackSize > 1 || cal.zOrigin != 0.0 ? "," + d2s(cal.zOrigin) : ""; s += "Coordinate origin: " + d2s(cal.xOrigin) + "," + d2s(cal.yOrigin) + zOrigin + "\n"; int type = imp.getType(); switch (type) { case ImagePlus.GRAY8: s += "Bits per pixel: 8 "; String lut = "LUT"; if (imp.getProcessor().isColorLut()) lut = "color " + lut; else lut = "grayscale " + lut; if (imp.isInvertedLut()) lut = "inverting " + lut; s += "(" + lut + ")\n"; if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp); else s += "Display range: " + (int) ip.getMin() + "-" + (int) ip.getMax() + "\n"; break; case ImagePlus.GRAY16: case ImagePlus.GRAY32: if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16) { String sign = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? "signed" : "unsigned"; s += "Bits per pixel: 16 (" + sign + ")\n"; } else s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (float)\n"; if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp); else { s += "Display range: "; double min = ip.getMin(); double max = ip.getMax(); if (cal.calibrated()) { min = cal.getCValue((int) min); max = cal.getCValue((int) max); } s += IJ.d2s(min, digits) + " - " + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n"; } break; case ImagePlus.COLOR_256: s += "Bits per pixel: 8 (color LUT)\n"; break; case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB: s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (RGB)\n"; break; } double interval = cal.frameInterval; double fps = cal.fps; if (stackSize > 1) { ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); String number = slice + "/" + stackSize; String label = stack.getShortSliceLabel(slice); if (label != null && label.length() > 0) label = " (" + label + ")"; else label = ""; if (interval > 0.0 || fps != 0.0) { s += "Frame: " + number + label + "\n"; if (fps != 0.0) { String sRate = Math.abs(fps - Math.round(fps)) < 0.00001 ? IJ.d2s(fps, 0) : IJ.d2s(fps, 5); s += "Frame rate: " + sRate + " fps\n"; } if (interval != 0.0) s += "Frame interval: " + ((int) interval == interval ? IJ.d2s(interval, 0) : IJ.d2s(interval, 5)) + " " + cal.getTimeUnit() + "\n"; } else s += "Image: " + number + label + "\n"; if (imp.isHyperStack()) { if (channels > 1) s += " Channel: " + imp.getChannel() + "/" + channels + "\n"; if (slices > 1) s += " Slice: " + imp.getSlice() + "/" + slices + "\n"; if (frames > 1) s += " Frame: " + imp.getFrame() + "/" + frames + "\n"; } if (imp.isComposite()) { if (!imp.isHyperStack() && channels > 1) s += " Channels: " + channels + "\n"; String mode = ((CompositeImage) imp).getModeAsString(); s += " Composite mode: \"" + mode + "\"\n"; } } if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) s += "No Threshold\n"; else { double lower = ip.getMinThreshold(); double upper = ip.getMaxThreshold(); int dp = digits; if (cal.calibrated()) { lower = cal.getCValue((int) lower); upper = cal.getCValue((int) upper); dp = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? 0 : 4; } s += "Threshold: " + IJ.d2s(lower, dp) + "-" + IJ.d2s(upper, dp) + "\n"; } ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); double mag = ic != null ? ic.getMagnification() : 1.0; if (mag != 1.0) s += "Magnification: " + IJ.d2s(mag, 2) + "\n"; if (cal.calibrated()) { s += " \n"; int curveFit = cal.getFunction(); s += "Calibration Function: "; if (curveFit == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) s += "Uncalibrated OD\n"; else if (curveFit == Calibration.CUSTOM) s += "Custom lookup table\n"; else s += CurveFitter.fList[curveFit] + "\n"; double[] c = cal.getCoefficients(); if (c != null) { s += " a: " + IJ.d2s(c[0], 6) + "\n"; s += " b: " + IJ.d2s(c[1], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 3) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[2], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 4) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[3], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 5) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[4], 6) + "\n"; } s += " Unit: \"" + cal.getValueUnit() + "\"\n"; } else s += "Uncalibrated\n"; FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (fi != null) { if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) s += "URL: " + fi.url + "\n"; else if (fi.directory != null && fi.fileName != null) s += "Path: " + fi.directory + fi.fileName + "\n"; } ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) { Point loc = win.getLocation(); Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); s += "Screen location: " + loc.x + "," + loc.y + " (" + screen.width + "x" + screen.height + ")\n"; } Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null) { String hidden = imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : " "; int n = overlay.size(); String elements = n == 1 ? " element" : " elements"; s += "Overlay: " + n + elements + (imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : "") + "\n"; } else s += "No Overlay\n"; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { if (cal.calibrated()) s += " \n"; s += "No Selection\n"; } else if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) { s += "\nElliptical Selection\n"; double[] p = ((EllipseRoi) roi).getParams(); double dx = p[2] - p[0]; double dy = p[3] - p[1]; double major = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); s += " Major: " + IJ.d2s(major, 2) + "\n"; s += " Minor: " + IJ.d2s(major * p[4], 2) + "\n"; s += " X1: " + IJ.d2s(p[0], 2) + "\n"; s += " Y1: " + IJ.d2s(p[1], 2) + "\n"; s += " X2: " + IJ.d2s(p[2], 2) + "\n"; s += " Y2: " + IJ.d2s(p[3], 2) + "\n"; s += " Aspect ratio: " + IJ.d2s(p[4], 2) + "\n"; } else { s += " \n"; s += roi.getTypeAsString() + " Selection"; String points = null; if (roi instanceof PointRoi) { int npoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates(); String suffix = npoints > 1 ? "s)" : ")"; points = " (" + npoints + " point" + suffix; } String name = roi.getName(); if (name != null) { s += " (\"" + name + "\")"; if (points != null) s += "\n " + points; } else if (points != null) s += points; s += "\n"; Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); if (roi instanceof Line) { Line line = (Line) roi; s += " X1: " + IJ.d2s(line.x1d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n"; s += " Y1: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y1d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n"; s += " X2: " + IJ.d2s(line.x2d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n"; s += " Y2: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y2d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n"; } else if (cal.scaled()) { s += " X: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getX(r.x)) + " (" + r.x + ")\n"; s += " Y: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getY(r.y, imp.getHeight())) + " (" + r.y + ")\n"; s += " Width: " + IJ.d2s(r.width * cal.pixelWidth) + " (" + r.width + ")\n"; s += " Height: " + IJ.d2s(r.height * cal.pixelHeight) + " (" + r.height + ")\n"; } else { s += " X: " + r.x + "\n"; s += " Y: " + yy(r.y, imp) + "\n"; s += " Width: " + r.width + "\n"; s += " Height: " + r.height + "\n"; } } return s; }
public void run(String arg) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Options"); gd.addCheckbox("Acceptor_First", true); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; boolean a1 = gd.getNextBoolean(); int asp = 0; int dsp = 1; int aop = 2; int dop = 3; int atp = 4; int dtp = 5; if (!a1) { asp = 1; dsp = 0; aop = 3; dop = 2; atp = 5; dtp = 4; } ImageWindow iw = WindowManager.getCurrentWindow(); float[][] xvals = (float[][]) jutils.runPW4VoidMethod(iw, "getXValues"); float[][] yvals = (float[][]) jutils.runPW4VoidMethod(iw, "getYValues"); int[] npts = (int[]) jutils.runPW4VoidMethod(iw, "getNpts"); int maxpts = (int) jstatistics.getstatistic("Max", npts, null); int nsets = npts.length / 6; float[][] rtxvals = new float[nsets][maxpts]; float[][] rtavals = new float[nsets][maxpts]; float[][] rtdvals = new float[nsets][maxpts]; int[] rtnpts = new int[nsets]; int fretlength = 10; float[][] stfretvals = new float[nsets][fretlength]; float[][] offfretvals = new float[nsets][fretlength]; TextWindow tw = jutils.selectTable("DNA Damage FRET"); if (tw == null) tw = new TextWindow( "DNA Damage FRET", "title\tacceptor\tdonor\testripe\teoff\tmaxart\tmaxdrt", "", 400, 200); // note that st stands for stripe and off is for areas off the damage stripe for (int i = 0; i < npts.length / 6; i++) { int len = npts[i * 6]; int damageindex = findbleach(yvals[i * 6 + dsp], len); int fretindex = findbleach(yvals[i * 6 + atp], len); IJ.log("set " + i + " damage pos = " + damageindex + " , fret pos = " + fretindex); int predamagestart = damageindex - 4; int prefretstart = fretindex - 5; float staccpredam = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + asp], len, predamagestart, damageindex - 1); float stdonpredam = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dsp], len, predamagestart, damageindex - 1); float nucaccpredam = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + atp], len, predamagestart, damageindex - 1); float nucdonpredam = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dtp], len, predamagestart, damageindex - 1); float stdonprefret = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dsp], len, prefretstart, fretindex - 2); float stdonafret = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dsp], len, fretindex, fretindex + 3); float offdonprefret = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dop], len, prefretstart, fretindex - 2); float offdonafret = getavg(yvals[i * 6 + dop], len, fretindex, fretindex + 3); float estripe = 1.0f - stdonprefret / stdonafret; float eoff = 1.0f - offdonprefret / offdonafret; rtnpts[i] = len; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { rtxvals[i][j] = j - damageindex - 1; rtavals[i][j] = (yvals[i * 6 + asp][j] / staccpredam) / (yvals[i * 6 + atp][j] / nucaccpredam); rtdvals[i][j] = (yvals[i * 6 + dsp][j] / stdonpredam) / (yvals[i * 6 + dtp][j] / nucdonpredam); } float[] smart = (float[]) algutils.get_subarray(rtavals[i], 0, fretindex); float[] smdrt = (float[]) algutils.get_subarray(rtdvals[i], 0, fretindex); jsmooth.blur1D(smart, 2.0f); jsmooth.blur1D(smdrt, 2.0f); float maxart = 0.0f; float maxdrt = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < fretindex - 2; j++) { if (smart[j] > maxart) maxart = smart[j]; if (smdrt[j] > maxdrt) maxdrt = smdrt[j]; } stfretvals[i] = getregion(yvals[i * 6 + dsp], len, prefretstart, fretlength); offfretvals[i] = getregion(yvals[i * 6 + dop], len, prefretstart, fretlength); tw.append( iw.getTitle() + "-" + (i + 1) + "\t" + staccpredam + "\t" + stdonpredam + "\t" + estripe + "\t" + eoff + "\t" + maxart + "\t" + maxdrt); } new PlotWindow4("Stripe_FRET_profiles", "time", "intensity", stfretvals, null).draw(); new PlotWindow4("OffStripe_FRET_profiles", "time", "intensity", offfretvals, null).draw(); new PlotWindow4("Acc_Rt_profiles", "time", "intensity", rtxvals, rtavals, rtnpts).draw(); new PlotWindow4("Don_Rt_profiles", "time", "intensity", rtxvals, rtdvals, rtnpts).draw(); }
/** * Performs particle analysis on the specified ImagePlus and ImageProcessor. Returns false if * there is an error. */ public boolean analyze(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) { if (this.imp == null) this.imp = imp; showResults = (options & SHOW_RESULTS) != 0; excludeEdgeParticles = (options & EXCLUDE_EDGE_PARTICLES) != 0; resetCounter = (options & CLEAR_WORKSHEET) != 0; showProgress = (options & SHOW_PROGRESS) != 0; floodFill = (options & INCLUDE_HOLES) == 0; recordStarts = (options & RECORD_STARTS) != 0; addToManager = (options & ADD_TO_MANAGER) != 0; displaySummary = (options & DISPLAY_SUMMARY) != 0; inSituShow = (options & IN_SITU_SHOW) != 0; outputImage = null; ip.snapshot(); ip.setProgressBar(null); if (Analyzer.isRedirectImage()) { redirectImp = Analyzer.getRedirectImage(imp); if (redirectImp == null) return false; int depth = redirectImp.getStackSize(); if (depth > 1 && depth == imp.getStackSize()) { ImageStack redirectStack = redirectImp.getStack(); redirectIP = redirectStack.getProcessor(imp.getCurrentSlice()); } else redirectIP = redirectImp.getProcessor(); } else if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) { ImagePlus original = (ImagePlus) imp.getProperty("OriginalImage"); if (original != null && original.getWidth() == imp.getWidth() && original.getHeight() == imp.getHeight()) { redirectImp = original; redirectIP = original.getProcessor(); } } if (!setThresholdLevels(imp, ip)) return false; width = ip.getWidth(); height = ip.getHeight(); if (!(showChoice == NOTHING || showChoice == OVERLAY_OUTLINES || showChoice == OVERLAY_MASKS)) { blackBackground = Prefs.blackBackground && inSituShow; if (slice == 1) outlines = new ImageStack(width, height); if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS) drawIP = new ShortProcessor(width, height); else drawIP = new ByteProcessor(width, height); drawIP.setLineWidth(lineWidth); if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS) { } // Place holder for now... else if (showChoice == MASKS && !blackBackground) drawIP.invertLut(); else if (showChoice == OUTLINES) { if (!inSituShow) { if (customLut == null) makeCustomLut(); drawIP.setColorModel(customLut); } drawIP.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); if (fontSize > 12 && inSituShow) drawIP.setAntialiasedText(true); } outlines.addSlice(null, drawIP); if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS || blackBackground) { drawIP.setColor(Color.black); drawIP.fill(); drawIP.setColor(Color.white); } else { drawIP.setColor(Color.white); drawIP.fill(); drawIP.setColor(Color.black); } } calibration = redirectImp != null ? redirectImp.getCalibration() : imp.getCalibration(); if (rt == null) { rt = Analyzer.getResultsTable(); analyzer = new Analyzer(imp); } else analyzer = new Analyzer(imp, measurements, rt); if (resetCounter && slice == 1) { if (!Analyzer.resetCounter()) return false; } beginningCount = Analyzer.getCounter(); byte[] pixels = null; if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) pixels = (byte[]) ip.getPixels(); if (r == null) { r = ip.getRoi(); mask = ip.getMask(); if (displaySummary) { if (mask != null) totalArea = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, AREA, calibration).area; else totalArea = r.width * calibration.pixelWidth * r.height * calibration.pixelHeight; } } minX = r.x; maxX = r.x + r.width; minY = r.y; maxY = r.y + r.height; if (r.width < width || r.height < height || mask != null) { if (!eraseOutsideRoi(ip, r, mask)) return false; } int offset; double value; int inc = Math.max(r.height / 25, 1); int mi = 0; ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) win.running = true; if (measurements == 0) measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements(); if (showChoice == ELLIPSES) measurements |= ELLIPSE; measurements &= ~LIMIT; // ignore "Limit to Threshold" roiNeedsImage = (measurements & PERIMETER) != 0 || (measurements & SHAPE_DESCRIPTORS) != 0 || (measurements & FERET) != 0; particleCount = 0; wand = new Wand(ip); pf = new PolygonFiller(); if (floodFill) { ImageProcessor ipf = ip.duplicate(); ipf.setValue(fillColor); ff = new FloodFiller(ipf); } roiType = Wand.allPoints() ? Roi.FREEROI : Roi.TRACED_ROI; for (int y = r.y; y < (r.y + r.height); y++) { offset = y * width; for (int x = r.x; x < (r.x + r.width); x++) { if (pixels != null) value = pixels[offset + x] & 255; else if (imageType == SHORT) value = ip.getPixel(x, y); else value = ip.getPixelValue(x, y); if (value >= level1 && value <= level2) analyzeParticle(x, y, imp, ip); } if (showProgress && ((y % inc) == 0)) IJ.showProgress((double) (y - r.y) / r.height); if (win != null) canceled = !win.running; if (canceled) { Macro.abort(); break; } } if (showProgress) IJ.showProgress(1.0); if (showResults) rt.updateResults(); imp.killRoi(); ip.resetRoi(); ip.reset(); if (displaySummary && IJ.getInstance() != null) updateSliceSummary(); if (addToManager && roiManager != null) roiManager.setEditMode(imp, true); maxParticleCount = (particleCount > maxParticleCount) ? particleCount : maxParticleCount; totalCount += particleCount; if (!canceled) showResults(); return true; }
public void run(String arg) { String[] labels = { "Masked_Chromosomes", "Unmixed_Image", "Spectral_Image(optional)", "Spectra(optional)" }; ImagePlus[] imps = jutils.selectImages(true, 4, labels); if (imps == null) { return; } if (imps[0] == null) { return; } float[] mask = (float[]) imps[0].getStack().getPixels(2); findblobs3 fb = new findblobs3(imps[0].getWidth(), imps[0].getHeight()); float[] objects = fb.dofindblobs(mask, 0.5f); WaitForUserDialog dg = new WaitForUserDialog( "Optional Input", "Place RoiManager Points on Chromosome Segments (if desired)"); dg.show(); if (!dg.escPressed()) { RoiManager rman = RoiManager.getInstance(); while (rman != null && rman.getCount() > 1) { Roi[] rois = rman.getRoisAsArray(); int[] ids = new int[rois.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rois.length; i++) { Rectangle r = rois[i].getBounds(); ids[i] = (int) objects[r.x + fb.width * r.y]; } objects = fb.link_objects(objects, ids); rman.reset(); dg = new WaitForUserDialog( "Optional Input", "Place More RoiManager Points on Chromosome Segments (if desired)"); dg.show(); if (dg.escPressed()) break; } } int[] areas = fb.get_areas(objects); int[] temprank = jsort.get_javasort_order(areas); int[] arearank = jsort.get_javasort_order(temprank); for (int i = 0; i < fb.nobjects; i++) { arearank[i] = fb.nobjects - arearank[i] - 1; } // if the spectra are available, get them float[][][] spectra = null; Object[] data = null; if (imps[1] != null && imps[2] != null && imps[3] != null) { ImageWindow iw = imps[3].getWindow(); if (iw.getClass().getName().equals("jguis.PlotWindow4")) { float[][] yvals = (float[][]) jutils.runPW4VoidMethod(iw, "getYValues"); data = jutils.stack2array(imps[2].getStack()); Object[] coef = jutils.stack2array(imps[1].getStack()); spectra = new float[fb.nobjects][2][]; for (int i = 0; i < fb.nobjects; i++) { spectra[i][0] = fb.get_object_spectrum(objects, (i + 1), data, "Sum"); spectra[i][1] = new float[yvals[0].length]; float[] tempcoef = fb.get_object_spectrum(objects, (i + 1), coef, "Sum"); for (int j = 0; j < yvals[0].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) { spectra[i][1][j] += tempcoef[k] * yvals[k][j]; } } } } } CompositeImage imp = (CompositeImage) imps[0]; imp.setPosition(1, 1, 1); LUT graylut = jutils.get_lut_for_color(Color.white); imp.setChannelColorModel(graylut); imp.setPosition(2, 1, 1); LUT redlut = jutils.get_lut_for_color(Color.red); imp.setChannelColorModel(redlut); imp.setPosition(1, 1, 1); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); SkyPanel_v3 sp = new SkyPanel_v3(); int skychan = 6; if (imps[1] != null) skychan = imps[1].getNChannels(); // assume that the sky image has 6 channels and that the second is the unknown green // shift the unknown green to the end ImagePlus skyimp = null; if (imps[1] != null) { Object[] skystack = jutils.stack2array(imps[1].getStack()); // Object[] // skystack2={skystack[0],skystack[2],skystack[3],skystack[4],skystack[5],skystack[1]}; Object[] skystack2 = null; if (skychan == 6) skystack2 = new Object[] {skystack[0], skystack[2], skystack[3], skystack[4], skystack[5]}; else skystack2 = new Object[] {skystack[0], skystack[1], skystack[2], skystack[3], skystack[4]}; skyimp = new ImagePlus( "rearranged", jutils.array2stack(skystack2, imps[1].getWidth(), imps[1].getHeight())); } int nch = 5; if (skyimp != null) nch = skyimp.getStack().getSize(); GenericDialog gd2 = new GenericDialog("Options"); gd2.addNumericField("Area Accuracy (percent)", 30, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nch; i++) { gd2.addNumericField("Ch_" + (i + 1) + "_Contr_Thresh", 0.35, 5, 15, null); } // gd2.addNumericField("Contribution Threshold",0.35,5,15,null); gd2.addCheckbox("Mouse?", false); gd2.addNumericField("Box_Width", 150, 0); gd2.addNumericField("Box_Height", 100, 0); gd2.showDialog(); if (gd2.wasCanceled()) { return; } sp.areathresh = (float) gd2.getNextNumber(); sp.objthresh2 = new float[nch]; for (int i = 0; i < nch; i++) sp.objthresh2[i] = (float) gd2.getNextNumber(); // sp.objthresh=(float)gd2.getNextNumber(); boolean mouse = gd2.getNextBoolean(); int bwidth = (int) gd2.getNextNumber(); int bheight = (int) gd2.getNextNumber(); int[] colorindices = {4, 1, 2, 6, 3}; GenericDialog gd3 = new GenericDialog("Color Options"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) gd3.addChoice( "Ch" + (i + 1) + " Color", SkyPanel_v3.colornames, SkyPanel_v3.colornames[colorindices[i]]); gd3.showDialog(); if (gd3.wasCanceled()) return; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) colorindices[i] = gd3.getNextChoiceIndex(); sp.colorindices = colorindices; sp.nch = 5; sp.dapilast = false; sp.cellwidth = bwidth; sp.cellheight = bheight; sp.init(imps[0], skyimp, objects, areas, arearank, fb, true, spectra, data, mouse); SkyPanel_v3.launch_frame(sp); }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // if (ij==null) return; showCursorStatus = true; int toolID = Toolbar.getToolId(); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null && win.running2 && toolID != Toolbar.MAGNIFIER) { if (win instanceof StackWindow) ((StackWindow) win).setAnimate(false); else win.running2 = false; return; } int x = e.getX(); int y = e.getY(); flags = e.getModifiers(); // IJ.log("Mouse pressed: " + e.isPopupTrigger() + " " + ij.modifiers(flags)); // if (toolID!=Toolbar.MAGNIFIER && e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (toolID != Toolbar.MAGNIFIER && (e.isPopupTrigger() || (!IJ.isMacintosh() && (flags & Event.META_MASK) != 0))) { handlePopupMenu(e); return; } int ox = offScreenX(x); int oy = offScreenY(y); xMouse = ox; yMouse = oy; if (IJ.spaceBarDown()) { // temporarily switch to "hand" tool of space bar down setupScroll(ox, oy); return; } if (showAllROIs) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (!(roi != null && (roi.contains(ox, oy) || roi.isHandle(x, y) >= 0)) && roiManagerSelect(x, y)) return; } if (customRoi && overlay != null) return; switch (toolID) { case Toolbar.MAGNIFIER: if (IJ.shiftKeyDown()) zoomToSelection(ox, oy); else if ((flags & (Event.ALT_MASK | Event.META_MASK | Event.CTRL_MASK)) != 0) { // IJ.run("Out"); zoomOut(x, y); if (getMagnification() < 1.0) imp.repaintWindow(); } else { // IJ.run("In"); zoomIn(x, y); if (getMagnification() <= 1.0) imp.repaintWindow(); } break; case Toolbar.HAND: setupScroll(ox, oy); break; case Toolbar.DROPPER: setDrawingColor(ox, oy, IJ.altKeyDown()); break; case Toolbar.WAND: Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && roi.contains(ox, oy)) { Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); if (r.width == imageWidth && r.height == imageHeight) imp.killRoi(); else if (!e.isAltDown()) { handleRoiMouseDown(e); return; } } if (roi != null) { int handle = roi.isHandle(x, y); if (handle >= 0) { roi.mouseDownInHandle(handle, x, y); return; } } setRoiModState(e, roi, -1); String mode = WandToolOptions.getMode(); double tolerance = WandToolOptions.getTolerance(); int npoints = IJ.doWand(ox, oy, tolerance, mode); if (Recorder.record && npoints > 0) { if (tolerance == 0.0 && mode.equals("Legacy")) Recorder.record("doWand", ox, oy); else Recorder.recordString( "doWand(" + ox + ", " + oy + ", " + tolerance + ", \"" + mode + "\");\n"); } break; case Toolbar.OVAL: if (Toolbar.getBrushSize() > 0) new RoiBrush(); else handleRoiMouseDown(e); break; case Toolbar.SPARE1: case Toolbar.SPARE2: case Toolbar.SPARE3: case Toolbar.SPARE4: case Toolbar.SPARE5: case Toolbar.SPARE6: case Toolbar.SPARE7: case Toolbar.SPARE8: case Toolbar.SPARE9: Toolbar.getInstance().runMacroTool(toolID); break; default: // selection tool handleRoiMouseDown(e); } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ public void run(String arg) { ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); this.imp = imp; if (imp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } if ((1 < imp.getStackSize()) && (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_256)) { IJ.error("Stack of color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (imp.getStack().isRGB()) { IJ.error("RGB color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } } if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (imp.getStack().isHSB()) { IJ.error("HSB color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } } if (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_256) { IJ.error("Indexed color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } if (imp.getType() == imp.COLOR_RGB) { IJ.error("Color images not supported (use grayscale)"); return; } differentialsDialog dialog = new differentialsDialog(IJ.getInstance(), "Differentials", true, operation); GUI.center(dialog); dialog.setVisible(true); cancel = dialog.getCancel(); operation = dialog.getOperation(); dialog.dispose(); if (cancel) { return; } imp.startTiming(); if (1 < imp.getStackSize()) { if (!(imp.getProcessor().getPixels() instanceof float[])) { new StackConverter(imp).convertToGray32(); } } else { if (!(imp.getProcessor().getPixels() instanceof float[])) { new ImageConverter(imp).convertToGray32(); } } ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); stackSize = stack.getSize(); Undo.reset(); setupProgressBar(); resetProgressBar(); for (int i = 1; (i <= stackSize); i++) { ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(i); doIt(ip); imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp.setSlice(i); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); } imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp.setSlice(1); imp.updateAndRepaintWindow(); cleanUpProgressBar(); IJ.showTime(imp, imp.getStartTime(), "Differentials: "); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) { win.running = false; } } /* end run */