private Map<IMacroBinding, IASTFileLocation> getMacroLocations(final ILocationResolver resolver) { final Map<IMacroBinding, IASTFileLocation> result = new HashMap<IMacroBinding, IASTFileLocation>(); addLocations(resolver.getBuiltinMacroDefinitions(), result); addLocations(resolver.getMacroDefinitions(), result); return result; }
public MultiMacroExpansionExplorer(IASTTranslationUnit tu, IASTFileLocation loc) { if (tu == null || loc == null || loc.getNodeLength() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final ILocationResolver resolver = getResolver(tu); final IASTNodeSelector nodeLocator = tu.getNodeSelector(null); final IASTPreprocessorMacroExpansion[] expansions = resolver.getMacroExpansions(loc); final int count = expansions.length; loc = extendLocation(loc, expansions); fMacroLocations = getMacroLocations(resolver); fFilePath = tu.getFilePath(); fSource = resolver.getUnpreprocessedSignature(loc); fBoundaries = new int[count * 2 + 1]; fDelegates = new SingleMacroExpansionExplorer[count]; final int firstOffset = loc.getNodeOffset(); int bidx = -1; int didx = -1; for (IASTPreprocessorMacroExpansion expansion : expansions) { IASTName ref = expansion.getMacroReference(); if (ref != null) { ArrayList<IASTName> refs = new ArrayList<IASTName>(); refs.add(ref); refs.addAll(Arrays.asList(expansion.getNestedMacroReferences())); IASTFileLocation refLoc = expansion.getFileLocation(); int from = refLoc.getNodeOffset() - firstOffset; int to = from + refLoc.getNodeLength(); IASTNode enclosing = nodeLocator.findEnclosingNode(from + firstOffset - 1, 2); boolean isPPCond = enclosing instanceof IASTPreprocessorIfStatement || enclosing instanceof IASTPreprocessorElifStatement; fBoundaries[++bidx] = from; fBoundaries[++bidx] = to; fDelegates[++didx] = new SingleMacroExpansionExplorer( new String(fSource, from, to - from), refs.toArray(new IASTName[refs.size()]), fMacroLocations, fFilePath, refLoc.getStartingLineNumber(), isPPCond, (LexerOptions) tu.getAdapter(LexerOptions.class)); } } fBoundaries[++bidx] = fSource.length; }