protected void copyIndentation(final IDocument d, final DocumentCommand c) {
    // == DefaultIndentLineAutoEditStrategy.autoIndentAfterNewLine(IDocument d, DocumentCommand c)

    if (c.offset == -1 || d.getLength() == 0) return;

    try {
      // find start of line
      int p = (c.offset == d.getLength() ? c.offset - 1 : c.offset);
      IRegion info = d.getLineInformationOfOffset(p);
      int start = info.getOffset();

      // find white spaces
      int end = findEndOfWhiteSpace(d, start, c.offset);

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(c.text);
      if (end > start) {
        // append to input
        buf.append(d.get(start, end - start));

      c.text = buf.toString();

    } catch (BadLocationException excp) {
      // stop work
  public boolean openHyperLink() {
    String localiz = getLocalization();
    if (localiz == null) {
      return false;
    } else if (fBase.getUnderlyingResource() == null) {
      return false;
    } else if (fElement.length() == 0 || fElement.charAt(0) != '%') {
      return false;

    IProject proj = fBase.getUnderlyingResource().getProject();
    IFile file = proj.getFile(localiz + ".properties"); // $NON-NLS-1$
    if (!file.exists()) return false;

    try {
      IEditorPart editor = IDE.openEditor(PDEPlugin.getActivePage(), file);
      if (!(editor instanceof TextEditor)) return false;
      TextEditor tEditor = (TextEditor) editor;
      IDocument doc = tEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(tEditor.getEditorInput());
      if (doc == null) return false;

      try {
        String key = fElement.substring(1);
        int keyLen = key.length();
        int length = doc.getLength();
        int start = 0;
        IRegion region = null;
        FindReplaceDocumentAdapter docSearch = new FindReplaceDocumentAdapter(doc);
        while ((region = docSearch.find(start, key, true, false, false, false)) != null) {
          int offset = region.getOffset();
          if (offset > 0) {
            // check for newline before
            char c = doc.getChar(offset - 1);
            if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') {
              start += keyLen;
          if (offset + keyLen < length) {
            // check for whitespace / assign symbol after
            char c = doc.getChar(offset + keyLen);
            if (!Character.isWhitespace(c) && c != '=' && c != ':') {
              start += keyLen;
          tEditor.selectAndReveal(offset, keyLen);
      } catch (BadLocationException e) {

    } catch (PartInitException e) {
      return false;
    return true;
   * Creates a new document event.
   * @param doc the changed document
  public DocumentEvent(IDocument doc, int eventKind, Object eventInfo) {

    assert doc != null;

    fDocument = doc;
    fEventKind = eventKind;
    fEventInfo = eventInfo;
    fModificationStamp = fDocument.getModificationStamp();
  protected boolean selectComment(int caretPos) {
    IDocument doc = fText.getDocument();
    int startPos, endPos;

    try {
      int pos = caretPos;
      char c = ' ';

      while (pos >= 0) {
        c = doc.getChar(pos);
        if (c == '\\') {
          pos -= 2;
        if (c == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR || c == '\"') break;

      if (c != '\"') return false;

      startPos = pos;

      pos = caretPos;
      int length = doc.getLength();
      c = ' ';

      while (pos < length) {
        c = doc.getChar(pos);
        if (c == Character.LINE_SEPARATOR || c == '\"') break;
      if (c != '\"') return false;

      endPos = pos;

      int offset = startPos + 1;
      int len = endPos - offset;
      fText.setSelectedRange(offset, len);
      return true;
    } catch (BadLocationException x) {

    return false;
 private void addFoldingRegions(
     Set<Position> regions, IDocumentElementNode[] nodes, IDocument document)
     throws BadLocationException {
   for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
     IDocumentElementNode element = nodes[i];
     int startLine = document.getLineOfOffset(element.getOffset());
     int endLine = document.getLineOfOffset(element.getOffset() + element.getLength());
     if (startLine < endLine) {
       int start = document.getLineOffset(startLine);
       int end = document.getLineOffset(endLine) + document.getLineLength(endLine);
       Position position = new Position(start, end - start);
       fPositionToElement.put(position, element);
     IDocumentElementNode[] children = element.getChildNodes();
     if (children != null) {
       addFoldingRegions(regions, children, document);
  protected boolean selectWord(int caretPos) {

    IDocument doc = fText.getDocument();
    int startPos, endPos;

    try {

      int pos = caretPos;
      char c;

      while (pos >= 0) {
        c = doc.getChar(pos);
        if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) break;

      startPos = pos;

      pos = caretPos;
      int length = doc.getLength();

      while (pos < length) {
        c = doc.getChar(pos);
        if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) break;

      endPos = pos;
      selectRange(startPos, endPos);
      return true;

    } catch (BadLocationException x) {

    return false;
Beispiel #7
   * Der vorhergehende character, wobei whitespace zeichen uebersprungen werden, entspricht dem
   * uebergebenen character.
   * @param document
   * @param offset
   * @param c
   * @return
   * @throws BadLocationException
  private boolean previousCharIs(final IDocument document, final int offset, final int c)
      throws BadLocationException {
    if (offset <= 0) {
      return false;

    int curOffset = offset;
    while (curOffset > 0) {
      char docChar = document.getChar(--curOffset);
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(docChar)) {
        return docChar == c;
    return false;
Beispiel #8
   * Ueberspringen von Whitespace-Zeichen, bis Dokumentanfang oder nicht Whitespace gefunden wurde
   * @param document
   * @param offset
   * @return
  private int skipWhitespace(final IDocument document, final int offset)
      throws BadLocationException {
    if (offset <= 0) {
      return 0;

    int curOffset = offset;

    while (true) {
      if (!Character.isWhitespace(document.getChar(--curOffset))) {
        return curOffset + 1;
      if (curOffset == 0) {
        return curOffset;
Beispiel #9
  private boolean isFunctionCallProposal(final IDocument document, final int offset)
      throws BadLocationException {
    if (offset <= 0) {
      return false;

    int curOffset = offset;
    while (true) {
      char c = document.getChar(--curOffset);
      if (c == '(') {
        return true;
      if (curOffset == 0 || Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
        return false;
Beispiel #10
   * Berechnet das Wort das vor dem offset liegt. Ist das Zeichen vor dem Wort ein Leerzeichen, (, )
   * wird der leere String zurueckgegeben.
   * @param document
   * @param offset
   * @return
  private String computePreviousWord(final IDocument document, final int offset)
      throws BadLocationException {
    if (offset <= 0) { // <= 0, da auf jeden Fall offset -1 vor zugriff
      return "";

    int curOffset = offset;
    StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();

    while (true) {
      char c = document.getChar(--curOffset);
      if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '\'') {
        return prefix.reverse().toString();
      if (curOffset == 0) {
        return prefix.reverse().toString();
 void fix(IDocument document) {
   if (!Common.isEmptyArray(mFixes)) {
     try {
       for (int i = 0; i < mFixes.length; i++) {
         INILine line = mFixes[i].getLine();
         if (line == null) {
           mFixes[i].setPosition(new Position(0, 0));
         } else {
       Arrays.sort(mFixes, cReversePositionComparator);
       for (int i = 0; i < mFixes.length; i++) {
         Position position = mFixes[i].getPosition();
         document.replace(position.offset, position.length, mFixes[i].getText());
     } catch (BadLocationException e) {
  /** @see IPainter#paint(int) */
  public final void paint(final int reason) {
    Point selection = mSourceViewer.getSelectedRange();
    if (selection.y > 0) {

    SexpNavigator explorer = mEditor.getExplorer();

    boolean backward = true;
    boolean closeToParen = false;
    int offset = selection.x;
    IDocument document = mEditor.getDocument();
    try {
      char previousChar = '\0';
      char nextChar = '\0';

      if (selection.x > 0) previousChar = document.getChar(selection.x - 1);

      if (selection.x > 0
          && SchemeScannerUtilities.isClosingParenthesis(previousChar)
          && SchemeTextUtilities.getPartition(document, selection.x - 1).getType()
              == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) {
        closeToParen = true;
      } else {
        nextChar = document.getChar(selection.x);
        if (selection.x < document.getLength() - 1
            && SchemeScannerUtilities.isOpeningParenthesis(nextChar)
            && SchemeTextUtilities.getPartition(document, selection.x).getType()
                == IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) {
          closeToParen = true;
          backward = false;

      if (closeToParen && backward && explorer.backwardSexpression(selection.x)) {
        offset = explorer.getListStart();
        char matchingChar = document.getChar(offset);
        mMismatch =
                != SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(matchingChar);
      } else {
        if (closeToParen && !backward && explorer.forwardSexpression(selection.x)) {
          offset = explorer.getSexpEnd() - 1;
          char matchingChar = document.getChar(offset);
          mMismatch =
                  != SchemeScannerUtilities.getParenthesisType(matchingChar);
        } else {

    } catch (BadLocationException exception) {

    if (mIsActive) {
      // only if different
      if (offset != mBracketPosition.getOffset()) {
        // remove old highlighting
        // update position
        mBracketPosition.isDeleted = false;
        mBracketPosition.offset = offset;
        mBracketPosition.length = 1;
        // apply new highlighting
    } else {
      mIsActive = true;

      mBracketPosition.isDeleted = false;
      mBracketPosition.offset = offset;
      mBracketPosition.length = 1;

    public ICompletionProposal[] computeQuickAssistProposals(
        IQuickAssistInvocationContext invocationContext) {
      IAnnotationModel amodel = invocationContext.getSourceViewer().getAnnotationModel();
      IDocument doc = invocationContext.getSourceViewer().getDocument();

      int offset = invocationContext.getOffset();
      Iterator<?> it = amodel.getAnnotationIterator();
      TreeSet<ICompletionProposal> proposalSet =
          new TreeSet<>(
              new Comparator<Object>() {

                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                  if (o1 instanceof ICompletionProposal && o2 instanceof ICompletionProposal) {
                    ICompletionProposal proposal1 = (ICompletionProposal) o1;
                    ICompletionProposal proposal2 = (ICompletionProposal) o2;
                    return proposal1
                  return 0;
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object key =;
        if (!(key instanceof SimpleMarkerAnnotation)) {
          if (key instanceof SpellingAnnotation) {
            SpellingAnnotation annotation = (SpellingAnnotation) key;
            if (amodel.getPosition(annotation).overlapsWith(offset, 1)) {
              ICompletionProposal[] proposals = annotation.getSpellingProblem().getProposals();
              for (ICompletionProposal proposal : proposals) {

        SimpleMarkerAnnotation annotation = (SimpleMarkerAnnotation) key;
        IMarker marker = annotation.getMarker();

        IMarkerResolution[] mapping = fResMap.get(marker);
        if (mapping != null) {
          Position pos = amodel.getPosition(annotation);
          try {
            int line = doc.getLineOfOffset(pos.getOffset());
            int start = pos.getOffset();
            String delim = doc.getLineDelimiter(line);
            int delimLength = delim != null ? delim.length() : 0;
            int end = doc.getLineLength(line) + start - delimLength;
            if (offset >= start && offset <= end) {
              for (IMarkerResolution markerResolution : mapping) {
                PDECompletionProposal proposal =
                    new PDECompletionProposal(markerResolution, pos, marker);
                if (!proposalSet.contains(proposal)) {
          } catch (BadLocationException e) {

      return proposalSet.toArray(new ICompletionProposal[proposalSet.size()]);