Beispiel #1
  private void removeMarkupWhereBaseMarkupIsNoLongerInTheCache() {
    // Repeat until all dependent resources have been removed (count == 0)
    int count = 1;
    while (count > 0) {
      // Reset prior to next round
      count = 0;

      // Iterate though all entries of the cache
      Iterator<Markup> iter = markupCache.getValues().iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Markup markup =;

        if ((markup != null) && (markup != Markup.NO_MARKUP)) {
          // Check if the markup associated with key has a base markup. And if yes, test
          // if that is cached. If the base markup has been removed, than remove the
          // derived markup as well.

          MarkupResourceStream resourceStream = markup.getMarkupResourceStream();
          if (resourceStream != null) {
            resourceStream = resourceStream.getBaseMarkupResourceStream();

          // Is the base markup available in the cache?
          if ((resourceStream != null) && !isMarkupCached(resourceStream)) {

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
              log.debug("Removed derived markup from cache: " + markup.getMarkupResourceStream());