// This method generally should only be called by HubProvideFactory.removeHubRequestMonitor()
  public void destroy() {
    if (systemData != null) systemData.system.destroy();

    synchronized (this) {
      if (createSystemFuture != null) createSystemFuture.cancel(true);
      if (queryOperation != null) queryOperation.cancel();
      queryOperation = null;

      if (gracePeriodFuture != null) gracePeriodFuture.cancel(true);
      gracePeriodFuture = null;

      if (gracePeriodExpiredFuture != null) gracePeriodExpiredFuture.cancel(true);
      gracePeriodExpiredFuture = null;

      if (activateInterestOperation != null) activateInterestOperation.cancel();
      activateInterestOperation = null;
      if (provider != null) provider.destroy();
      provider = null;
      if (hubConfig != null) hubProvideFactory.removeHubConfig(hubConfig);
      hubConfig = null;

      if (hubRequestRequestor != null) hubRequestRequestor.destroy();
      hubRequestRequestor = null;
  public void handleGracePeriodExpired() {
    synchronized (this) {
      gracePeriodExpiredFuture = null;
      //            if (requestProvided.get())
      //                return;
      //            gracePeriodExpired.set(true);

      if (provider != null) {
        provider = null;
  public void interfaceRemoved(Query operation, DOFObjectID objectID, DOFInterfaceID interfaceID) {
    if (!objectID.equals(providerId) || !interfaceID.equals(HubRequestInterface.IID)) return;
    log.trace("Hub Request Provider Removed {}:{}", objectID, interfaceID);

    //        requestProvided.set(false);
    GracePeriodExpiredTask gracePeriodExpiredTask = new GracePeriodExpiredTask(this);
    synchronized (this) {
      if (gracePeriodFuture != null) {
        gracePeriodFuture = null;
      gracePeriodExpiredFuture =
              gracePeriodExpiredTask, requestorGracePeriodMinutes.get(), TimeUnit.MINUTES);
      if (provider != null) provider.requestProvideStopped(-1);
  * ************************************************************************
  * DOFSystem.QueryOperationListener implementation
  * ************************************************************************
 public void interfaceAdded(Query operation, DOFObjectID objectId, DOFInterfaceID interfaceId) {
   if (!objectId.equals(providerId) || !interfaceId.equals(HubRequestInterface.IID)) return;
   //        if (gracePeriodExpired.get())
   //            return;
   //        requestProvided.set(true);
   log.trace("Hub Request Provider Added {}:{}", objectId, interfaceId);
   synchronized (this) {
     if (gracePeriodExpiredFuture != null) {
       gracePeriodExpiredFuture = null;
     if (provider != null) return; // existing state is fine, we are done here.
     // first time, or first time after a hubProvideFactory.remove(monitor)
     gracePeriodFuture =
         hubProvideFactory.executor.submit(new GetGracePeriodTask(this, objectId, interfaceId));
  void handleInterfaceAdded(DOFObjectID objectId, DOFInterfaceID interfaceId) {
    DOFObject requestor;
    int requestorGracePeriodMinutes = -1;
    // this is the flag that other domainManagers started this sequence, MAX_VALUE == started by
    // activate, not broadcast get
    boolean broadcastGetActivated =
        (hubProvideFactory.coreDomainGracePeriodMinutes.get() != Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    try {
      requestor =
          systemData.system.waitProvider(objectId, interfaceId, hubProvideFactory.commTimeout);
      requestorGracePeriodMinutes =
          HubRequestInterface.getGracePeriod(requestor, hubProvideFactory.commTimeout);

      synchronized (this) {
        if (gracePeriodExpiredFuture != null) {
          gracePeriodExpiredFuture = null;
        hubRequestRequestor = requestor;
    } catch (Exception e) {
       * Interesting point in time here ... the coredomain broadcast's get may have initiated the startup sequence instead of
       * a requestor's activate.  The coredomain's get handler will be capturing the smallest value seen from the broadcast
       * and we are going to go with the lowest that has been seen at this time. (comm timeout on get from the requestor).
       * If the requestor's provide and getGracePeriod do not fail, then the state of the other cr/domain managers no longer matters
       * to this manager as we have a know live requestor.

      // this is the flag that other domainManagers started this sequence, MAX_VALUE == started by
      // activate, not broadcast get
      if (!broadcastGetActivated) {
        // this is a fatal timeout, clean up the monitor;
            "Failed to obtain hubRequestRequestor for getting grace period on {}: " + e,
    synchronized (this) {
      provider =
          new HubProvider(hubProvideFactory.coreSystem, providerId, requestorGracePeriodMinutes);
    if (broadcastGetActivated && requestorGracePeriodMinutes == -1) {
      GracePeriodExpiredTask gracePeriodExpiredTask = new GracePeriodExpiredTask(this);
      synchronized (this) {
        if (gracePeriodFuture != null) {
          gracePeriodFuture = null;
        int remaining = hubProvideFactory.coreDomainGracePeriodMinutes.get();
        gracePeriodExpiredFuture =
                gracePeriodExpiredTask, remaining, TimeUnit.MINUTES);