Beispiel #1
   * Add a plot, but only uses String as parameters, for the GraphFactory
   * @param name Name of the plot
   * @param dsName the datastore to use
   * @param rpn The RPN, used instead of the datastore
   * @param graphType
   * @param color
   * @param legend
   * @param consFunc
   * @param reversed
   * @param host
   * @param probe
   * @param subDsName
  public void add(
      String name,
      String rpn,
      String graphType,
      String color,
      String legend,
      String consFunc,
      String reversed,
      String percentile,
      // The path to an external datastore
      String host,
      String probe,
      String dsName) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
          "Adding " + name + ", " + rpn + ", " + graphType + ", " + color + ", " + legend + ", "
              + consFunc + ", " + reversed + ", " + host + ", " + probe);
    GraphType gt = null;
    if (graphType == null || "".equals(graphType)) {
      if (legend != null) gt = GraphType.COMMENT;
      else gt = GraphType.NONE;
    } else gt = GraphType.valueOf(graphType.toUpperCase());

    ConsolFun cf = null;
    if (gt != GraphType.COMMENT) {
      cf = DEFAULTCF;
      if (consFunc != null && !"".equals(consFunc)) cf = ConsolFun.valueOf(consFunc.toUpperCase());

    Color c = null;
    if (gt.toPlot()) {
      c = Color.WHITE;
      if (color != null && color.toUpperCase().matches("^#[0-9A-F]{6}")) {
        int r = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(1, 3), 16);
        int g = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(3, 5), 16);
        int b = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(5, 7), 16);
        c = new Color(r, g, b);
      } else if (color != null && !"".equals(color)) {
        c = Colors.valueOf(color.toUpperCase()).getColor();
        if (c == null) c = Color.getColor(color);
        if (c == null) {
          logger.error("Cannot read color " + color);
          c = Color.white;
      } else {
        c = Colors.resolveIndex(lastColor);
        if (gt.toPlot()) lastColor++;
    if (name != null) {
      // If not a rpn, it must be a datastore
      if (gt.datasource() && rpn == null && dsName == null) {
        dsName = name;
    // If the name is missing, generate one ?
    else {
      name = Integer.toHexString((int) (Math.random() * Integer.MAX_VALUE));
    // Auto generated legend
    if (legend == null && name != null && gt.legend()) legend = name;

    Integer valPercentile = null;
    if (percentile != null && !"".equals(percentile)) {
      valPercentile = jrds.Util.parseStringNumber(percentile, Integer.valueOf(0));
    add(name, dsName, rpn, gt, c, legend, cf, reversed != null, valPercentile, host, probe);