Beispiel #1
   * Compute a transformation matrix that pass from graph units (user space) to pixel units (device
   * space) so that the whole graph is visible.
   * @param g2 The Swing graphics.
  protected void autoFitView(Graphics2D g2) {
    double sx, sy;
    double tx, ty;
    double padXgu = getPaddingXgu() * 2;
    double padYgu = getPaddingYgu() * 2;
    double padXpx = getPaddingXpx() * 2;
    double padYpx = getPaddingYpx() * 2;

    sx = (metrics.viewport[2] - padXpx) / ([0] + padXgu); // Ratio
    // along
    // X
    sy = (metrics.viewport[3] - padYpx) / ([1] + padYgu); // Ratio
    // along
    // Y
    tx = metrics.lo.x + ([0] / 2); // Centre of graph in X
    ty = metrics.lo.y + ([1] / 2); // Centre of graph in Y

    if (sx <= 0) {
      sx =
          (metrics.viewport[2] - Math.min(metrics.viewport[2] - 1, padXpx))
              / ([0] + padXgu);

    if (sy <= 0) {
      sy =
          (metrics.viewport[3] - Math.min(metrics.viewport[3] - 1, padYpx))
              / ([1] + padYgu);

    if (sx > sy) // The least ratio.
    sx = sy;
    else sy = sx;

    g2.translate(metrics.viewport[2] / 2, metrics.viewport[3] / 2);
    if (rotation != 0) g2.rotate(rotation / (180 / Math.PI));
    g2.scale(sx, -sy);
    g2.translate(-tx, -ty);

    Tx = g2.getTransform();
    xT = new AffineTransform(Tx);
    try {
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
      logger.warning("Cannot inverse gu2px matrix.");

    zoom = 1;

    center.set(tx, ty, 0);
Beispiel #2
   * Compute a transformation that pass from graph units (user space) to a pixel units (device
   * space) so that the view (zoom and centre) requested by the user is produced.
   * @param g2 The Swing graphics.
  protected void userView(Graphics2D g2) {
    double sx, sy;
    double tx, ty;
    double padXgu = getPaddingXgu() * 2;
    double padYgu = getPaddingYgu() * 2;
    double padXpx = getPaddingXpx() * 2;
    double padYpx = getPaddingYpx() * 2;
    double gw = gviewport != null ? gviewport[2] - gviewport[0] :[0];
    double gh = gviewport != null ? gviewport[3] - gviewport[1] :[1];

    sx = (metrics.viewport[2] - padXpx) / ((gw + padXgu) * zoom);
    sy = (metrics.viewport[3] - padYpx) / ((gh + padYgu) * zoom);
    tx = center.x;
    ty = center.y;

    if (sx > sy) // The least ratio.
    sx = sy;
    else sy = sx;

    g2.translate((metrics.viewport[2] / 2), (metrics.viewport[3] / 2));
    if (rotation != 0) g2.rotate(rotation / (180 / Math.PI));
    g2.scale(sx, -sy);
    g2.translate(-tx, -ty);

    Tx = g2.getTransform();
    xT = new AffineTransform(Tx);
    try {
    } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot inverse gu2px matrix.", e);


    double w2 = (metrics.viewport[2] / sx) / 2;
    double h2 = (metrics.viewport[3] / sx) / 2;

    metrics.loVisible.set(center.x - w2, center.y - h2);
    metrics.hiVisible.set(center.x + w2, center.y + h2);