  * Inspects candidate group to determine if it comprises instance of Format
  * @param jhove2 framework configured with SourceFactory
  * @return FormatIdentification for this group if it comprises instance of a Format; otherwise
  *     returns null;
  * @throws JHOVE2Exception
 protected ClumpSource recognizeGroupedSource(GlobPathMatchInfoGroup fileGroup, JHOVE2 jhove2)
     throws JHOVE2Exception {
   FormatIdentification fi = null;
   ClumpSource clumpSource = null;
   if (fileGroup.getMustHaveCount() >= this.minMustHavesToIdentify) {
     fi =
         new FormatIdentification(
             this.format, GLOB_PATH_CONFIDENCE, this.getReportableIdentifier());
     if (jhove2.getSourceFactory() == null) {
       throw new JHOVE2Exception("JHOVE2 SourceFactory is null");
     clumpSource = jhove2.getSourceFactory().getClumpSource(jhove2);
     clumpSource = (ClumpSource) clumpSource.addPresumptiveFormat(fi);
     for (GlobPathMatchInfo sourceInfo : fileGroup.getSourceMatchInfoList()) {
       if ((sourceInfo.isMustHave() || sourceInfo.isMayHave())
           || (this.includeUnmatchedFromGroup)) {
         Source sourceInfoSource = sourceInfo.getSource();
         sourceInfoSource = clumpSource.addChildSource(sourceInfoSource);
   return clumpSource;
  * Constructs candidate instances of an aggregate format by grouping together all children of
  * source parameter that match fileGroupingToken
  * @param source Source object whose child Sources are to be explored for groups constituting
  *     instances of a format
  * @return Collection of GlobPathMatchInfoGroup objects, each of which contains a list of likely
  *     related Sources comprising an instance of a Format, and indications as to whether or not
  *     each Source in the group is a required or optional or unspecified component of that Format
  *     instances
  * @throws JHOVE2Exception
 protected Collection<GlobPathMatchInfoGroup> groupSources(Source source) throws JHOVE2Exception {
   HashMap<String, GlobPathMatchInfoGroup> groupMap =
       new HashMap<String, GlobPathMatchInfoGroup>();
   for (Source childSource : source.getChildSources()) {
     File sourceFile = childSource.getFile();
     if (sourceFile != null) {
       String filePath = childSource.getFile().getPath();
       // does the Source file path match the pattern that indicates a related file?
       Matcher m = this.fileGroupingPattern.matcher(filePath);
       if (m.matches()) {
         // might have more than one instance of a format in the Source, so
         // we have to group related files together
         String groupString = null;
         String mustHaveString = null;
         String mayHaveString = null;
         try {
           // get the value of the capture group which is the key to a format instance
           //  (group of files)
           groupString = m.group(this.fileGroupingCaptureGroupIndex);
           // get the value of the capture group that indicates a file in the group
           //   is one of the files required by the format definition
           mustHaveString = m.group(this.mustHaveCaptureGroupIndex);
           // get the value of the capture group that indicates a file in the group
           //   is one of the files considered optional by the format definition
           mayHaveString = m.group(this.mayHaveCaptureGroupIndex);
         } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
           // should not occur, we were inside if (m.matches()) statement
           throw new JHOVE2Exception(
               "Exception thrown grouping patterns:  Check configuration", ise);
         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iob) {
           throw new JHOVE2Exception(
               "Exception thrown grouping patterns:  Check configuration", iob);
         GlobPathMatchInfo fileInfo = new GlobPathMatchInfo(childSource);
         boolean matchesMustHaves = false;
         Matcher m2 = null;
         if (this.mustHavePattern != null) {
           m2 = this.mustHavePattern.matcher(mustHaveString);
           matchesMustHaves = m2.matches();
         boolean matchesMayHaves = false;
         if (this.mayHavePattern != null) {
           m2 = this.mayHavePattern.matcher(mayHaveString);
           matchesMayHaves = m2.matches();
         GlobPathMatchInfoGroup infoGroup;
         // is this the first occurrence of grouping key?
         if (!(groupMap.containsKey(groupString))) {
           // if so, add grouping key and new GlobPathMatchInfoGroup to groupMaP
           infoGroup = new GlobPathMatchInfoGroup();
           groupMap.put(groupString, infoGroup);
         } else {
           // otherwise just retrieve
           infoGroup = groupMap.get(groupString);
         // add information about current Source to list associated with this grouping key
         // increment counter information associated with this grouping key
         if (matchesMustHaves) {
           infoGroup.setMustHaveCount(infoGroup.getMustHaveCount() + 1);
         if (matchesMayHaves) {
           infoGroup.setMayHaveCount(infoGroup.getMayHaveCount() + 1);
         if (!matchesMustHaves && !matchesMayHaves) {
           infoGroup.setUnmatchedCount(infoGroup.getUnmatchedCount() + 1);
       } // end if (m.matches()){
     } // end if sourceFile != null
   } // end for (Source childSource:source.getChildSources())
   // we don't need the keys to the map any more; just return the values
   return groupMap.values();