Beispiel #1
  public Abstract.ClassDefinition loadSource(SourceId sourceId, ErrorReporter errorReporter)
      throws IOException {
    if (sourceId.getStorage() != this) return null;
    if (!isAvailable(sourceId)) return null;

    Path file = sourceFileForSource(sourceId);
    FileSource fileSource = new FileSource(sourceId, file);
    Abstract.ClassDefinition definition = fileSource.load(errorReporter);
    // Make sure we loaded the right revision
    return Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).equals(sourceId.myMtime) ? definition : null;
 protected DataFileSource getDataFileSourceIfExists(String name) throws IOException {
   DataFileSource src = m_fileSrc.getFileSourceOnlyIfExists(name);
   if (src != null) {
     s_log.debug("Creating data file source for [{}]", src.getDescription());
   return src;
 public File createTemporaryFile(String prefix, @Nullable String suffix, String... path) {
   File dir = new File(baseDir.get(), GUtil.join(path, "/"));
   try {
     return File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, dir);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new UncheckedIOException(e.getMessage(), e);
 protected List<String> getAllMetadataFileNames() throws IOException {
   List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
   for (String name : Arrays.asList(m_serFileName, m_confFileName)) {
     if (m_fileSrc.fileExists(name)) {
   return names;
 public void createsPackageWithWarFromFilenameAndDefaultVersion() throws IOException {
   WarImporter importer = new WarImporter("(.+)", "1.0", false, null);
   FileSource source = new FileSource(WAR_WITH_MANIFEST);
   PackageInfo packageInfo = importer.preparePackage(source, DUMMY_IMPORT_CTX);
   // from the filename
   assertEquals("war-with-manifest.war", packageInfo.getApplicationName());
   assertEquals("1.0", packageInfo.getApplicationVersion());
   List<Deployable> deployables =
       importer.importEntities(packageInfo, DUMMY_IMPORT_CTX).getDeployables();
   assertEquals(1, deployables.size());
   assertTrue(format("Expected instance of %s", War.class), deployables.get(0) instanceof War);
   War War = (War) deployables.get(0);
       "Expected the files to contain the same bytes",
       Files.equal(source.getFile(), ((LocalFile) War.getFile()).getFile()));
   assertEquals("Applications/war-with-manifest.war/1.0/war-with-manifest.war", War.getId());
   assertEquals("war-with-manifest.war", War.getName());
 public File createTemporaryDirectory(
     @Nullable String prefix, @Nullable String suffix, @Nullable String... path) {
   File dir = new File(baseDir.get(), GUtil.join(path, "/"));
   try {
     // TODO: This is not a great paradigm for creating a temporary directory.
     // See
     // for an alternative.
     File tmpDir = File.createTempFile("gradle", "projectDir", dir);
     return tmpDir;
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new UncheckedIOException(e.getMessage(), e);
 public File newTemporaryFile(String... path) {
   return GFileUtils.canonicalise(new File(baseDir.get(), GUtil.join(path, "/")));
 protected DataFileSource getDataFileSource(String name) throws IOException {
   DataFileSource src = m_fileSrc.getFileSource(name);
   s_log.debug("Creating data file source for [{}]", src.getDescription());
   return src;
 protected List<String> getAllDataFileNames() throws IOException {
   List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(m_fileSrc.getAllFileNames());
   return names;
 public String getDescription() {
   return String.format("directory dataset source stored by [%s]", m_fileSrc.getDescription());
 public void ensureExists() throws IOException {
 protected DataFileSink getDataFileSink(String name) throws IOException {
   DataFileSink sink = m_fileSrc.getFileSink(name);
   s_log.debug("Creating data file sink for [{}]", sink.getDescription());
   return sink;