Beispiel #1
 private void init(State state) {
   if (state == State.GAME) { // If the state is ingame...
     level = Level.createLevel(0); // Load the spawn level (level 0)
     TileCoordinate playerSpawn =
         new TileCoordinate(
             60); // Create player coodinates. This class creates coordinates from pixels and
                  // converts it to tile coordinates (16 pixels -> 1 tile)
     String playerName = ""; // Initiate the players name
     if (FileHandler.fileExists(FileHandler.localUserFile))
       playerName =
               .getPlayerName(); // If the player already exists, set the players name to the
                                 // stored name
       playerName =
               .getPlayerName(); // Otherwise retrieve the name from the start screen that the user
                                 // has typed into the name box
     player =
         new Player(
             key); // Create a new player. Pass in the name, spawn location (in tile coordinates),
                   // and the keyboard class.
             .activeLevel); // Set the level to the current level (0, as we set that in the
                            // beginning); // Save everything
     initPause = false; // Set pause to false, just in case it is true
     c.clearTextArea(); // Clear the console
         "Controls: \n W/up -> Player up \n A/left -> Player left \n S/down -> Player down \n D/right -> Player right \n "
             + "Q -> Inventory \n Shift -> Sprint \n HOME -> home level \n M -> Map \n numbers 1-6 -> Weapons"); // Output the controls so the user can see what to do
   } else if (state == State.START) { // If the state is the start screen...
     sc = new StartScreen(); // Initiate the start screen
         sc); // Add the startscreen to the UI manager, which will render and update it
   } else if (state == State.PAUSE) { // If the state is in pause...
     pause = new Pause(); // Instantiate a new pause menu
         pause); // Add the pause menu to the UI manager, ready for rendering and updating
     initPause = true; // Tell the game we have created a pause menu (prevent more than 1 opening)
     paused = true; // Tell the game we are paused
   STATE =
           .WAITING; // Once the correct state is set up, set the state wo WAITING, which tells the
                     // game we are waiting for the state to change.
Beispiel #2
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean invoke(final String command, final boolean consumed, final Scanner scanner) {
    if (command.equals("help")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      System.out.println("COMMANDS:     DESCRIPTIONS:");
      System.out.println("help          Leads here...");
      System.out.println("show c        Show copyright notice.");
      System.out.println("show w        Show warranty notice.");
      System.out.println("show l        Show licenses.");
      System.out.println("version       Print version information about this program.");
      System.out.println("credits       Shows the credits of this program and all aktiv plug-ins.");
    } else if (command.equals("show c")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      System.out.println("Paradis — Ever growing network for parallell and distributed computing.");
      System.out.println("Copyright © 2012  Mattias Andrée");
      System.out.println("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify");
          "it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by");
      System.out.println("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or");
      System.out.println("(at your option) any later version.");
          "You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License");
      System.out.println("along with this program.  If not, see <>.");
    } else if (command.equals("show w")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      System.out.println("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,");
      System.out.println("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of");
      System.out.println("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the");
      System.out.println("GNU Affero General Public License for more details.");
    } else if (command.equals("show l")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      final String pager = Properties.getPager();

      if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/COPYING+colour"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "Copyright information", "res/COPYING+colour");
      else if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/COPYING"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "Copyright information", "res/COPYING");
      else Pager.pageFile(pager, "Copyright information", "COPYING");

      if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.AGPL3+colour"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU Affero General Public License v3", "res/LICENSE.AGPL3+colour");
      else if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.AGPL3"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU Affero General Public License v3", "res/LICENSE.AGPL3");
      else Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU Affero General Public License v3", "LICENSE.AGPL3");

      if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.GPL3+colour"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v3", "res/LICENSE.GPL3+colour");
      else if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.GPL3"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v3", "res/LICENSE.GPL3");
      else Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v3", "LICENSE.GPL3");

      if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.GPL2+colour"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v2", "res/LICENSE.GPL2+colour");
      else if (FileHandler.fileExists("res/LICENSE.GPL2"))
        Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v2", "res/LICENSE.GPL2");
      else Pager.pageFile(pager, "GNU General Public License v2", "LICENSE.GPL2");
    } else if (command.equals("version")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      System.out.println("Package:   " + Program.PACKAGE);
      System.out.println("Fork path: " + Program.FORK);
      System.out.println("Version:   " + Program.VERSION);
      System.out.println("Website:   " + Program.WEBSITE);
    } else if (command.equals("credits")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      System.out.println("Paradis — Ever growing network for parallell and distributed computing.");
      System.out.println("Copyright © 2012  Mattias Andrée");
    } else if (command.equals("shell")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
      String shell = Properties.getShell();
      if ((shell == null) || shell.isEmpty())
            "Impossible to determine shell, your shell should export SHELL to it's file name (e.g. bash).");
        try {
          final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(shell);
        } catch (final Throwable err) {
          System.out.print("Cannot manage to start shell");
    } else if (command.equals("pacman") || command.startsWith("pacman ")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
              ? new String[0]
              : command.substring("pacman ".length()).split(" "));
    } else if (command.equals("makepkg") || command.startsWith("makepkg ")) {
      if (consumed) return true;
              ? new String[0]
              : command.substring("makepkg ".length()).split(" "));
    } else return false;

    return true;