protected void updateUi() { WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); int wifiState = wifiMgr.getWifiState(); WifiInfo info = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo(); String wifiId = info != null ? info.getSSID() : null; boolean isWifiReady = FTPServerService.isWifiEnabled(); setText(, isWifiReady ? wifiId : getString(R.string.no_wifi_hint)); ImageView wifiImg = (ImageView) findViewById(; wifiImg.setImageResource(isWifiReady ? R.drawable.wifi_state4 : R.drawable.wifi_state0); boolean running = FTPServerService.isRunning(); if (running) { // Put correct text in start/stop button // Fill in wifi status and address InetAddress address = FTPServerService.getWifiIp(); if (address != null) { String port = ":" + FTPServerService.getPort(); ipText.setText( "ftp://" + address.getHostAddress() + (FTPServerService.getPort() == 21 ? "" : port)); } else { // could not get IP address, stop the service Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); ipText.setText(""); } } startStopButton.setEnabled(isWifiReady); TextView startStopButtonText = (TextView) findViewById(; if (isWifiReady) { startStopButtonText.setText(running ? R.string.stop_server : R.string.start_server); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( running ? R.drawable.disconnect : R.drawable.connect, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor( running ? getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_disconnect_text) : getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_connect_text)); } else { if (FTPServerService.isRunning()) { Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); } startStopButtonText.setText(R.string.no_wifi); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); } ipText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); instructionText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); instructionTextPre.setVisibility(running ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); }
public void l(int level, String str, boolean sysOnly) { synchronized (MyLog.class) { str = str.trim(); // Messages of this severity are handled specially if (level == Log.ERROR || level == Log.WARN) { Globals.setLastError(str); } if (level >= Defaults.getConsoleLogLevel()) { Log.println(level, tag, str); } if (!sysOnly) { // some messages only go to the Android log if (level >= Defaults.getUiLogLevel()) { FTPServerService.log(level, str); } } } }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v.getId() == { File file = new File(Defaults.chrootDir); if (!file.isDirectory()) { return; } Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, FTPServerService.class); if (!FTPServerService.isRunning()) { if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { startService(intent); } else { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "外部存储不可用", Toast.LENGTH_LONG); } } else { stopService(intent); } } }