   * Update the recalibration statistics using the information in recalInfo
   * @param recalInfo data structure holding information about the recalibration values for a single
   *     read
  @Requires("recalInfo != null")
  public void updateDataForRead(final ReadRecalibrationInfo recalInfo) {
    final GATKSAMRecord read = recalInfo.getRead();
    final ReadCovariates readCovariates = recalInfo.getCovariatesValues();
    final RecalibrationTables tables = getUpdatableRecalibrationTables();
    final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> qualityScoreTable = tables.getQualityScoreTable();

    for (int offset = 0; offset < read.getReadBases().length; offset++) {
      if (!recalInfo.skip(offset)) {

        for (final EventType eventType : EventType.values()) {
          final int[] keys = readCovariates.getKeySet(offset, eventType);
          final int eventIndex = eventType.ordinal();
          final byte qual = recalInfo.getQual(eventType, offset);
          final double isError = recalInfo.getErrorFraction(eventType, offset);

              qualityScoreTable, qual, isError, keys[0], keys[1], eventIndex);

          for (int i = 2; i < covariates.length; i++) {
            if (keys[i] < 0) continue;

                tables.getTable(i), qual, isError, keys[0], keys[1], keys[i], eventIndex);
  public static EventType parse(String value) {
    EventType[] v = EventType.values();
    for (EventType val : v) {
      if (val.toString().equals(value)) {
        return val;

    return null;
 public EventTargets() {
   final int EVENTS_COUNT = EventType.values().length;
   mEvents = new ArrayList<>(EVENTS_COUNT);
   for (int i = 0; i < EVENTS_COUNT; i++) {
     mEvents.add(new ArrayList<CallType>(1));
   for (int i = 0; i < EVENTS_COUNT; i++) {
     mEvents.set(i, Collections.unmodifiableList(mEvents.get(i)));
Beispiel #4
  public void activateMetrics() {
    // Activate Plugin Metrics
    try {
      Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this);

          new Metrics.Plotter("Total Number of Server Rules") {
            public int getValue() {
              return ruleset.ruleCount();

      Metrics.Graph graph = metrics.createGraph("Rules by Event");

      for (final EventType r : EventType.values()) {
            new Metrics.Plotter(r.toString()) {
              public int getValue() {
                return ruleset.ruleCount(r); // Number of rules for this event type

      Metrics.Graph matchGraph = metrics.createGraph("Matches");
      matchTracker = new Tracker("Matches");



    } catch (IOException e) {
Beispiel #5
/** Utility class to facilitate base quality score recalibration. */
public final class RecalibrationTables
    implements Serializable, Iterable<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  private final int qualDimension;
  private final int eventDimension = EventType.values().length;
  private final int numReadGroups;

  final StandardCovariateList covariates; // save the covariates this was created with

  // These two tables are special
  private final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> readGroupTable;
  private final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> qualityScoreTable;

  private final List<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> additionalTables;
  private final List<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> allTables; // special + additional

  // bidirectional mappings
  private final Map<Covariate, NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> covariateToTable;
  private final Map<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>, Covariate> tableToCovariate;

  public RecalibrationTables(final StandardCovariateList covariates) {
    this(covariates, covariates.getReadGroupCovariate().maximumKeyValue() + 1);

  public RecalibrationTables(StandardCovariateList covariates, final int numReadGroups) {
    this.covariates = covariates;
    this.additionalTables = new ArrayList<>();
    this.allTables = new ArrayList<>();
    this.covariateToTable = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    this.tableToCovariate = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    this.qualDimension = covariates.getQualityScoreCovariate().maximumKeyValue() + 1;
    this.numReadGroups = numReadGroups;

    // two special tables
    this.readGroupTable = new NestedIntegerArray<>(numReadGroups, eventDimension);
    covariateToTable.put(covariates.getReadGroupCovariate(), readGroupTable);
    tableToCovariate.put(readGroupTable, covariates.getReadGroupCovariate());

    this.qualityScoreTable = makeQualityScoreTable();
    covariateToTable.put(covariates.getQualityScoreCovariate(), qualityScoreTable);
    tableToCovariate.put(qualityScoreTable, covariates.getQualityScoreCovariate());

    // Non-special tables
    for (Covariate cov : covariates.getAdditionalCovariates()) {
      final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table =
          new NestedIntegerArray<>(
              numReadGroups, qualDimension, cov.maximumKeyValue() + 1, eventDimension);
      covariateToTable.put(cov, table);
      tableToCovariate.put(table, cov);

  public NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> getTableForCovariate(Covariate cov) {
    return covariateToTable.get(cov);

  public Covariate getCovariateForTable(NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table) {
    return tableToCovariate.get(table);

  public boolean isReadGroupTable(NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table) {
    // Note: NestedIntegerArray does not implement equals so we use reference identity to check
    // equality
    // to explicitly check identity (and future-proof against an equals method in
    // NestedIntegerArray).
    return table == getReadGroupTable();

  public boolean isQualityScoreTable(NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table) {
    // Note: NestedIntegerArray does not implement equals so we use reference identity to check
    // equality
    // to explicitly check identity (and future-proof against an equals method in
    // NestedIntegerArray).
    return table == getQualityScoreTable();

  public boolean isAdditionalCovariateTable(NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table) {
    return additionalTables.contains(table);

  public NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> getReadGroupTable() {
    return readGroupTable;

  public NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> getQualityScoreTable() {
    return qualityScoreTable;

  public int numTables() {
    return allTables.size();

  public Iterator<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> iterator() {
    return allTables.iterator();

  /** @return true if all the tables contain no RecalDatums */
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    for (final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> table : allTables) {
      if (!table.getAllValues().isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Allocate a new quality score table, based on requested parameters in this set of tables,
   * without any data in it. The return result of this table is suitable for acting as a
   * thread-local cache for quality score values
   * @return a newly allocated, empty read group x quality score table
  public NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> makeQualityScoreTable() {
    return new NestedIntegerArray<>(numReadGroups, qualDimension, eventDimension);

  /** Merge all of the tables from toMerge into into this set of tables */
  public RecalibrationTables combine(final RecalibrationTables toMerge) {
    if (numTables() != toMerge.numTables())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Attempting to merge RecalibrationTables with different sizes");

    for (int i = 0; i < numTables(); i++) {
      final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> myTable = this.allTables.get(i);
      final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> otherTable = toMerge.allTables.get(i);
      RecalUtils.combineTables(myTable, otherTable);

    return this;

   * Combines the two tables into a new table (allocating a new table in the process)
   * @param left first table to combine
   * @param right second table to combine
   * @return a new table with the merged contents of left and right
  public static RecalibrationTables safeCombine(
      final RecalibrationTables left, final RecalibrationTables right) {

    final RecalibrationTables newTable =
        new RecalibrationTables(left.covariates, left.numReadGroups);
    return newTable;

   * Combines the right table into the left table, in-place (without making a copy)
   * @param left first table to combine
   * @param right second table to combine
   * @return modified version of left with the contents of right incorporated into it
  public static RecalibrationTables inPlaceCombine(
      final RecalibrationTables left, final RecalibrationTables right) {

    return left.combine(right);

  // XXX this should not be accessible by index
  public NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> getTable(int index) {
    return allTables.get(index);

  public List<NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum>> getAdditionalTables() {
    return additionalTables;
Beispiel #6
  public void configurePlugin() {

    if (getConfig().getBoolean("logfile")) {
    } else { // Needed during configuration reload to turn off logging if the option changes
      if (logfileHandler != null) {
        logfileHandler = null;

    try {
      ruleLogLevel = Level.parse(getConfig().getString("loglevel", "info").toUpperCase());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      ruleLogLevel = Level.INFO;

    decolor = getConfig().getBoolean("decolor");

    try {
      debugMode = DebugModes.valueOf(getConfig().getString("debug"));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      debugMode = DebugModes.off;

    cmdlist = getConfig().getStringList("cmdlist");
    cmdblist = getConfig().getStringList("cmdblist");

    enabledEvents.clear(); // Reset the enabled event types.
    for (EventType e : EventType.values()) {
      switch (e) {
        case CHAT:
          chatPriority =
              EventPriority.valueOf(getConfig().getString("chatpriority", "LOWEST").toUpperCase());

        case COMMAND:
          if (getConfig().getBoolean("commandfilter", false)) {
            cmdPriority =
                EventPriority.valueOf(getConfig().getString("cmdpriority", "LOWEST").toUpperCase());

        case SIGN:
          if (getConfig().getBoolean("signfilter", false)) {
            signPriority =
                    getConfig().getString("signpriority", "LOWEST").toUpperCase());

        case ITEM:
          if (getConfig().getBoolean("itemfilter", false)) {
            invPriority =
                EventPriority.valueOf(getConfig().getString("invpriority", "LOWEST").toUpperCase());