Beispiel #1
   * Output the World Model to the specified stream.
   * @param model The world model to export
   * @param fw The stream to write to
  public void export(WorldModel model, Writer fw) {

    super.export(model, fw);

    Entity[] entities = ((BaseWorldModel) model).getModelData();

    int len = entities.length;

    try {


      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        Entity entity = entities[i];

        if (entity == null) {
          // Its expected we will have gaps

        if (entity.isController()) {

        fw.write("<!-- Begin entity: " + entity.getEntityID() + "-->\n");

        // if the entity has a position then place it
        if (entity instanceof PositionableEntity) {

          double[] position = new double[3];
          float[] rotation = new float[4];
          float[] scale = new float[3];

          ((PositionableEntity) entity).getPosition(position);
          ((PositionableEntity) entity).getRotation(rotation);
          ((PositionableEntity) entity).getScale(scale);

              "    <Transform "
                  + "translation='"
                  + position[0]
                  + " "
                  + position[1]
                  + " "
                  + position[2]
                  + "' "
                  + "rotation='"
                  + rotation[0]
                  + " "
                  + rotation[1]
                  + " "
                  + rotation[2]
                  + " "
                  + rotation[3]
                  + "' "
                  + "scale='"
                  + scale[0]
                  + " "
                  + scale[1]
                  + " "
                  + scale[2]
                  + "' >\n");

        // inline the model
        String url = entity.getModelURL();
        fw.write("        <Inline url='" + url + "' />\n");

        // if the entity has a position then place it
        if (entity instanceof PositionableEntity) {
          fw.write("    </Transform>\n");

        fw.write("<!-- End entity: " + entity.getEntityID() + "-->\n");


    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      errorReporter.errorReport("IO Error.", ioe);
Beispiel #2
   * Output a specific entity to the specified stream.
   * @param model The world model to export
   * @param entityID The entity to export
   * @param mainScene The X3D scene to write to
  public X3DNode export(WorldModel model, int entityID, X3DScene mainScene, String worldURL) {

    // get the entity
    Entity entity = model.getEntity(entityID);

    if (entity == null) {
      errorReporter.messageReport("Cannot find model to export: " + entityID);
      return null;

    if (entity.isController()) {
      return null;

    try {

      X3DNode group;

      // if the entity has a position then place it
      if (entity instanceof PositionableEntity) {

        double[] position = new double[3];
        float[] rotation = new float[4];
        float[] scale = new float[3];

        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getPosition(position);
        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getRotation(rotation);
        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getScale(scale);

        float[] pos = new float[] {(float) position[0], (float) position[1], (float) position[2]};

        // create the transform group node
        group = mainScene.createNode("Transform");
        SFVec3f translationField = (SFVec3f) (group.getField("translation"));
        SFRotation rotationField = (SFRotation) (group.getField("rotation"));
        SFVec3f scaleField = (SFVec3f) (group.getField("scale"));

      } else {

        // create the transform group node
        group = mainScene.createNode("Group");

      // create the inline node
      String url = worldURL + entity.getModelURL();

      X3DNode inline = mainScene.createNode("Inline");
      MFString urlField = (MFString) (inline.getField("url"));
      urlField.setValue(1, new String[] {url});

      // grab the child node to append to
      MFNode childrenField = (MFNode) (group.getField("children"));

      // add inline to the group/transform

      return group;

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      errorReporter.errorReport("Error.", ex);

    return null;
Beispiel #3
   * Output a specific entity to the specified stream.
   * @param model The world model to export
   * @param entityID The entity to export
   * @param fw The stream to write to
  public void export(WorldModel model, int entityID, Writer fw, String worldURL) {

    super.export(model, entityID, fw);

    Entity[] toolValues = ((BaseWorldModel) model).getModelData();

    Entity entity = toolValues[entityID];

    if (entity == null) {
      // errorReporter.messageReport("Cannot find model to export: " + entityID);

    if (entity.isController()) {

    try {

      fw.write("<!-- Begin entity: " + entity.getEntityID() + "-->\n");

      // if the entity has a position then place it
      if (entity instanceof PositionableEntity) {

        double[] position = new double[3];
        float[] rotation = new float[4];
        float[] scale = new float[3];

        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getPosition(position);
        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getRotation(rotation);
        ((PositionableEntity) entity).getScale(scale);

            "    <Transform "
                + "translation='"
                + position[0]
                + " "
                + position[1]
                + " "
                + position[2]
                + "' "
                + "rotation='"
                + rotation[0]
                + " "
                + rotation[1]
                + " "
                + rotation[2]
                + " "
                + rotation[3]
                + "' "
                + "scale='"
                + scale[0]
                + " "
                + scale[1]
                + " "
                + scale[2]
                + "' >\n");

      // inline the model
      String url = entity.getModelURL();

      fw.write("        <Inline url='" + worldURL + url + "' />\n");

      // if the entity has a position then place it
      if (entity instanceof PositionableEntity) {
        fw.write("    </Transform>\n");

      fw.write("<!-- End entity: " + entity.getEntityID() + "-->\n");


    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      errorReporter.errorReport("IO Error.", ioe);