Beispiel #1
    private HttpConnector createHttpConnector(final boolean sslHostnameVerification) {

      final EndpointIterator endpointIterator = EndpointIterator.of(endpointSupplier.get());

      final DefaultHttpConnector connector =
          new DefaultHttpConnector(endpointIterator, 10000, sslHostnameVerification);

      Optional<AgentProxy> agentProxyOpt = Optional.absent();
      try {
        agentProxyOpt = Optional.of(AgentProxies.newInstance());
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // the user likely doesn't have ssh-agent setup. This may not matter at all if the masters
        // do not require authentication, so we delay reporting any sort of error to the user until
        // the servers return 401 Unauthorized.
        log.debug("{}", e);

      // set up the ClientCertificatePath, giving precedence to any values set
      // with setClientCertificatePath()
      if (clientCertificatePath == null) {
        final String heliosCertPath = System.getenv(HELIOS_CERT_PATH);
        if (!isNullOrEmpty(heliosCertPath)) {
          final Path certPath = Paths.get(heliosCertPath, "cert.pem");
          final Path keyPath = Paths.get(heliosCertPath, "key.pem");

          if (certPath.toFile().canRead() && keyPath.toFile().canRead()) {
            this.clientCertificatePath = new ClientCertificatePath(certPath, keyPath);
          } else {
                "{} is set to {}, but {} and/or {} do not exist or cannot be read. "
                    + "Will not send client certificate in HeliosClient requests.",

      return new AuthenticatingHttpConnector(
  public HttpURLConnection connect(
      final URI uri,
      final String method,
      final byte[] entity,
      final Map<String, List<String>> headers)
      throws HeliosException {
    final Endpoint endpoint =;

    // convert the URI whose hostname portion is a domain name into a URI where the host is an IP
    // as we expect there to be several different IP addresses besides a common domain name
    final URI ipUri;
    try {
      ipUri = toIpUri(endpoint, uri);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      throw new HeliosException(e);

    try {
      log.debug("connecting to {}", ipUri);

      if (clientCertificatePath.isPresent()) {
        // prioritize using the certificate file if set
        return connectWithCertificateFile(ipUri, method, entity, headers);
      } else if (agentProxy.isPresent() && !identities.isEmpty()) {
        // ssh-agent based authentication
        return connectWithIdentities(identities, ipUri, method, entity, headers);
      } else {
        // no authentication
        return doConnect(ipUri, method, entity, headers);

    } catch (ConnectException | SocketTimeoutException | UnknownHostException e) {
      // UnknownHostException happens if we can't resolve hostname into IP address.
      // UnknownHostException's getMessage method returns just the hostname which is a
      // useless message, so log the exception class name to provide more info.
      throw new HeliosException("Unable to connect to master", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HeliosException(e);