Beispiel #1
  protected double computeFunctionGradientLL(double lambda[], double grad[]) {
    double logli = 0;
    try {
      for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) {
        grad[f] = -1 * lambda[f] * params.invSigmaSquare;
        logli -= ((lambda[f] * lambda[f]) * params.invSigmaSquare) / 2;
      if (featureGenCache != null) featureGenCache.startDataScan();
      for (int numRecord = 0; diter.hasNext(); numRecord++) {
        DataSequence dataSeq = (DataSequence);
        if (featureGenCache != null) featureGenCache.nextDataIndex();
        if (params.debugLvl > 1) {
          Util.printDbg("Read next seq: " + numRecord + " logli " + logli);
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) ExpF[f] = RobustMath.LOG0;

        if ((beta_Y == null) || (beta_Y.length < dataSeq.length())) {
          beta_Y = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D[2 * dataSeq.length()];
          for (int i = 0; i < beta_Y.length; i++) beta_Y[i] = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(numY);
        // compute beta values in a backward scan.
        // also scale beta-values to 1 to avoid numerical problems.
        beta_Y[dataSeq.length() - 1].assign(0);
        for (int i = dataSeq.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
          if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
            /*  Util.printDbg("Features fired");
            featureGenerator.startScanFeaturesAt(dataSeq, i);
            while (featureGenerator.hasNext()) {
            Feature feature =;

          // compute the Mi matrix
          initMDone =
                  featureGenerator, lambda, dataSeq, i, Mi_YY, Ri_Y, false, reuseM, initMDone);
          tmp_Y.assign(Ri_Y, sumFunc);
          RobustMath.logMult(Mi_YY, tmp_Y, beta_Y[i - 1], 1, 0, false, edgeGen);

        double thisSeqLogli = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSeq.length(); i++) {
          // compute the Mi matrix
          initMDone =
                  featureGenerator, lambda, dataSeq, i, Mi_YY, Ri_Y, false, reuseM, initMDone);
          // find features that fire at this position..
          featureGenerator.startScanFeaturesAt(dataSeq, i);

          if (i > 0) {
            RobustMath.logMult(Mi_YY, tmp_Y, newAlpha_Y, 1, 0, true, edgeGen);
            newAlpha_Y.assign(Ri_Y, sumFunc);
          } else {

          while (featureGenerator.hasNext()) {
            Feature feature =;
            int f = feature.index();

            int yp = feature.y();
            int yprev = feature.yprev();
            float val = feature.value();

            if ((dataSeq.y(i) == yp)
                && (((i - 1 >= 0) && (yprev == dataSeq.y(i - 1))) || (yprev < 0))) {
              grad[f] += val;
              thisSeqLogli += val * lambda[f];
              if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
                System.out.println("Feature fired " + f + " " + feature);

            if (yprev < 0) {
              ExpF[f] =
                      ExpF[f], newAlpha_Y.get(yp) + RobustMath.log(val) + beta_Y[i].get(yp));
            } else {
              ExpF[f] =
                          + Ri_Y.get(yp)
                          + Mi_YY.get(yprev, yp)
                          + RobustMath.log(val)
                          + beta_Y[i].get(yp));

          if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
            System.out.println("Alpha-i " + alpha_Y.toString());
            System.out.println("Ri " + Ri_Y.toString());
            System.out.println("Mi " + Mi_YY.toString());
            System.out.println("Beta-i " + beta_Y[i].toString());
        double lZx = RobustMath.logSumExp(alpha_Y);
        thisSeqLogli -= lZx;
        logli += thisSeqLogli;
        // update grad.
        for (int f = 0; f < grad.length; f++) {
          grad[f] -= RobustMath.exp(ExpF[f] - lZx);
        if (params.debugLvl > 1) {
              "Sequence "
                  + thisSeqLogli
                  + " logli "
                  + logli
                  + " log(Zx) "
                  + lZx
                  + " Zx "
                  + Math.exp(lZx));
      if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) System.out.print(lambda[f] + " ");
        System.out.println(" :x");
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) System.out.print(grad[f] + " ");
        System.out.println(" :g");

      if (params.debugLvl > 0)
            "Iteration "
                + icall
                + " log-likelihood "
                + logli
                + " norm(grad logli) "
                + norm(grad)
                + " norm(x) "
                + norm(lambda));

    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Alpha-i " + alpha_Y.toString());
      System.out.println("Ri " + Ri_Y.toString());
      System.out.println("Mi " + Mi_YY.toString());

    return logli;
  /** Creates a new instance of testmatrix */
  public GLSsolver(double[][] p_MatrixgleichNull) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    // --------------------------------------
    // Kontrolle, ob Eingabematrix rechteckig
    // --------------------------------------

    int nplus1 = p_MatrixgleichNull[0].length;
    for (int i = 1; i < p_MatrixgleichNull.length; i++) { // Zeilen i
      if (p_MatrixgleichNull[i].length != nplus1) {
            "Programmfehler: Matrix des GLS ist nicht rechteckig! (im solver entdeckt)");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (nplus1 <= 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("keine Unbekannte"); // keine Unbekannte!!!

    // Umgeht einen Fehler in der colt-Bibliothek // TODO wenn behoben, Workaround entfernen
    // ------
    int anzGl = p_MatrixgleichNull.length;
    if (anzGl < nplus1 - 1) { // anzGleichungen < anz Unbekannte
      if (debug) System.out.println("WorkAround fuer Fehler in colt: 0 = 0 Gleichungen anhaengen");
      anzGl = nplus1 - 1; // = Anzahl Unbek, 0 0 0 ... 0 = 0 Zeile angehängt

    // -------------------------
    // Daten in A und b einlesen
    // -------------------------

    // so dass A*x = b
    A = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(anzGl, (nplus1 - 1));
    DenseDoubleMatrix2D b = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(anzGl, 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < p_MatrixgleichNull.length; i++) { // Zeilen i
      for (int j = 0; j < nplus1 - 1; j++) { // Spalten
        A.set(i, j, p_MatrixgleichNull[i][j]);
      b.set(i, 0, -p_MatrixgleichNull[i][nplus1 - 1]);

    if (debug) {
      System.out.println(" A = " + A.toString());
      System.out.println(" b = " + b.toString());

    // --------------
    // LR - Zerlegung
    // --------------

    LUDecomposition ALU = new LUDecomposition(A);
    if (debug) System.out.println(ALU.toString());

    DoubleMatrix2D L = ALU.getL();
    R = ALU.getU();
    int[] piv = ALU.getPivot();

    Algebra alg = new Algebra();
    //        if (debug) System.out.println("L = " + L.toString());
    //        if (debug) System.out.println("Kontrolle L*R = " + alg.mult(L,R).toString());
    //        if (debug) System.out.println("Kontrolle P*b = " + alg.permute(b, piv, null) );
    //        if (debug) System.out.println("Rx = c: R = " + R.toString());
    //        if (debug) System.out.println("alg.permute(b, piv, null) = " + alg.permute(b, piv,
    // null).toString());

    c = alg.solve(L, alg.permute(b, piv, null)); // TODO: kann zu Problemen führen,
    // wenn weniger Gleichungen als Unbek --> s.Workaround oben

    if (debug) System.out.println("Lc = Pb:  c = " + c.toString());

    if (debug) {
      System.out.println("Rang A: " + alg.rank(A));
      System.out.println("Rang R: " + alg.rank(R));

    assert (alg.rank(A) == alg.rank(R)) : "Rang von A ungleich Rang von R --> Programmfehler";
    anzUnbestParam = A.columns() - alg.rank(A);
    if (debug) System.out.println("Anz unbest Parameter: " + anzUnbestParam);
Beispiel #3
  protected double computeFunctionGradient(double lambda[], double grad[]) {
    initMDone = false;

    if (params.trainerType.equals("ll")) return computeFunctionGradientLL(lambda, grad);
    double logli = 0;
    try {
      for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) {
        grad[f] = -1 * lambda[f] * params.invSigmaSquare;
        logli -= ((lambda[f] * lambda[f]) * params.invSigmaSquare) / 2;
      boolean doScaling = params.doScaling;

      if (featureGenCache != null) featureGenCache.startDataScan();
      int numRecord = 0;
      for (numRecord = 0; diter.hasNext(); numRecord++) {
        DataSequence dataSeq = (DataSequence);
        if (featureGenCache != null) featureGenCache.nextDataIndex();
        if (params.debugLvl > 1) {
          Util.printDbg("Read next seq: " + numRecord + " logli " + logli);
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) ExpF[f] = 0;

        if ((beta_Y == null) || (beta_Y.length < dataSeq.length())) {
          beta_Y = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D[2 * dataSeq.length()];
          for (int i = 0; i < beta_Y.length; i++) beta_Y[i] = new DenseDoubleMatrix1D(numY);

          scale = new double[2 * dataSeq.length()];
        // compute beta values in a backward scan.
        // also scale beta-values to 1 to avoid numerical problems.
        scale[dataSeq.length() - 1] = (doScaling) ? numY : 1;
        beta_Y[dataSeq.length() - 1].assign(1.0 / scale[dataSeq.length() - 1]);
        for (int i = dataSeq.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
          if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
            Util.printDbg("Features fired");
            // featureGenerator.startScanFeaturesAt(dataSeq, i);
            // while (featureGenerator.hasNext()) {
            // Feature feature =;
            // Util.printDbg(feature.toString());
            // }

          // compute the Mi matrix
          initMDone =
                  featureGenerator, lambda, dataSeq, i, Mi_YY, Ri_Y, true, reuseM, initMDone);
          tmp_Y.assign(Ri_Y, multFunc);
          RobustMath.Mult(Mi_YY, tmp_Y, beta_Y[i - 1], 1, 0, false, edgeGen);
          //		Mi_YY.zMult(tmp_Y, beta_Y[i-1]);

          // need to scale the beta-s to avoid overflow
          scale[i - 1] = doScaling ? beta_Y[i - 1].zSum() : 1;
          if ((scale[i - 1] < 1) && (scale[i - 1] > -1)) scale[i - 1] = 1;
          constMultiplier.multiplicator = 1.0 / scale[i - 1];
          beta_Y[i - 1].assign(constMultiplier);

        double thisSeqLogli = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSeq.length(); i++) {
          // compute the Mi matrix
          initMDone =
                  featureGenerator, lambda, dataSeq, i, Mi_YY, Ri_Y, true, reuseM, initMDone);
          // find features that fire at this position..
          featureGenerator.startScanFeaturesAt(dataSeq, i);

          if (i > 0) {
            RobustMath.Mult(Mi_YY, tmp_Y, newAlpha_Y, 1, 0, true, edgeGen);
            //		Mi_YY.zMult(tmp_Y, newAlpha_Y,1,0,true);
            newAlpha_Y.assign(Ri_Y, multFunc);
          } else {
          while (featureGenerator.hasNext()) {
            Feature feature =;
            int f = feature.index();

            int yp = feature.y();
            int yprev = feature.yprev();
            float val = feature.value();
            if ((dataSeq.y(i) == yp)
                && (((i - 1 >= 0) && (yprev == dataSeq.y(i - 1))) || (yprev < 0))) {
              grad[f] += val;
              thisSeqLogli += val * lambda[f];
            if (yprev < 0) {
              ExpF[f] += newAlpha_Y.get(yp) * val * beta_Y[i].get(yp);
            } else {
              ExpF[f] +=
                      * Ri_Y.get(yp)
                      * Mi_YY.get(yprev, yp)
                      * val
                      * beta_Y[i].get(yp);

          // now scale the alpha-s to avoid overflow problems.
          constMultiplier.multiplicator = 1.0 / scale[i];

          if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
            System.out.println("Alpha-i " + alpha_Y.toString());
            System.out.println("Ri " + Ri_Y.toString());
            System.out.println("Mi " + Mi_YY.toString());
            System.out.println("Beta-i " + beta_Y[i].toString());
        double Zx = alpha_Y.zSum();
        thisSeqLogli -= log(Zx);
        // correct for the fact that alpha-s were scaled.
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSeq.length(); i++) {
          thisSeqLogli -= log(scale[i]);

        logli += thisSeqLogli;
        // update grad.
        for (int f = 0; f < grad.length; f++) grad[f] -= ExpF[f] / Zx;

        if (params.debugLvl > 1) {
              "Sequence "
                  + thisSeqLogli
                  + " logli "
                  + logli
                  + " log(Zx) "
                  + Math.log(Zx)
                  + " Zx "
                  + Zx);
      if (params.debugLvl > 2) {
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++) System.out.print(lambda[f] + " ");
        System.out.println(" :x");
        for (int f = 0; f < lambda.length; f++)
          System.out.println(featureGenerator.featureName(f) + " " + grad[f] + " ");
        System.out.println(" :g");

      if (params.debugLvl > 0)
            "Iter "
                + icall
                + " log likelihood "
                + logli
                + " norm(grad logli) "
                + norm(grad)
                + " norm(x) "
                + norm(lambda));
      if (icall == 0) {
        System.out.println("Number of training records" + numRecord);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Alpha-i " + alpha_Y.toString());
      System.out.println("Ri " + Ri_Y.toString());
      System.out.println("Mi " + Mi_YY.toString());

    return logli;