public long getParIdForGesture(long startParId, int y) { Paragraph startPar = lockManager.getParFromId(startParId); int startParY = documentPanel.getYValueFromOffset(startPar.getOffset()); int offset = documentPanel.getOffsetFromPoint(new Point(25, startParY + y)); return lockManager.getParFromOffset(offset).getID(); }
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) { if (enabled) { view.revalidate(); // NB this is required for Windows to actually call doLayout view.repaint(); DocumentPanel docpanel = getDocumentPanel(); if (docpanel != null && !isSmoothScrolling()) { docpanel.raiseDocumentPanelEvent(DocumentPanelEvent.createPagePositionChanged(docpanel)); } } }
/** * @param x x coordinate in PDF units * @param y y coordinate in PDF units * @param centre if true, centre this location in the viewport, otherwise cause it to be displayed * at the top left of the viewport. */ private void ensureVisible(PDFPage page, double x, double y, boolean centre) { PDFPage oldPage = view.getPage(); Collection<PagePanel> oldPagePanels = view.getPagePanels(); view.setPage(page, false); Rectangle pageRect = view.getPageRectangle(page); if (pageRect != null) { Rectangle2D crop = PagePanel.getFullPageView(page); int xoffset = pageRect.x, yoffset = pageRect.y; if (x > crop.getMinX()) { // Also confirms !NaN xoffset += pointsToPixels((float) (Math.min(crop.getMaxX(), x) - crop.getMinX())); } if (y < crop.getMaxY()) { // Also confirms !NaN yoffset += pointsToPixels((float) (crop.getHeight() - Math.max(0, y - crop.getMinY()))); } JScrollBar hsb = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar(); JScrollBar vsb = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar(); if (centre) { xoffset -= hsb.getVisibleAmount() / 2; yoffset -= vsb.getVisibleAmount() / 2; } if (getPagePanel() != null && getPagePanel().getClip() != null) { hsb.setValue(xoffset); // Don't want to smooth scroll if we're clipping vsb.setValue(yoffset); // the page rectangles. } else { smoothScroll(xoffset, yoffset, hsb, vsb); } } if (page != oldPage) { DocumentPanel docpanel = getDocumentPanel(); if (docpanel != null) { DocumentPanelEvent dpe = DocumentPanelEvent.createPageChanged(docpanel); dpe.setPreviousPage(oldPage); docpanel.raiseDocumentPanelEvent(dpe); } Collection<PagePanel> newPagePanels = view.getPagePanels(); for (Iterator<PagePanel> i = oldPagePanels.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { PagePanel oldPagePanel =; if (!newPagePanels.contains(oldPagePanel)) { oldPagePanel.raisePagePanelEvent(PagePanelEvent.createPageHidden(oldPagePanel, oldPage)); } } for (Iterator<PagePanel> i = newPagePanels.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { PagePanel newPagePanel =; if (!oldPagePanels.contains(newPagePanel)) { newPagePanel.raisePagePanelEvent(PagePanelEvent.createPageVisible(newPagePanel, page)); } } } }
public synchronized void push( DocumentPanel documentpanel, DocumentFormatterRef documentformatterref) { init(); DocumentFormatterRef documentformatterref1 = documentpanel.current; if (documentpanel.isLoadingNext()) documentformatterref1 =; if (documentformatterref1 == null) return; Node node = new Node(); = documentpanel; node.newContents = new DocumentFormatterPresentation(documentformatterref); node.oldContents = new DocumentFormatterPresentation(documentformatterref1); node.extViewer = false; if (!(documentpanel instanceof HotJavaBrowserBean)) { Vector vector = new Vector(); for (java.awt.Container container = documentpanel.getParent(); container != null; container = container.getParent()) { if (!(container instanceof DocumentPanel)) continue; vector.addElement(((DocumentPanel) container).current); if (container instanceof HotJavaBrowserBean) break; } node.parents = new DocumentFormatterRef[vector.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < vector.size(); j++) { node.parents[j] = (DocumentFormatterRef) vector.elementAt(j); node.parents[j].addClient(); } } node.oldContents.setScrollPosition(documentpanel.getScrollPosition()); node.oldContents.getFormatterRef().offsetStored = true; node.oldContents.getFormatterRef().getFormatter().dispatchDocumentEvent(1040, null); pruneCurrentToTop(); nodes.addElement(node); currentPos++; enforceContentsThreshold(currentPos - purgeContentsThreshold); enforceURLThreshold(currentPos - purgeURLThreshold); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node node1 = (Node) nodes.elementAt(i); if (node1.extViewer) { node.oldContents = node1.oldContents; nodes.removeElementAt(i); currentPos--; } } }
LinearizedSupport(final DocumentPanel docpanel) { this.docpanel = docpanel; PDF pdf = docpanel.getPDF(); supportmap = new HashMap<Integer, Support>(); if (pdf != null) { int numpages = pdf.getNumberOfPages(); for (int i = 0; i < numpages; i++) { LoadState state = pdf.getLoadState(i); if (state != null) { supportmap.put(Integer.valueOf(i), new Support(state)); } } final LoadState state = pdf.getLoadState(-1); if (state != null) { supportmap.put(null, new Support(state)); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { float oldprogress = (float) state.getBytesRemaining() / state.getBytes(); while (state.getBytesRemaining() > 0) { float progress = (float) state.getBytesRemaining() / state.getBytes(); if (progress != oldprogress) { docpanel.firePropertyChange("loadProgress", oldprogress, progress); oldprogress = progress; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } docpanel.firePropertyChange("loadProgress", oldprogress, 1); } }; t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } pdf.addPropertyChangeListener(this); triggerqueue = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); } }
public void setDocumentPanel(DocumentPanel panel) { super.setDocumentPanel(panel); scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(mouseWheelUnit); scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(mouseWheelUnit); PDF pdf = panel == null ? null : panel.getPDF(); if (pdf != this.pdf) { view.cleanup(); this.pdf = pdf; if (pdf != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { PDFPage page = getDocumentPanel().getPage(); if (page == null) { page = getDocumentPanel().getPDF().getPage(0); } setPage(page, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, getZoom()); } }); } } }
public synchronized void replace( DocumentPanel documentpanel, DocumentFormatterRef documentformatterref) { init(); boolean flag = false; for (int i = currentPos - 1; !flag && i >= 0; i--) { Node node = (Node) nodes.elementAt(i); if ( == documentpanel) { node.newContents.flush(); node.newContents = new DocumentFormatterPresentation(documentformatterref); for (i++; !flag && i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node node1 = (Node) nodes.elementAt(i); if ( == documentpanel) { node1.oldContents.flush(); node1.oldContents = new DocumentFormatterPresentation(documentformatterref); flag = true; } } flag = true; } }; }