Beispiel #1
 // scan up the component hierarchy until the real owner is found and collect all cloned
 // components.
 private static List<Component> scanClones(DataBinder binder, Component comp) {
   if (DataBinder.isTemplate(comp)) {
     final List<Component> owners =
         scanClones(binder, binder.getCollectionOwner(comp)); // recursive
     final List<Component> kidowners = new LinkedList<Component>();
     for (Component owner : owners) {
       final CollectionItem decor = binder.getCollectionItemByOwner(owner);
       // backward compatible, CollectionItemEx.getItems() is faster
       if (decor instanceof CollectionItemExt) {
         final CollectionItemExt decorex = (CollectionItemExt) decor;
         for (final Iterator iti = decorex.getItems(owner).iterator(); iti.hasNext(); ) {
           final Component item = (Component);
           kidowners.add(DataBinder.lookupClone(item, comp));
       } else {
         try {
           for (int j = 0; true; ++j) { // iterate until out of bound
             final Component item = decor.getComponentAtIndexByOwner(owner, j);
             kidowners.add(DataBinder.lookupClone(item, comp));
         } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
           // ignore, iterate until out of bound
     return kidowners;
   } else {
     final List<Component> owners = new ArrayList<Component>();
     return owners;
Beispiel #2
 /** Get converted value and original value of this Binding. */
 private Object[] getAttributeValues(Component comp) {
   if (!isSavable()
       || _attr.startsWith("_")
       || DataBinder.isTemplate(comp)
       || comp.getPage() == null) {
     return null; // cannot save, a control attribute, or a detached component, skip!
   Object rawval = null;
   try {
     rawval = Fields.get(comp, _attr);
   } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
     // Bug #1813278, Annotations do not work with xhtml tags
     if (comp instanceof DynamicPropertied) {
       final DynamicPropertied dpcomp = (DynamicPropertied) comp;
       if (dpcomp.hasDynamicProperty(_attr)) {
         rawval = dpcomp.getDynamicProperty(_attr);
       } else {
         throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
     } else if (comp.getAttributes()
             _attr)) { // Feature #2855116. Get value from component custom-attribute(also a
                       // variable in ZK5).
       rawval = comp.getAttribute(_attr);
     } else {
       throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
   try {
     final Object val = (_converter == null) ? rawval : _converter.coerceToBean(rawval, comp);
     return val == TypeConverter.IGNORE ? null : new Object[] {val, rawval};
   } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
     throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);
Beispiel #3
  * load bean value into the attribute of the specified component.
  * @param comp the component.
  * @param bean the bean value.
 public void loadAttribute(Component comp, Object bean) {
   if (!isLoadable()
       || _attr.startsWith("_")
       || DataBinder.isTemplate(comp)
       || comp.getPage() == null) {
     return; // cannot load, a control attribute, or a detached component, skip!
   myLoadAttribute(comp, bean);
Beispiel #4
  * load bean value into the attribute of the specified component.
  * @param comp the component.
 public void loadAttribute(Component comp) {
   if (!isLoadable()
       || _attr.startsWith("_")
       || DataBinder.isTemplate(comp)
       || comp == null // bug #1941947 Cannot find associated CollectionItem
       || comp.getPage() == null) {
     return; // cannot load, a control attribute, or a detached component, skip!
   Object bean = _binder.getBeanAndRegisterBeanSameNodes(comp, _expression);
   myLoadAttribute(comp, bean);
Beispiel #5
 protected void handleEvent(Event event) {
   for (BindingInfo bi : _dataTargets) {
     final Component dt = bi.getComponent();
     final Binding binding = bi.getBinding();
     final DataBinder binder = binding.getBinder();
     final Component dataTarget =
         DataBinder.isTemplate(dt) ? DataBinder.lookupClone(event.getTarget(), dt) : dt;
     if (dataTarget != null) {
     } else { // #bug 2897202
       final List<Component> clones = scanClones(binder, dt);
       for (final Component dataTarget1 : clones) {
Beispiel #6
    protected void handleEvent(Event event) {
      final Component target = event.getTarget();
      final String triggerEventName = event.getName();
      final List<BindingInfo> tmplist = new ArrayList<BindingInfo>(_dataTargets.size());
      final List<Object> values = new LinkedList<Object>();
      final List<Component> refs = new LinkedList<Component>();
      final List<Binding> bindings = new LinkedList<Binding>();

      // fire onSave for each binding
      for (BindingInfo bi : _dataTargets) {
        final Component dt = bi.getComponent();
        final Binding binding = bi.getBinding();
        final DataBinder binder = binding.getBinder();
        final Component dataTarget =
            DataBinder.isTemplate(dt) ? DataBinder.lookupClone(target, dt) : dt;
        // bug# 1904389: NullPointerException if save-when in collection binding
        // event.getTarget() might not inside the collection item (i.e. row, listitem, etc.)
        // then binder.lookupClone() will return null dataTarget.
        if (dataTarget != null) {
          final Object[] vals = binding.getAttributeValues(dataTarget);
          if (vals != null) {
            tmplist.add(new BindingInfo(binding, dataTarget, vals));
                new BindingSaveEvent("onBindingSave", dataTarget, target, binding, vals[0]));
        } else {
          // bi.getComponent a template and a null dataTarget, meaning all collection items has to
          // be handled. Search the owner to iterate all cloned items.
          final List<Component> clones = scanClones(binder, dt);
          for (Component dataTarget1 : clones) {
            final Object[] vals = binding.getAttributeValues(dataTarget1);
            if (vals != null) {
              tmplist.add(new BindingInfo(binding, dataTarget1, vals));
                  new BindingSaveEvent("onBindingSave", dataTarget1, target, binding, vals[0]));

      // fire onValidate for target component
          new BindingValidateEvent("onBindingValidate", target, refs, bindings, values));

      // saveAttribute for each binding
      Component loadOnSaveProxy = null;
      Component dataTarget = null;
      DataBinder binder = null;
      final List<Object> loadOnSaveInfos = new ArrayList<Object>(tmplist.size());
      for (BindingInfo bi : tmplist) {
        dataTarget = bi.getComponent();
        final Binding binding = bi.getBinding();
        if (binder == null) {
          binder = binding.getBinder();
        final Object[] vals = bi.getAttributeValues();
        binding.saveAttributeValue(dataTarget, vals, loadOnSaveInfos, triggerEventName);
        if (loadOnSaveProxy == null && dataTarget.isListenerAvailable("onLoadOnSave", true)) {
          loadOnSaveProxy = dataTarget;

      // bug #1895856 : data binding LoadOnSave works only on the last save-when component
      // do loadOnSave
      // if (dataTarget != null) {
      //		Events.postEvent(new Event("onLoadOnSave", dataTarget, loadOnSaveInfos));
      //	}

      // (use first working dataTarget as proxy)
      // feature#2990932, allow disable load-on-save mechanism
      if (loadOnSaveProxy != null && binder.isLoadOnSave()) {
        Events.postEvent(new Event("onLoadOnSave", loadOnSaveProxy, loadOnSaveInfos));