CustomObjectStructure(LocalWorld world, CustomObjectCoordinate start) {
    CustomObject object = start.getObject(); = world;
    this.start = start;
    this.height = object.getStructurePartSpawnHeight();
    this.maxBranchDepth = object.getMaxBranchDepth();
    random =
        RandomHelper.getRandomForCoords(start.getX(), start.getY(), start.getZ(), world.getSeed());

    // Calculate all branches and add them to a list
    objectsToSpawn = new LinkedHashMap<ChunkCoordinate, Set<CustomObjectCoordinate>>();
    addToSpawnList(start); // Add the object itself
    addBranches(start, 1);
  private void addBranches(CustomObjectCoordinate coordObject, int depth) {
    for (Branch branch : getBranches(coordObject.getObject(), coordObject.getRotation())) {
      CustomObjectCoordinate childCoordObject =
              world, random, coordObject.getX(), coordObject.getY(), coordObject.getZ());

      // Don't add null objects
      if (childCoordObject == null) {

      // Add this object to the chunk

      // Also add the branches of this object
      if (depth < maxBranchDepth) {
        addBranches(childCoordObject, depth + 1);